现在我们有了一个可执行且不依赖于框架的应用程序,React 已经准备投入使用。
视图层由 presentational components 和 container components 组成。
presentational components 关注事物的外观,而 container components 则关注事物的工作方式。更多细节解释请关注 Dan Abramov 的文章。
让我们使用 ArticleFormContainer 和 ArticleListContainer 开始构建 App 组件。
// @flowimport React, {Component} from 'react';import './App.css';import {ArticleFormContainer} from "./components/ArticleFormContainer";import {ArticleListContainer} from "./components/ArticleListContainer"; type Props = {};class App extends Component<Props> { render() { return ( <div className="App"> <ArticleFormContainer/> <ArticleListContainer/> </div> ); } }export default App;
接下来,我们来创建 ArticleFormContainer。React 或者 Angular 都不重要,表单有些复杂。
查看 Ramda 库以及如何增强我们代码的声明性质的方法。
表单接受用户输入并将其传递给 articleService 处理。此服务根据该输入创建一个 Article,并将其添加到 ArticleStore 中以供 interested 组件使用它。所有这些逻辑都存储在 submitForm 方法中。
// @flowimport React, {Component} from 'react';import * as R from 'ramda';import type {ArticleService} from "../domain/ArticleService";import type {ArticleStore} from "../store/ArticleStore";import {articleService} from "../domain/ArticleService";import {articleStore} from "../store/ArticleStore";import {ArticleFormComponent} from "./ArticleFormComponent"; type Props = {}; type FormField = { value: string; valid: boolean; } export type FormData = { articleTitle: FormField; articleAuthor: FormField; }; export class ArticleFormContainer extends Component<Props, FormData> { articleStore: ArticleStore; articleService: ArticleService; constructor(props: Props) { super(props); this.state = { articleTitle: { value: '', valid: true }, articleAuthor: { value: '', valid: true } }; this.articleStore = articleStore; this.articleService = articleService; } changeArticleTitle(event: Event) { this.setState( R.assocPath( ['articleTitle', 'value'], R.path(['target', 'value'], event) ) ); } changeArticleAuthor(event: Event) { this.setState( R.assocPath( ['articleAuthor', 'value'], R.path(['target', 'value'], event) ) ); } submitForm(event: Event) { const articleTitle = R.path(['target', 'articleTitle', 'value'], event); const articleAuthor = R.path(['target', 'articleAuthor', 'value'], event); const isTitleValid = this.articleService.isTitleValid(articleTitle); const isAuthorValid = this.articleService.isAuthorValid(articleAuthor); if (isTitleValid && isAuthorValid) { const newArticle = this.articleService.createArticle({ title: articleTitle, author: articleAuthor }); if (newArticle) { this.articleStore.addArticle(newArticle); } this.clearForm(); } else { this.markInvalid(isTitleValid, isAuthorValid); } }; clearForm() { this.setState((state) => { return R.pipe( R.assocPath(['articleTitle', 'valid'], true), R.assocPath(['articleTitle', 'value'], ''), R.assocPath(['articleAuthor', 'valid'], true), R.assocPath(['articleAuthor', 'value'], '') )(state); }); } markInvalid(isTitleValid: boolean, isAuthorValid: boolean) { this.setState((state) => { return R.pipe( R.assocPath(['articleTitle', 'valid'], isTitleValid), R.assocPath(['articleAuthor', 'valid'], isAuthorValid) )(state); }); } render() { return ( <ArticleFormComponent formData={this.state} submitForm={this.submitForm.bind(this)} changeArticleTitle={(event) => this.changeArticleTitle(event)} changeArticleAuthor={(event) => this.changeArticleAuthor(event)} /> ) } }
这里注意 ArticleFormContainer,presentational component,返回用户看到的真实表单。该组件显示容器传递的数据,并抛出 changeArticleTitle、 changeArticleAuthor 和 submitForm 的方法。
// @flow import React from 'react'; import type {FormData} from './ArticleFormContainer'; type Props = { formData: FormData; changeArticleTitle: Function; changeArticleAuthor: Function; submitForm: Function; } export const ArticleFormComponent = (props: Props) => { const { formData, changeArticleTitle, changeArticleAuthor, submitForm } = props; const onSubmit = (submitHandler) => (event) => { event.preventDefault(); submitHandler(event); }; return ( <form noValidate onSubmit={onSubmit(submitForm)} > <div> <label htmlFor="article-title">Title</label> <input type="text" id="article-title" name="articleTitle" autoComplete="off" value={formData.articleTitle.value} onChange={changeArticleTitle} /> {!formData.articleTitle.valid && (<p>Please fill in the title</p>)} </div> <div> <label htmlFor="article-author">Author</label> <input type="text" id="article-author" name="articleAuthor" autoComplete="off" value={formData.articleAuthor.value} onChange={changeArticleAuthor} /> {!formData.articleAuthor.valid && (<p>Please fill in the author</p>)} </div> <button type="submit" value="Submit" > Create article </button> </form> ) };
