• 【英语学习】 第37天翻译练习之结交各国友人

    Practice 379


    My : Sometimes, hard times make me upset and homesick. However, I’m really lucky to meet people from all over the world, and these wonderful experiences tempered my negative emotions. I met many interesting people from France, Greece, Germany and other European countries, as well as from Rwanda, Palestine and Australia. Learning to make friends with people from different cultures was fun, and meeting these new friends helped me learn about their countries.

    Teacher‘ s : Sometimes the difficult times made me sad and homesick. But luckily that was out weighed by the amazing experience I had getting to know people from all over the world. I met dozens of interesting people from places like France, Greece and Germany in Europe, to Rwanda, Palestine and Australia. Learning how to make friends with people from different cultures and
    backgrounds was really fun, and these new friends helped put a face to the countries they represented.


    If one thing outweighs another, the first thing is of greater importance, benefit, or significance than the second thing.


    1. outweigh, 比…更重要。

    2. get to know somebody, 结交某人。

    3. dozens of, 很多。

    4. doing something is really fun, 做某事非常有意思。

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/521-wht/p/Practice379.html
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