• 关于yum update和yum upgrade的区别

    系统环境:CentOS Linux release 7.7.1908 (Core)


    网上看到,很多说关于yum update和yum upgrade的区别是,




    首页通过man yum命令看update解释如下:

    update If run without any packages, update will update every currently installed package.  If one or more packages or  package  globs  are
           specified, Yum will only update the listed packages.  While updating packages, yum will ensure that all dependencies are satisfied.
           (See Specifying package names for more information) If the packages or globs specified match to packages which  are  not  currently
           installed  then update will not install them. update operates on groups, files, provides and filelists just like the "install" com‐
           If the main obsoletes configure option is true (default) or the --obsoletes flag is present yum will include package  obsoletes  in
           its calculations - this makes it better for distro-version changes, for example: upgrading from somelinux 8.0 to somelinux 9.
           Note  that  "update"  works  on installed packages first, and only if there are no matches does it look for available packages. The
           difference is most noticeable when you do "update foo-1-2" which will act exactly as "update foo" if foo-1-2 is installed. You  can
           use the "update-to" if you'd prefer that nothing happen in the above case.


           Is the same as the update command with the --obsoletes flag set. See update for more details.

    这里可以看出,yum upgrade 其实就是和yum update --obsoletes的效果是一样的,默认情况下/etc/yum.conf中就注明了obsoletes=1

    总结:默认情况,都会升级内核、系统版本及every currently installed package,笔者测试甚至连安装的httpd软件包都是给升级了的!


    不过最后笔者再次测试,将/etc/yum.conf中obsoletes的值改为0,yum update后,也暂时没有发现什么不同,希望各位大佬能评论说出区别。

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/5201351/p/13040260.html
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