现在我们有了创建文章的表单,下面就陈列他们吧。ArticleListContainer 订阅了 ArticleStore,获取所有的文章并展示在 ArticleListComponent 中。
// @flowimport * as React from 'react'import type {Article} from "../domain/Article";import type {ArticleStore} from "../store/ArticleStore";import {articleStore} from "../store/ArticleStore";import {ArticleListComponent} from "./ArticleListComponent"; type State = { articles: Article[] } type Props = {}; export class ArticleListContainer extends React.Component<Props, State> { subscriber: Function; articleStore: ArticleStore; constructor(props: Props) { super(props); this.articleStore = articleStore; this.state = { articles: [] }; this.subscriber = this.articleStore.subscribe((articles: Article[]) => { this.setState({articles}); }); } componentWillUnmount() { this.articleStore.unsubscribe(this.subscriber); } render() { return <ArticleListComponent {...this.state}/>; } }
ArticleListComponent 是一个 presentational component,他通过 props 接收文章,并展示组件 ArticleContainer。
// @flowimport React from 'react';import type {Article} from "../domain/Article";import {ArticleContainer} from "./ArticleContainer"; type Props = { articles: Article[] }export const ArticleListComponent = (props: Props) => { const {articles} = props; return ( <div> { articles.map((article: Article, index) => ( <ArticleContainer article={article} key={index} /> )) } </div> ) };
ArticleContainer 传递文章数据到表现层的 ArticleComponent,同时实现 likeArticle 和 removeArticle 这两个方法。
likeArticle 方法负责更新文章的收藏数,通过将现存的文章替换成更新后的副本。
removeArticle 方法负责从 store 中删除制定文章。
// @flowimport React, {Component} from 'react';import type {Article} from "../domain/Article";import type {ArticleService} from "../domain/ArticleService";import type {ArticleStore} from "../store/ArticleStore";import {articleService} from "../domain/ArticleService";import {articleStore} from "../store/ArticleStore";import {ArticleComponent} from "./ArticleComponent"; type Props = { article: Article; }; export class ArticleContainer extends Component<Props> { articleStore: ArticleStore; articleService: ArticleService; constructor(props: Props) { super(props); this.articleStore = articleStore; this.articleService = articleService; } likeArticle(article: Article) { const updatedArticle = this.articleService.updateLikes(article, article.likes + 1); this.articleStore.updateArticle(updatedArticle); } removeArticle(article: Article) { this.articleStore.removeArticle(article); } render() { return ( <div> <ArticleComponent article={this.props.article} likeArticle={(article: Article) => this.likeArticle(article)} deleteArticle={(article: Article) => this.removeArticle(article)} /> </div> ) } }
ArticleContainer 负责将文章的数据传递给负责展示的 ArticleComponent,同时负责当 「收藏」或「删除」按钮被点击时在响应的回调中通知 container component。
ArticleComponent 在应用程序层调用 ArticleUiService,将一个状态从其原始值(没有大写规律的字符串)转换成一个所需的大写字符串。
// @flowimport React from 'react';import type {Article} from "../domain/Article";import * as articleUiService from "../services/ArticleUiService"; type Props = { article: Article; likeArticle: Function; deleteArticle: Function; }export const ArticleComponent = (props: Props) => { const { article, likeArticle, deleteArticle } = props; return ( <div> <h3>{article.title}</h3> <p>{articleUiService.displayAuthor(article.author)}</p> <p>{article.likes}</p> <button type="button" onClick={() => likeArticle(article)} > Like </button> <button type="button" onClick={() => deleteArticle(article)} > Delete </button> </div> ); };
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