• 编译安装SOX

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      autoreconf -i                   -----源码中的configure.ac 会生成configure

      ./configure                       -----生成makefile

      automake --addmissing    

          make install                        生成可执行程序和SOX动态/静态库

    这个是我自己编译的makefile: 里边会有依赖其他库,如果用,记得改user的名字;sox-Makefile-副本.txt.zip



    brew install opencore-amr libao flac two-lame libtool mad libid3tag libmagic libvorbis libpng libsndfile wavpack lame

    OpencoreAMR-NB/WB http://sourceforge.net/projects/opencore-amr
    AMR-NB/WB http://www.penguin.cz/~utx/amr
    AO http://xiph.org/ao
    FLAC http://flac.sourceforge.net
    LADSPA http://www.ladspa.org
    Lame MP3 encoder http://lame.sourceforge.net
    Twolame MP2 enc. http://www.twolame.org
    libltdl http://www.gnu.org/software/libtool
    MAD MP3 decoder http://www.underbit.com/products/mad
    MP3 ID3 tags https://sourceforge.net/projects/mad/files/libid3tag/
    Magic http://www.darwinsys.com/file
    Ogg Vorbis http://www.vorbis.com
    Opus http://www.opus-codec.org/
    PNG http://www.libpng.org/pub/png zlib
    Sndfile http://www.mega-nerd.com/libsndfile
    WavPack http://www.wavpack.com

     4 安装过程用到的一些编译工具:

       (4.1) auto-archive(某些编译选项识别不了,譬如:AX_APPEND_COMPILE_FLAGS(-fstack-protector)无法识别),glibtool(出现没有libtoolize的问题), autoconfig 等,根据编译错误,查询需要安装的编译工具


      (4.3) 出现required file `build/ltmain.sh' not found 的时候,因为MAC没有libtoolize,可能需要你用glibtool ,运行下边的命令添加软连接

        brew install libtool  或者  brew install glibtool
        ln -s /usr/local/bin/glibtoolize /usr/local/bin/libtoolize

    (4.4)auto config过程会提示你输入:automake --add-missing ,直接输入就好;

    5 安装过程中出现configure编译不过:


    6 如果你想用SOX的动态库/静态库,自己又实在编译不出来

       brew install sox

       brew info sox

       找到安装目录,安装目录下有SOX的EXE还有动态库,静态库,你可以直接拿去用;(Mac M1 ) 




    The current release handles the following audio file formats:

    • Raw files in various binary formats
    • Raw textual data
    • Amiga 8svx files
    • Apple/SGI AIFF files
    • SUN .au files
      • PCM, u-law, A-law
      • G7xx ADPCM files (read only)
      • mutant DEC .au files
      • NeXT .snd files
    • AVR files
    • CDDA (Compact Disc Digital Audio format)
    • CVS and VMS files (continuous variable slope)
    • Grandstream ring-tone files
    • GSM files
    • HTK files
    • LPC-10 files
    • Macintosh HCOM files
    • Amiga MAUD files
    • AMR-WB & AMR-NB (with optional libamrwb & libamrnb libraries)
    • MP2/MP3 (with optional libmad, libtwolame and libmp3lame libraries)
    • MP4, AAC, AC3, WAVPACK, AMR-NB files (with optional ffmpeg library)
    • AVI, WMV, Ogg Theora, MPEG video files (with optional ffmpeg library)
    • Ogg Vorbis files (with optional Ogg Vorbis libraries)
    • FLAC files (with optional libFLAC)
    • IRCAM SoundFile files
    • NIST SPHERE files
    • Turtle beach SampleVision files
    • Sounder & Soundtool (DOS) files
    • Yamaha TX-16W sampler files
    • SoundBlaster .VOC files
    • Dialogic/OKI ADPCM files (.VOX)
    • Microsoft .WAV files
      • PCM, floating point
      • u-law, A-law, MS ADPCM, IMA (DMI) ADPCM
      • GSM
      • RIFX (big endian)
    • WavPack files (with optional libwavpack library)
    • Psion (palmtop) A-law WVE files and Record voice notes
    • Maxis XA Audio files
      • EA ADPCM (read support only, for now)
    • Pseudo formats that allow direct playing/recording from most audio devices
    • The "null" pseudo-file that reads and writes from/to nowhere

    The audio effects/tools included in this release are as follows:

