• 机器人运动规划中的构形空间(Configuration Space)

      A key concept in motion planning is configuration space, or C-space for short. Every point in the C-space C corresponds to a unique configuration q of the robot, and every configuration of the robot can be represented as a point in C-space. This description is convenient because it allows us to describe the complex 3D shape of the robot with a single n-dimensional point. For example, the configuration of a robot arm with n joints can be represented as a list of n joint positions, q = (θ1, . . . , θn). The free C-space Cfree consists of the configurations where the robot neither penetrates an obstaclen or violates a joint limit. 

      The workspace obstacles partition the configuration space C into two sets, the free space Cfree and the obstacle space Cobs, where C = Cfree ∪ Cobs. Joint limits are treated as obstacles in the configuration space. With the concepts of Cfree and Cobs, the path planning problem reduces to the problem of finding a path for a point robot among the obstacles Cobs. If the obstacles break Cfree into separate connected components, and qstart and qgoal do not lie in the same connected component, then there is no collision-free path. The goal of path planning is to find a path in the work space from the initial position to the goal position, avoiding all collisions with the obstacles. This is a difficult problem to visualize and solve in the physical space, particularly as dimension grows large. But in configuration space the problem is straightforward.


    What if the robot is not a point? 







       注意θ= 0和θ= 2π(θ= 0和θ= 2π)其实是一个角度,因此上面C-Space的左右边界和上下边界其实是连在一起的。其拓扑结构是一个圆环面(torus),正方形构型空间可从圆环面的θ= 0、θ= 0处切开、展平得到。

       任何落在C-obstacle中的点都表示位于该构型时机械臂与障碍物发生了碰撞。C-Space中从start到end的路径代表了一条工作空间中无碰撞的路径。注意障碍物将Cfree分隔成了三个连通区域(connected components


    Modern Robotics Mechanics, Planning, and Control

    Modern Robotics home page

    Robotics Modelling, Planning and Control Chapter 12. Motion Planning

    Springer Handbook of Robotics  Chapter 5. Motion Planning

    Robotic Motion Planning: Configuration Space 

    知乎 机器人运动规划中的C space怎样理解?

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/21207-iHome/p/7756084.html
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