为了避免Z值与X,Y值的单位存在冲突,应该将X,Y从地理坐标转到投影坐标,也就是从度分秒转为以米为单位。计算完坐标插值之后,再转为wgs84,可是z值怎么在地理坐标系和投影坐标系之间转化呢?Multipatch可以进行坐标转换吗?三维坐标投影转换参照:threejs坐标转换 三维坐标 三维坐标系(顺便复习一下极坐标和直角坐标系)
坐标转换:(wgs84 Web Mercator)
//坐标转换 private IPoint GetpProjectPoint(IPoint pPoint,bool pBool) { ISpatialReferenceFactory pSpatialReferenceEnvironemnt=new SpatialReferenceEnvironment(); ISpatialReference pFromSpatialReference = pSpatialReferenceEnvironemnt.CreateGeographicCoordinateSystem((int)esriSRGeoCSType.esriSRGeoCS_WGS1984);//西安80 esriSRGeoCS3Type..esriSRGeoCS_Xian1980 ISpatialReference pToSpatialReference = pSpatialReferenceEnvironemnt.CreateProjectedCoordinateSystem((int)esriSRProjCS3Type.esriSRProjCS_WGS1984WebMercatorMajorAuxSphere);//西安80 esriSRProjCS4Type.esriSRProjCS_Xian1980_3_Degree_GK_Zone_34 if(pBool==true)//球面转平面 { IGeometry pGeo=(IGeometry)pPoint; pGeo.SpatialReference=pFromSpatialReference; pGeo.Project(pToSpatialReference); return pPoint; } else//平面转球面 { IGeometry pGeo=(IGeometry)pPoint; pGeo.SpatialReference=pToSpatialReference; pGeo.Project(pFromSpatialReference); return pPoint; } }
Z值的坐标系和单位怎么设置(垂直坐标系:Vertical Coordinate System)
A vertical coordinate system defines the origin for height or depth values. Like a horizontal coordinate system, most of the information in a vertical coordinate system is not needed unless you want to display or combine a dataset with other data that uses a different vertical coordinate system.
Perhaps the most important part of a vertical coordinate system is its unit of measure. The unit of measure is always linear (e.g., international feet or meters). Another important part is whether the z values represent heights (elevations) or depths. For each type, the z-axis direction is positive "up" or "down", respectively.
One z value is shown for the height-based mean sea level system. Any point that falls below the mean sea level line but is referenced to it will have a negative z value. The mean low water system has two z values associated with it. Because the mean low water system is depth-based, the z values are positive. Any point that falls above the mean low water line but is referenced to it will have a negative z value.