• 设计模式课程 设计模式精讲 14-3 组合模式源码解析

    1    源码解析

    1.1  jdk源码解析之Container

    1.2  jdk源码解析之HashMap

    1.3  jdk源码解析之ArrayList

    1.4  mybaties源码解析之SqlNode

    1    源码解析
    1.1  jdk源码解析之Container
    public class Container extends Component { 
         * Appends the specified component to the end of this container.
         * This is a convenience method for {@link #addImpl}.
         * <p>
         * This method changes layout-related information, and therefore,
         * invalidates the component hierarchy. If the container has already been
         * displayed, the hierarchy must be validated thereafter in order to
         * display the added component.
         * @param     comp   the component to be added
         * @exception NullPointerException if {@code comp} is {@code null}
         * @see #addImpl
         * @see #invalidate
         * @see #validate
         * @see javax.swing.JComponent#revalidate()
         * @return    the component argument
        public Component add(Component comp) {
            addImpl(comp, null, -1);
            return comp;
    1.2  jdk源码解析之HashMap
    public class HashMap<K,V>
        extends AbstractMap<K,V>
        implements Map<K,V>, Cloneable, Serializable
         * Copies all of the mappings from the specified map to this map.
         * These mappings will replace any mappings that this map had for
         * any of the keys currently in the specified map.
         * @param m mappings to be stored in this map
         * @throws NullPointerException if the specified map is null
        public void putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V> m) {
            int numKeysToBeAdded = m.size();
            if (numKeysToBeAdded == 0)
            if (table == EMPTY_TABLE) {
                inflateTable((int) Math.max(numKeysToBeAdded * loadFactor, threshold));
             * Expand the map if the map if the number of mappings to be added
             * is greater than or equal to threshold.  This is conservative; the
             * obvious condition is (m.size() + size) >= threshold, but this
             * condition could result in a map with twice the appropriate capacity,
             * if the keys to be added overlap with the keys already in this map.
             * By using the conservative calculation, we subject ourself
             * to at most one extra resize.
            if (numKeysToBeAdded > threshold) {
                int targetCapacity = (int)(numKeysToBeAdded / loadFactor + 1);
                if (targetCapacity > MAXIMUM_CAPACITY)
                    targetCapacity = MAXIMUM_CAPACITY;
                int newCapacity = table.length;
                while (newCapacity < targetCapacity)
                    newCapacity <<= 1;
                if (newCapacity > table.length)
            for (Map.Entry<? extends K, ? extends V> e : m.entrySet())
                put(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
    1.3  jdk源码解析之ArrayList



    public class ArrayList<E> extends AbstractList<E>
            implements List<E>, RandomAccess, Cloneable, java.io.Serializable
     public boolean addAll(Collection<? extends E> c) {
            Object[] a = c.toArray();
            int numNew = a.length;
            ensureCapacityInternal(size + numNew);  // Increments modCount
            System.arraycopy(a, 0, elementData, size, numNew);
            size += numNew;
            return numNew != 0;


    public interface List<E> extends Collection<E> {
    1.4  mybaties源码解析之SqlNode



    package org.apache.ibatis.scripting.xmltags;
    public interface SqlNode {
        boolean apply(DynamicContext var1);


     *    Copyright 2009-2015 the original author or authors.
     *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     *    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     *    You may obtain a copy of the License at
     *       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     *    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     *    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     *    limitations under the License.
    package org.apache.ibatis.scripting.xmltags;
    import java.util.List;
     * @author Clinton Begin
    public class MixedSqlNode implements SqlNode {
      private List<SqlNode> contents;
      public MixedSqlNode(List<SqlNode> contents) {
        this.contents = contents;
      public boolean apply(DynamicContext context) {
        for (SqlNode sqlNode : contents) {
        return true;


     *    Copyright 2009-2015 the original author or authors.
     *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     *    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     *    You may obtain a copy of the License at
     *       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     *    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     *    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     *    limitations under the License.
    package org.apache.ibatis.scripting.xmltags;
    import java.util.Arrays;
    import java.util.List;
    import org.apache.ibatis.session.Configuration;
     * @author Clinton Begin
    public class WhereSqlNode extends TrimSqlNode {
      private static List<String> prefixList = Arrays.asList("AND ","OR ","AND
    ", "OR
    ", "AND
    ", "OR
    ", "AND	", "OR	");
      public WhereSqlNode(Configuration configuration, SqlNode contents) {
        super(configuration, contents, "WHERE", prefixList, null, null);


    public class TrimSqlNode implements SqlNode {
    public TrimSqlNode(Configuration configuration, SqlNode contents, String prefix, String prefixesToOverride, String suffix, String suffixesToOverride) {
        this(configuration, contents, prefix, parseOverrides(prefixesToOverride), suffix, parseOverrides(suffixesToOverride));
    protected TrimSqlNode(Configuration configuration, SqlNode contents, String prefix, List<String> prefixesToOverride, String suffix, List<String> suffixesToOverride) {
        this.contents = contents;
        this.prefix = prefix;
        this.prefixesToOverride = prefixesToOverride;
        this.suffix = suffix;
        this.suffixesToOverride = suffixesToOverride;
        this.configuration = configuration;
      public boolean apply(DynamicContext context) {
        FilteredDynamicContext filteredDynamicContext = new FilteredDynamicContext(context);
        boolean result = contents.apply(filteredDynamicContext);
        return result;
    public void applyAll() {
    sqlBuffer = new StringBuilder(sqlBuffer.toString().trim());
    String trimmedUppercaseSql = sqlBuffer.toString().toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
    if (trimmedUppercaseSql.length() > 0) {
    applyPrefix(sqlBuffer, trimmedUppercaseSql);
    applySuffix(sqlBuffer, trimmedUppercaseSql);


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/1446358788-qq/p/11521978.html
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