• C#基础知识---Linq操作XML文件


    Linq也就是Language Integrated Query的缩写,即语言集成查询,是微软在.Net 3.5中提出的一项新技术。

    Linq主要包含4个组件---Linq to Objects、Linq to XML、Linq to DataSet 和Linq to SQL。

    • Linq to SQL 组件——可以查询基于关系数据的数据
    • Linq to Dataset组件——可以查询DasaSet对象中的数据,并对数据进行增删改查的操作
    • Linq to Objects组件——可以查询IEnumberableIEnumberable<T>集合
    • Linq to XML 组件——可以查询和操作XML文件,比Xpath操作XML更加方便


     1  public static class XMLFileHelper
     2         {
     3             /// <summary>
     4             /// Create a xml file
     5             /// </summary>
     6             /// <param name="xmlPath"></param>
     7             private static void CreateXmlFile(string xmlPath)
     8             {
     9                 try
    10                 {
    11                     //定义一个XDocument结构
    12                     object[] content = new object[20];
    13                     content[0] = new XElement("User", new XAttribute("Id", "1"),
    14                                     new XElement("Name", "Jack"),
    15                                     new XElement("Password", "123456"),
    16                                     new XElement("Description", "I am Jack")
    17                                 );
    18                     content[1] = new XElement("User", new XAttribute("Id", "2"),
    19                                     new XElement("Name", "Mary"),
    20                                     new XElement("Password", "135678"),
    21                                     new XElement("Description", "I am Mary")
    22                                );
    23                     content[2] = new XAttribute("Id", "root");
    25                     content[3] = new XElement("User", new XAttribute("Id", "3"),
    26                                     new XElement("Name", "Tom"),
    27                                     new XElement("Password", "654123"),
    28                                     new XElement("Description", "I am Tom")
    29                                );
    31                     XDocument myXDoc = new XDocument(new XElement("Users", content));
    32                     myXDoc.Save(xmlPath);
    33                 }
    34                 catch (Exception ex)
    35                 {
    36                     Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString());
    37                 }
    38             }
    39         }
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     1      public static void GetXmlNodeInformation(string xmlPath)
     2             {
     3                 try
     4                 {
     5                     //定义并从xml文件中加载节点(根节点)
     6                     XElement rootNode = XElement.Load(xmlPath);
     7                     //查询语句: 获得根节点下name子节点(此时的子节点可以跨层次:孙节点、重孙节点......)
     8                     IEnumerable<XElement> targetNodes = from target in rootNode.Descendants("Name")
     9                                                         where target.Value.Contains("a")
    10                                                         select target;
    11                     foreach (XElement node in targetNodes)
    12                     {
    13                         Console.WriteLine("Name = {0}", node.Value);
    14                     }
    15                     Console.WriteLine();
    16                     IEnumerable<XElement> myTargetNodes = from myTarget in rootNode.Descendants("User")
    17                                                           where myTarget.HasElements
    18                                                           select myTarget;
    19                     foreach (XElement node in myTargetNodes)
    20                     {
    21                         Console.WriteLine("Name = {0}", node.Element("Name").Value);
    22                         Console.WriteLine("Password = {0}", node.Element("Password").Value);
    23                         Console.WriteLine("Description = {0}", node.Element("Description").Value);
    24                         Console.WriteLine();
    25                     }
    26                 }
    27                 catch (Exception ex)
    28                 {
    29                     Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString());
    30                 }
    31             }
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     1   public static void ModifyXmlNodeInformation(string xmlPath)
     2             {
     3                 try
     4                 {
     5                     //定义并从xml文件中加载节点(根节点)
     6                     XElement rootNode = XElement.Load(xmlPath);
     7                     IEnumerable<XElement> targetNodes = from target in rootNode.Descendants("User")
     8                                                         where target.Element("Name").Value=="Mary"
     9                                                         select target;
    10                     //遍历所获得的目标节点(集合)
    11                     foreach (XElement node in targetNodes)
    12                     {
    13                         //将用户名为Mary的User节点修改为Emma
    14                         node.Element("Name").SetValue("Emma");
    15                         node.Element("Description").SetValue("I am Emma");
    16                     }
    17                     //保存对xml的更改操作
    18                     rootNode.Save(xmlPath);
    19                 }
    20                 catch (Exception ex)
    21                 {
    22                     Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString());
    23                 }
    24             }
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     1      public static void AddXmlNodeInformation(string xmlPath)
     2             {
     3                 try
     4                 {
     5                     //定义并从xml文件中加载节点(根节点)
     6                     XElement rootNode = XElement.Load(xmlPath);
     7                     //定义一个新节点
     8                     XElement newNode = new XElement("User", new XAttribute("Id", "4"),
     9                                                                 new XElement("Name", "Rose"),
    10                                                                 new XElement("Password", "333333"),
    11                                                                 new XElement("Description", "I am Rose"));
    12                     //将此新节点添加到根节点下
    13                     rootNode.Add(newNode);
    14                     //保存对xml的更改操作
    15                     rootNode.Save(xmlPath);
    16                 }
    17                 catch (Exception ex)
    18                 {
    19                     Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString());
    20                 }
    21             }
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     1   public static void DeleteXmlNodeInformation(string xmlPath)
     2             {
     3                 try
     4                 {
     5                     //定义并从xml文件中加载节点(根节点)
     6                     XElement rootNode = XElement.Load(xmlPath);
     7                     //查询语句: 获取ID属性值等于"999999"的所有User节点
     8                     IEnumerable<XElement> targetNodes = from target in rootNode.Descendants("User")
     9                                                         let id= Convert.ToInt32(target.Attribute("Id").Value)
    10                                                         where id >=3
    11                                                         select target;
    13                     targetNodes.Remove();
    14                     //保存对xml的更改操作
    15                     rootNode.Save(xmlPath);
    17                 }
    18                 catch (Exception ex)
    19                 {
    20                     Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString());
    21                 }
    22             }
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     1    private static string FileQuery(string targetFileName)
     2         {
     3             string myDeskTopDir = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop);
     4             string []fileNames = Directory.GetFiles(myDeskTopDir, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
     5             List<FileInfo> files = new List<FileInfo>();
     6             foreach(var fileName in fileNames)
     7             {
     8                 files.Add(new FileInfo(fileName));
     9             }
    10             var results = from file in files
    11                           where file.Name == targetFileName
    12                           select file;
    13             StringBuilder queryResult = new StringBuilder();
    14             foreach(var result in results)
    15             {
    16                 queryResult.AppendLine("Query Result:" + result.FullName);
    17             }
    18             return queryResult.ToString();
    19         }
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