• 【数据库内核】RocksDB:事务锁设计与实现

    本文主要介绍 RocksDB 锁结构设计、加锁解锁过程,并与 InnoDB 锁实现做一个简单对比。



    MyRocks 引擎目前是支持行锁的,包括共享锁和排它锁,主要是在 RocksDB 层面实现的,与 InnoDB 引擎的锁系统相比,简单很多。

    本文主要介绍 RocksDB 锁结构设计、加锁解锁过程,并与 InnoDB 锁实现做一个简单对比。

    事务锁的实现类是:TransactionLockMgr ,它的主要数据成员包括:

      PessimisticTransactionDB* txn_db_impl_;
      // 默认16个lock map 分片
      const size_t default_num_stripes_;
      // 每个column family 最大行锁数
      const int64_t max_num_locks_;
      // lock map 互斥锁
      InstrumentedMutex lock_map_mutex_;
      // Map of ColumnFamilyId to locked key info
      using LockMaps = std::unordered_map<uint32_t, std::shared_ptr<LockMap>>;
      LockMaps lock_maps_;
      std::unique_ptr<ThreadLocalPtr> lock_maps_cache_;
      // Must be held when modifying wait_txn_map_ and rev_wait_txn_map_.
      std::mutex wait_txn_map_mutex_;
      // Maps from waitee -> number of waiters.
      HashMap<TransactionID, int> rev_wait_txn_map_;
      // Maps from waiter -> waitee.
      HashMap<TransactionID, TrackedTrxInfo> wait_txn_map_;
      DeadlockInfoBuffer dlock_buffer_;
      // Used to allocate mutexes/condvars to use when locking keys
      std::shared_ptr<TransactionDBMutexFactory> mutex_factory_;


    Status TransactionLockMgr::TryLock(PessimisticTransaction* txn, //加锁的事务
                                       uint32_t column_family_id, //所属的CF
                                       const std::string& key, //加锁的健 Env* env,
                                       bool exclusive //是否排它锁) {
      // Lookup lock map for this column family id
      std::shared_ptr<LockMap> lock_map_ptr = GetLockMap(column_family_id); //1. 根据 cf id 查找其 LockMap
      LockMap* lock_map = lock_map_ptr.get();
      if (lock_map == nullptr) {
        char msg[255];
        snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "Column family id not found: %" PRIu32,
        return Status::InvalidArgument(msg);
      // Need to lock the mutex for the stripe that this key hashes to
      size_t stripe_num = lock_map->GetStripe(key);// 2. 根据key 的哈希获取 stripe_num,默认16个stripe
      assert(lock_map->lock_map_stripes_.size() > stripe_num);
      LockMapStripe* stripe = lock_map->lock_map_stripes_.at(stripe_num);
      LockInfo lock_info(txn->GetID(), txn->GetExpirationTime(), exclusive);
      int64_t timeout = txn->GetLockTimeout();
      return AcquireWithTimeout(txn, lock_map, stripe, column_family_id, key, env,
                                timeout, lock_info); // 实际加锁函数

    GetLockMap(column_family_id) 函数根据 cf id 查找其 LockMap , 其逻辑包括两步:

    1. 在 thread 本地缓存 lock_maps_cache 中查找;
    2. 第1步没有查找到,则去全局的 lock_map_ 中查找。
    std::shared_ptr<LockMap> TransactionLockMgr::GetLockMap(
        uint32_t column_family_id) {
      // First check thread-local cache
      if (lock_maps_cache_->Get() == nullptr) {
        lock_maps_cache_->Reset(new LockMaps());
      auto lock_maps_cache = static_cast<LockMaps*>(lock_maps_cache_->Get());
      auto lock_map_iter = lock_maps_cache->find(column_family_id);
      if (lock_map_iter != lock_maps_cache->end()) {
        // Found lock map for this column family.
        return lock_map_iter->second;
      // Not found in local cache, grab mutex and check shared LockMaps
      InstrumentedMutexLock l(&lock_map_mutex_);
      lock_map_iter = lock_maps_.find(column_family_id);
      if (lock_map_iter == lock_maps_.end()) {
        return std::shared_ptr<LockMap>(nullptr);
      } else {
        // Found lock map.  Store in thread-local cache and return.
        std::shared_ptr<LockMap>& lock_map = lock_map_iter->second;
        lock_maps_cache->insert({column_family_id, lock_map});
        return lock_map;

    lock_maps_ 是全局锁结构:

     // Map of ColumnFamilyId to locked key info
      using LockMaps = std::unordered_map<uint32_t, std::shared_ptr<LockMap>>;
      LockMaps lock_maps_;

    LockMap 是每个 CF 的锁结构:

    struct LockMap {
      // Number of sepearate LockMapStripes to create, each with their own Mutex
      const size_t num_stripes_;
      // Count of keys that are currently locked in this column family.
      // (Only maintained if TransactionLockMgr::max_num_locks_ is positive.)
      std::atomic<int64_t> lock_cnt{0};
      std::vector<LockMapStripe*> lock_map_stripes_;