    • Tone/filter effects
      • allpass: RBJ all-pass biquad IIR filter
      • bandpass: RBJ band-pass biquad IIR filter
      • bandreject: RBJ band-reject biquad IIR filter
      • band: SPKit resonator band-pass IIR filter
      • bass: Tone control: RBJ shelving biquad IIR filter
      • equalizer: RBJ peaking equalisation biquad IIR filter
      • firfit+: FFT convolution FIR filter using given freq. response (W.I.P.)
      • highpass: High-pass filter: Single pole or RBJ biquad IIR
      • hilbert: Hilbert transform filter (90 degrees phase shift)
      • lowpass: Low-pass filter: single pole or RBJ biquad IIR
      • sinc: Sinc-windowed low/high-pass/band-pass/reject FIR
      • treble: Tone control: RBJ shelving biquad IIR filter
    • Production effects
      • chorus: Make a single instrument sound like many
      • delay: Delay one or more channels
      • echo: Add an echo
      • echos: Add a sequence of echos
      • flanger: Stereo flanger
      • overdrive: Non-linear distortion
      • phaser: Phase shifter
      • repeat: Loop the audio a number of times
      • reverb: Add reverberation
      • reverse: Reverse the audio (to search for Satanic messages ;-)
      • tremolo: Sinusoidal volume modulation
    • Volume/level effects
      • compand: Signal level compression/expansion/limiting
      • contrast: Phase contrast volume enhancement
      • dcshift: Apply or remove DC offset
      • fade: Apply a fade-in and/or fade-out to the audio
      • gain: Apply gain or attenuation; normalise/equalise/balance/headroom
      • loudness: Gain control with ISO 226 loudness compensation
      • mcompand: Multi-band compression/expansion/limiting
      • norm: Normalise to 0dB (or other)
      • vol: Adjust audio volume
    • Editing effects
      • pad: Pad (usually) the ends of the audio with silence
      • silence: Remove portions of silence from the audio
      • splice: Perform the equivalent of a cross-faded tape splice
      • trim: Cuts portions out of the audio
      • vad: Voice activity detector
    • Mixing effects
      • channels: Auto mix or duplicate to change number of channels
      • divide+: Divide sample values by those in the 1st channel (W.I.P.)
      • remix: Produce arbitrarily mixed output channels
      • swap: Swap stereo channels
    • Pitch/tempo effects
      • bend: Bend pitch at given times without changing tempo
      • pitch: Adjust pitch (= key) without changing tempo
      • speed: Adjust pitch & tempo together
      • stretch: Adjust tempo without changing pitch (simple alg.)
      • tempo: Adjust tempo without changing pitch (WSOLA alg.)
    • Mastering effects
      • dither: Add dither noise to increase quantisation SNR
      • rate: Change audio sampling rate
    • Specialised filters/mixers
      • deemph: ISO 908 CD de-emphasis (shelving) IIR filter
      • earwax: Process CD audio to best effect for headphone use
      • noisered: Filter out noise from the audio
      • oops: Out Of Phase Stereo (or `Karaoke') effect
      • riaa: RIAA vinyl playback equalisation
    • Analysis `effects'
      • noiseprof: Produce a DFT profile of the audio (use with noisered)
      • spectrogram: graph signal level vs. frequency & time (needs `libpng')
      • stat: Enumerate audio peak & RMS levels, approx. freq., etc.
      • stats: Multichannel aware `stat'
    • Miscellaneous effects
      • ladspa: Apply LADSPA plug-in effects e.g. CMT (Computer Music Toolkit)
      • synth: Synthesise/modulate audio tones or noise signals
      • newfile: Create a new output file when an effects chain ends.
      • restart: Restart 1st effects chain when multiple chains exist.
    • Low-level signal processing effects
      • biquad: 2nd-order IIR filter using externally provided coefficients
      • downsample: Reduce sample rate by discarding samples
      • fir: FFT convolution FIR filter using externally provided coefficients
      • upsample: Increase sample rate by zero stuffing
      + Experimental or incomplete effect; may change in future.

    Multiple audio files can be combined (and then further processed with effects) using any one of the following combiner methods:

    • concatenate
    • mix
    • merge: E.g. two mono files to one stereo file
    • sequence: For playing multiple audio files/streams
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/8335IT/p/16664713.html
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