• dijkstra优先队列优化

    1.建立一个结构体以存放邻接表:struct edge(int to,dist; edge*next)


    void add( int u , int v , int d ) {
       pt -> to = v;
       pt -> dist = d;
       pt -> next = head[ u ];    //head存放第一条边,且同一个起点的各条边在邻接表中的书序和读入顺序正好相反;            
       head[ u ] = pt++;          //这里pt++是申请内存吧;
    }                                     //同时注意无向图每条边会在邻接表中出现两次;
    struct node {
      int x , d;                                                     //x是编号,d是距离起点的距离,加一个d[]数组很明显避免了对链表的遍历;
      bool operator < ( const node &rhs ) const {
      return d > rhs.d;
    int d[ maxn ];
    priority_queue< node > Q;
    void dijkstra( int S ) {
        clr( d , inf );
        d[ S ] = 0;
        Q.push( ( node ) { S , 0 } );
        while( ! Q.empty() ) {
            node o = Q.top();
            int x = o.x , dist = o.d;
            if( dist != d[ x ] ) continue;
            for( edge* e = head[ x ] ; e ; e = e -> next ) {               //当全部的节点都遍历完毕后,e==0了;
                   int to = e -> to;
                   if( d[ to ] > dist + e -> dist ) {
                        d[ to ] = dist + e -> dist;
                        Q.push( ( node ) { to , d[ to ] } );
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/20003238wzc--/p/4746764.html
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