• 2015年第六届蓝桥杯C/C++ A组国赛 —— 第三题:显示二叉树




    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #define N 1000
    #define HEIGHT 100
    #define WIDTH 1000
    struct BiTree
    	int v;
    	struct BiTree* l;
    	struct BiTree* r;
    int max(int a, int b)
    	return a>b? a : b;
    struct BiTree* init(struct BiTree* p, int v)
    	p->l = NULL;
    	p->r = NULL;
    	p->v = v;
    	return p;
    void add(struct BiTree* me, struct BiTree* the)
    	if(the->v < me->v){
    		if(me->l==NULL) me->l = the;
    		else add(me->l, the);
    		if(me->r==NULL) me->r = the;
    		else add(me->r, the);
    int getHeight(struct BiTree* me)
    	int h = 2;
    	int hl = me->l==NULL? 0 : getHeight(me->l);
    	int hr = me->r==NULL? 0 : getHeight(me->r);
    	return h + max(hl,hr);
    int getWidth(struct BiTree* me)
    	char buf[100];
    	int w = strlen(buf);
    	if(me->l) w += getWidth(me->l);
    	if(me->r) w += getWidth(me->r);
    	return w;
    int getRootPos(struct BiTree* me, int x){
    	return me->l==NULL? x : x + getWidth(me->l);
    void printInBuf(struct BiTree* me, char buf[][WIDTH], int x, int y)
    	int p1,p2,p3,i;
    	char sv[100];
    	sprintf(sv, "%d", me->v);
    	p1 = me->l==NULL? x : getRootPos(me->l, x);
    	p2 = getRootPos(me, x);
    	p3 = me->r==NULL? p2 : getRootPos(me->r, p2+strlen(sv));
    	buf[y][p2] = '|';
    	for(i=p1; i<=p3; i++) buf[y+1][i]='-';
    	for(i=0; i<strlen(sv); i++) buf[y+1][p2+i]=sv[i];
    	if(p1<p2) buf[y+1][p1] = '/';
    	if(p3>p2) buf[y+1][p3] = '\';
    	if(me->l) printInBuf(me->l,buf,x,y+2);
    	if(me->r) ____________________________________;  //填空位置
    void showBuf(char x[][WIDTH])
    	int i,j;
    	for(i=0; i<HEIGHT; i++){
    		for(j=WIDTH-1; j>=0; j--){
    			if(x[i][j]==' ') x[i][j] = '';
    			else break;
    		if(x[i][0])	printf("%s
    		else break;
    void show(struct BiTree* me)
    	char buf[HEIGHT][WIDTH];
    	int i,j;
    	for(i=0; i<HEIGHT; i++)
    	for(j=0; j<WIDTH; j++) buf[i][j] = ' ';
    	printInBuf(me, buf, 0, 0);
    int main()
    	struct BiTree buf[N];	//存储节点数据 
    	int n = 0;              //节点个数 
    	init(&buf[0], 500); n++;  //初始化第一个节点 
    	add(&buf[0], init(&buf[n++],200));  //新的节点加入树中 
    	add(&buf[0], init(&buf[n++],509));
    	add(&buf[0], init(&buf[n++],100));
    	add(&buf[0], init(&buf[n++],250));
    	add(&buf[0], init(&buf[n++],507));
    	add(&buf[0], init(&buf[n++],600));
    	add(&buf[0], init(&buf[n++],650));
    	add(&buf[0], init(&buf[n++],450));
    	add(&buf[0], init(&buf[n++],440));
    	add(&buf[0], init(&buf[n++],220));
    	return 0;	


       |                    |
    /--200---           /--509
    |        |           |     |
    100   /--250---     507   600
          |        |              |
          220   /--450            650




