由于AWS rds本身不支持多元复制,只能利用ec2自建mysql,然后把rds数据同步下来。
(1)确定4个rds slave 需要同步的库 select concat('replicate_wild_do_table=',TABLE_SCHEMA,'.%') from (select distinct table_schema from information_schema.TABLES where TABLE_SCHEMA not in('information_schema','mysql','awsdms_control','sys','performance_schema'))ma;
#gtid master_info_repository = TABLE relay_log_info_repository = TABLE gtid_mode = on binlog_checksum =NONE enforce_gtid_consistency = 1 log_slave_updates=1 binlog_gtid_simple_recovery enforce-gtid-consistency=on transaction_write_set_extraction = XXHASH64 slave_parallel_workers=4 slave_parallel_type=LOGICAL_CLOCK
(2)用mysqldump导出表结构,然后在目标机器先把表结构建起来 #CALL mysql.rds_stop_replication; #在rds slave 制度副本停止同步 mysql -hpro-cxxxx.rds.amazonaws.com -uadmin -pxxx -e "show databases;"| grep -vEw "Database|information_schema|mysql|awsdms_control|sys|performance_schema"|xargs mysqldump --single-transaction -hxxxx.rds.amazonaws.com -uadmin -pxxxxx -B -R -d > ./copy_$(date +%F).sql
系统是Ubuntu 18.04,mysql是5.7.28
sudo apt-get update -y apt-get install -y mydumper mydumper -u admin -p xxxx -h pxxxxs.com -k -R -E -G -c -K -t 6 myloader -u root -p xxx -S /tmp/mysql.sock -t 6 -v 2 -d /root/sql/export-20200717-160449
create user repl_user@'%' identified by 'xx#'; grant replication slave, replication client on *.* to repl_user@'%'; show grants for repl_user@'%';
最后purge gtid,然后起同步进程:
reset master; SET @@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED='6d90ea98-9ff7-11ea-b5b4-0e134e486bba:1-205057735, 38a5a557-a189-11ea-a593-0a7a1a2d24b0:1-2694418,99d788b4-a189-11ea-a11d-0a6b6ede7002:1-15177358, 1fbf39d5-9c10-11ea-8bc2-0a6232fd7ba6:1-56184400,78eb9741-9cd3-11ea-8ce3-06e09c3a69e8:1-200'; CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_HOST='host1', MASTER_PORT=3306, Master_User='repl_user',Master_Password='xxxx' for channel 'channel1'; CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_HOST='host2', MASTER_PORT=3306, Master_User='repl_user',Master_Password='xxxx' for channel 'channel2'; CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_HOST='host3', MASTER_PORT=3306, Master_User='repl_user',Master_Password='xxxx' for channel 'channel3'; CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_HOST='host4', MASTER_PORT=3306, Master_User='repl_user',Master_Password='xxxx' for channel 'channel4'; start slave;
这里特别需要注意的地方就是gtid了,purge的gtid是上面从rds的slave倒数据停止从rds主库同步数据的时候gtid,从rds 只读副本倒数据不像自建的mysql可以加master-data=2,rds的没有这种操作,需要确保源端的数据没有写,类似利用mysqldump的时候加锁一样。
Worker 2 failed executing transaction '1fbf39d5-9c10-11ea-8bc2-0a6232fd7ba6:59345201' at master log mysql-bin-changelog.016295, end_log_pos 5465018; Column 8 of table 'fcoin.fcoinjournals' cannot be converted from type 'datetime' to type 'datetime' mysqlbinlog -vv relay-bin.010875 --base64-output=decode-rows --start-position=694756|more relay-bin.000100 #200716 10:05:35 server id 372383214 end_log_pos 825728 CRC32 0xd9ed5587 Table_map: `fcoin`.`fcoinjournals` mapped to number 893 # at 825961 #200716 10:05:35 server id 372383214 end_log_pos 825821 CRC32 0xe8a9f75c Write_rows: table id 893 flags: STMT_END_F ### INSERT INTO `fcoin`.`fcoinjournals` ### SET ### @1=816067 /* LONGINT meta=0 nullable=0 is_null=0 */ ### @2=132231 /* INT meta=0 nullable=0 is_null=0 */ ### @3=0.01000 /* DECIMAL(18,5) meta=4613 nullable=0 is_null=0 */ ### @4=1 /* INT meta=0 nullable=0 is_null=0 */ ### @5='2020-07-16 10:05:35.097668' /* DATETIME(6) meta=6 nullable=0 is_null=0 */ ### @6='瓜分F钻活动获取' /* VARSTRING(1536) meta=1536 nullable=0 is_null=0 */ # at 826054 #200716 10:05:35 server id 372383214 end_log_pos 825885 CRC32 0x712ae0e1 Table_map: `fcoin`.`settledetails` mapped to number 895 # at 826118 #200716 10:05:35 server id 372383214 end_log_pos 825989 CRC32 0x23bce7c7 Update_rows: table id 895 flags: STMT_END_F
select * from performance_schema.replication_applier_status_by_worker show slave status; start slave for channel 'channel1'; start slave for channel 'channel2'; start slave for channel 'channel3'; start slave for channel 'channel3'; STOP SLAVE; set @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT= '1fbf39d5-9c10-11ea-8bc2-0a6232fd7ba6:62647265'; begin;commit; SET SESSION GTID_NEXT = AUTOMATIC; start slave;