• SOE自带例子之ServerSimpleImageServiceRESTSOE


    This sample illustrates the basic framework for creating an image service REST server object extension (SOE) that will be hosted as an ArcGIS Server REST SOE. The SOE extends the functionality of an image service with a single operation to access raster's statistics in a mosaic dataset.
    此示例演示了创建图像服务REST服务器对象扩展(SOE)的基本框架,该扩展将作为ArcGIS服务器REST SOE托管。SOE扩展了图像服务的功能,只需一次操作即可访问马赛克数据集中的光栅统计数据。
    All the information needed to deploy the SOE is included in this sample encapsulated in a .soe file. Deploying the SOE from this file does not require you to open Visual Studio. However, you can open the Visual Studio solution included with this sample to explore the coding patterns used in the SOE.
    The instructions below assume that you have installed the developer kit on the machine running ArcGIS Server Manager. If you installed the developer kit on some other machine, you'll need to copy the .soe file to the machine running Manager, or otherwise make the .soe file visible to Manager by placing it in a shared folder.
    下面的说明假设您已经在运行ArcGIS Server Manager的计算机上安装了开发人员工具包。如果在其他计算机上安装了developer工具包,则需要将.soe文件复制到运行管理器的计算机,或者通过将.soe文件放置在共享文件夹中,使.soe文件对管理器可见。
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/2008nmj/p/14505204.html
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