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     ^.0                                                                  001.     .^
    /* Procedural objectives:
     Variables required by the program:
     Procedural thinking:
     Functions required by the program:
     Determination algorithm:
     Determining data structure:
    /* My dear Max said:
    "I like you,
    So the first bunch of sunshine I saw in the morning is you,
    The first gentle breeze that passed through my ear is you,
    The first star I see is also you.
    The world I see is all your shadow."
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #define N 1000
    #define HEIGHT 100
    #define WIDTH 1000
    struct BiTree
    	int v;
    	struct BiTree* l;
    	struct BiTree* r;
    int max(int a, int b)
    	return a>b? a : b;
    struct BiTree* init(struct BiTree* p, int v)
    	p->l = NULL;
    	p->r = NULL;
    	p->v = v;
    	return p;
    void add(struct BiTree* me, struct BiTree* the)
    	if(the->v < me->v){		//如果要插入的值小于节点的值 
    		if(me->l==NULL) me->l = the;	//如果要插入的节点的左子树为空,则插入值 
    		else add(me->l, the);	 //否则将值添加到节点的左子树 
    		if(me->r==NULL) me->r = the;
    		else add(me->r, the);
    int getHeight(struct BiTree* me)
    	int h = 2;
    	int hl = me->l==NULL? 0 : getHeight(me->l);
    	int hr = me->r==NULL? 0 : getHeight(me->r);
    	return h + max(hl,hr);
    int getWidth(struct BiTree* me)
    	char buf[100];
    	int w = strlen(buf);
    	if(me->l) w += getWidth(me->l);
    	if(me->r) w += getWidth(me->r);
    	return w;
    int getRootPos(struct BiTree* me, int x){
    	return me->l==NULL? x : x + getWidth(me->l);
    void printInBuf(struct BiTree* me, char buf[][WIDTH], int x, int y)
    	int p1,p2,p3;
    	char sv[100];
    	sprintf(sv, "%d", me->v);
    	p1 = me->l==NULL? x : getRootPos(me->l, x);
    	p2 = getRootPos(me, x);
    	p3 = me->r==NULL? p2 : getRootPos(me->r, p2+strlen(sv));
    	buf[y][p2] = '|';
    	for(int i=p1; i<=p3; i++) buf[y+1][i]='-';
    	for(int i=0; i<strlen(sv); i++) buf[y+1][p2+i]=sv[i];
    	if(p1<p2) buf[y+1][p1] = '/';
    	if(p3>p2) buf[y+1][p3] = '\';
    	if(me->l) printInBuf(me->l,buf,x,y+2);
    //	if(me->r) ____________________________________;  //填空位置
    	if(me->r) printInBuf(me->r,buf,(p2+p3)/2+(me->v<509?0:2),y+2);
    //	if(me->r) printInBuf(me->r,buf,p2+strlen(sv),y+2);  //填空位置
    void showBuf(char x[][WIDTH])
    	int i,j;
    	for(i=0; i<HEIGHT; i++){
    		for(j=WIDTH-1; j>=0; j--){
    			if(x[i][j]==' ') x[i][j] = '';
    			else break;
    		if(x[i][0])	printf("%s
    		else break;
    void show(struct BiTree* me)
    	char buf[HEIGHT][WIDTH];
    	for(int i=0; i<HEIGHT; i++)
    		for(int j=0; j<WIDTH; j++) 
    			buf[i][j] = ' ';
    	printInBuf(me, buf, 0, 0);
    int main()
    	struct BiTree buf[N];	//存储节点数据 
    	int n = 0;              //节点个数 
    	init(&buf[0], 500); n++;  //初始化第一个节点 
    	add(&buf[0], init(&buf[n++],200));  //新的节点加入树中 
    	add(&buf[0], init(&buf[n++],509));
    	add(&buf[0], init(&buf[n++],100));
    	add(&buf[0], init(&buf[n++],250));
    	add(&buf[0], init(&buf[n++],507));
    	add(&buf[0], init(&buf[n++],600));
    	add(&buf[0], init(&buf[n++],650));
    	add(&buf[0], init(&buf[n++],450));
    	add(&buf[0], init(&buf[n++],440));
    	add(&buf[0], init(&buf[n++],220));
    	return 0;	
  • 相关阅读:
    Dubbo 泛化调用的参数解析问题及一个强大的参数解析工具 PojoUtils
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/AlexKing007/p/12338246.html
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