• python init 方法 与 sql语句当前时间对比

    def init(self,cr):
    tools.sql.drop_view_if_exists(cr, 'custrom_product_infomation_report')
    create or replace view custrom_product_infomation_report as (
    select t0.id,t0.hpartner_id as hpartner_id, t0.khwl_code as khwl_code,t1.product_tmpl_id as productn,
    t4.id as name_uom, t5.price as custo_price,t0.product_meno as product_meno ,t0.meno as meno,t5.date_from,t5.date_to
    from product_custo_info t0
    LEFT JOIN product_product t1 on t0.product_tmpl_id=t1.product_tmpl_id
    LEFT JOIN product_template t3 on t3.id=t1.product_tmpl_id
    LEFT JOIN res_partner t2 on t2.id=t0.hpartner_id
    LEFT JOIN product_uom t4 on t3.uom_id=t4.id
    left join partner_product_price t5 on t5.ppp_line_id=t0.id



    select * from (select  t1.id,t0.product_meno,
     t0.hpartner_id,t0.khwl_code ,t0.name_uom,t0.custo_price  
    ,t0.product_meno,t0.meno,t2.pname ,t0.date_from,t0.date_to
    from cust_product_info_report  t0  
    LEFT JOIN product_product t1 on t1.product_tmpl_id=t0.productn  
    LEFT JOIN product_template t2  on t1.product_tmpl_id=t2.id
    where  (now()>=t0.date_from  and now()<=t0.date_to) or  (t0.date_from is null and t0.date_to is null )  or
    (t0.date_from is null and (now()<=t0.date_to))  or (t0.date_to is null and (now()>=t0.date_from))
     as p where  hpartner_id='16404'  
     order by pname

    sql 中 : case ........when........... then.......
    else....... end

    case tt3.send_invoice_type WHEN '1' then  '汽车零担' WHEN '2' then  '苏通快运'
    WHEN '3' then  '顺丰速运' WHEN '4' then  '德邦快递' WHEN '5' then  '优速快递'
    WHEN '6' then  '佳吉物流' WHEN '7' then  '中通物流' WHEN '8' then  '下午车'
    else '' end 发运方式,
  • 相关阅读:
    MySQL中 ORDER BY 与 LIMIT 的执行顺序
    MySQL 测试数据批量导入
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/1314520xh/p/7776861.html
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