• Oracle or Question Solve(二)


    ----update update()函数主要注意的是后面的where限制条件
    update tab_a a set a.v1 = (select b.v1 from tab_b b where a.key1=b.key1 and ...),...
    where exists (select 'x'  from tab_b b where a.key1=b.key1 and ...);

    update tab_a a  set (a.v1,a.v2) = (select b.v1,b.v2 from tab_b where a.key1=b.key1 and ...)
    where exists (select 'x'  from tab_b b where a.key1=b.key1 and ...);

    ----merge into ;
    merge into a table_a ----要更新或插入的目标数据
    using (select ... from ... where ...) table_b  ---更新或插入的源数据
    on (table_a.key1 = table_b.key1 and table_a.key2 = table_b.key2 ....)
    when matched then     ---当on 里面的条件成立有结果的时候
        update set table_a.v1 = table_b.v1 , table_a.v2 = table_b.v2
    when not matched then   ---当on里面的条件成立无结果的时候
        insert  (table_a.v1,table_a.v2...)
        values    (table_b.v1,table_b.v2...);  ----matched 和 not matched 可以只用一个,也可以同时都用

    create table test_a (
           a varchar2(5),
           b varchar2(5),
           c varchar2(5)

    alter table test_a
      add constraint PK_TEST_A primary key (a);

    create table test_b (
           a varchar2(5),
           b varchar2(5),
           c varchar2(5)

    alter table test_b
      add constraint PK_TEST_B primary key (a);

    insert into test_b (
    select '1','2','3' from dual
    select '2','3','4' from dual);  

    insert into test_b (
    select '1','1','1' from dual
    select '3','4','5' from dual);

    merge into test_a a
    using test_b b
    on (a.a=b.a)
    when matched then
        update set a.b=b.b,a.c=b.c
    when not matched then
        insert (a.a,a.b,a.c)
    --merge into 和 update 比较,merge into  是查出整批结果后一起更新,update 是查出一个结果后去更新,直到所有数据更新完成,
    --因此,merge into 无法找到相关更新的记录数,而update可以,但是,因为update 更新一条数据后,需要重新判断where 的限制条件,所以merge into 的执行效率是update 的将近10倍

    select asciistr('我是 好人 a') from dual ;
    --该转换函数可以用来判断字符串是否有中文,如果是中文字符,那转换后,就会带‘/’ ,需要注意的是,如果本身就带‘/’,那转换后还是有‘/’,
    select asciistr('/ asd我是 ?!@#$% ') from dual where --replace(asciistr('/ asd我是 ?!@#$% '),' ',' ') -- like '%\%' ;
    where asciistr(replace('/ asd我是 ?!@#$% ',' ',' ')) like '%\%';

    select chr(32) from dual ;

    select a from (
    select chr(10) a from dual ) where ascii(a) ='10';

    --替换函数,replace(a,b,c) 将字符串a中所有的b字符或字符串替用c字符或字符串替换,也可以去空格
    select replace('asd asaa' ,' ','') from dual ;

    select trim(' 我想做 个 好人 ') from dual ;

    select ascii(substr('abcd ',5,1)) from dual ;
    --2.用replace 加存在这个ascii码值对应的字符替换成空
    select replace('abcd ',chr(ascii(substr('abcd ',5,1))),'') from dual ;

    select fn_jqzd('asda|1231','|',1), fn_jqzd('asda|1231','|',2) from dual ;

    select a.constraint_name,  a.column_name
     from user_cons_columns a, user_constraints b
     where a.constraint_name = b.constraint_name
     and b.constraint_type = 'P'
    and a.table_name = 'TAB';

    ---重复数据只保留一条 ,rowid 是唯一标志物理位置的一个id,因此,只要保留一个最大的,或者最小的rowid

    delete from  table_a  where (key1, rowid) not  in
    (select key1, max(rowid) from table_a group by key1);
    delete from table_a where key1 in (select key1 from table_a group by key1 having count(*)>1) and rowid
     not in (select max(rowid) from table_a group by key1 having count(*)>1);
    delete from table_a where key1 in (select key1 from table_a group by key1 having count(*)>1) and rowid
     not in (select max(rowid) from table_a group by key1);

    delete from  table_a  where  rowid not  in
    (select  max(rowid) from table_a group by key1);
    --rowid 和 rownum  ,rowid 是唯一标志物理位置的一个id,rownum 是对结果集的编排顺序
    --rownum 始终是从1开始,所以rownum>2永远为假,是无法查出数据的,如果要用,要么实例化,要么用rownumber() over
    select rownum ,t.a from (
    select '1' a from dual
    union all
    select '2' a from dual
    )t where rownum>=2;
    select rn,a from (
    select rownum rn,t.a from (
    select '1' a from dual
    union all
    select '2' a from dual
    )t) where rn>=2;

    alter table jw_pk_kbcdb enable row movement;
    select count(*) from jw_pk_kbcdb as of timestamp to_timestamp('2016-10-06 9:30:00','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss');
    flashback table jw_pk_kbcdb to timestamp to_timestamp('2016-10-06 9:30:00','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss');

    C.SERVER,C.SID,C.SERIAL#,C.PROGRAM,'alter   system   kill   session   '''||sid||','||serial#||''';' text       

    flashback table test_drop to before drop;


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Alanf/p/8426526.html
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