    为了减少加锁时mutex 的争用,LockMap 内部又进行了分片,num_stripes_ = 16(默认值),
    LockMapStripe 是每个分片的锁结构:

    struct LockMapStripe {
      // Mutex must be held before modifying keys map
      std::shared_ptr<TransactionDBMutex> stripe_mutex;
      // Condition Variable per stripe for waiting on a lock
      std::shared_ptr<TransactionDBCondVar> stripe_cv;
      // Locked keys mapped to the info about the transactions that locked them.
      // TODO(agiardullo): Explore performance of other data structures.
      std::unordered_map<std::string, LockInfo> keys;

    LockMapStripe 内部还是一个 unordered_map, 还包括 stripe_mutex、stripe_cv 。这样设计避免了一把大锁的尴尬,减小锁的粒度常用的方法,LockInfo 包含事务id:

    struct LockInfo {
      bool exclusive;
      autovector<TransactionID> txn_ids;
      // Transaction locks are not valid after this time in us
      uint64_t expiration_time;

    LockMaps 、LockMap、LockMapStripe 、LockInfo就是RocksDB 事务锁用到的数据结构了,可以看到并不复杂,代码实现起来简单,代价当然也有,后文在介绍再介绍。

    AcquireWithTimeout 函数内部先获取 stripe mutex ,获取到了在进入AcquireLocked 函数:

    if (timeout < 0) {
        // If timeout is negative, we wait indefinitely to acquire the lock
        result = stripe->stripe_mutex->Lock();
      } else {
        result = stripe->stripe_mutex->TryLockFor(timeout);

    获取了 stripe_mutex之后,准备获取锁:

    // Acquire lock if we are able to
      uint64_t expire_time_hint = 0;
      autovector<TransactionID> wait_ids;
      result = AcquireLocked(lock_map, stripe, key, env, lock_info,
                             &expire_time_hint, &wait_ids);

    AcquireLocked 函数实现获取锁逻辑,它的实现逻辑是:

    1. 在 stripe 的 map 中查找该key 是否已经被锁住。
    2. 如果key没有被锁住,判断是否超过了max_num_locks_,没超过则在 stripe的map 中插入{key, txn_lock_info},超过了max_num_locks_,加锁失败,返回状态信息。
    3. 如果key已经被锁住了,要判断加在key上的锁是排它锁还是共享锁,如果是共享锁,那事务的加锁请求可以满足;
    4. 如果是排它锁,如果是同一事务,加锁请求可以满足,如果不是同一事务,如果锁没有超时,则加锁请求失败,否则抢占过来。
    5. 以上是加锁过程,解锁过程类似,也是需要根据cf_id 和 key 计算出落到哪个stripe上,然后就是从map中把数据清理掉,同时还要唤醒该stripe上的等待线程,这个唤醒的粒度有点大。
    void TransactionLockMgr::UnLock(PessimisticTransaction* txn,
                                    uint32_t column_family_id,
                                    const std::string& key, Env* env) {
      std::shared_ptr<LockMap> lock_map_ptr = GetLockMap(column_family_id);//通过cf_id 获取Lock_Map
      LockMap* lock_map = lock_map_ptr.get();
      if (lock_map == nullptr) {
        // Column Family must have been dropped.
      // Lock the mutex for the stripe that this key hashes to
      size_t stripe_num = lock_map->GetStripe(key);//根据key 计算落到哪个stripe上
      assert(lock_map->lock_map_stripes_.size() > stripe_num);
      LockMapStripe* stripe = lock_map->lock_map_stripes_.at(stripe_num);
      UnLockKey(txn, key, stripe, lock_map, env); //从锁的map中清理掉该key
      // Signal waiting threads to retry locking

    ocksdb lock整体结构如下:

    如果一个事务需要锁住大量记录,rocksdb 锁的实现方式可能要比innodb 消耗更多的内存,innodb 的锁结构如下图所示:


    假设最坏的情况,key_length=3072,则100w行记录,需要消耗3G内存,如果是锁1亿行记录,则需要消耗300G内存,这种情况下内存会有撑爆的风险。因此RocksDB提供参数配置rocksdb_max_row_locks,确保内存可控,默认rocksdb_max_row_locks设置为1048576,对于大部分key为bigint场景,极端情况下,也需要消耗22G内存。而在这方面,InnoDB则比较友好,hash表的key是(space_id, page_no),所以无论key有多大,key部分的内存消耗都是恒定的。InnoDB在一个事务需要锁大量记录场景下是有优化的,多个记录可以公用一把锁,这样也间接可以减少内存。


    RocksDB 事务锁的实现整体来说不复杂,只支持行锁,还不支持gap lock ,锁占的资源也比较大,可通过rocksdb_max_row_locks 限制事务施加行锁的数量。


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/163yun/p/13220603.html
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