• html5制作导航条





    (5)list-style:none;列表样式:无。  用于在一个声明中设置列表的所有属性的简写属性。涵盖了所有其他列表样式属性,仅作用于具有display值为list-item的对象(如li对象)。


    (7)outline:none;为不设置边框;语法:Object.style.outline = outlineWidth outlineStyle outlineColor 设置边框宽、样式、颜色。

    (8)target="_self" <a>标签内设置,本页面打开;target="_blank"新打开一个页面



     1 body{
     2     margin:0px;
     3     background-image:url(images/body.jpg);
     4     background-repeat:no-repeat;
     5     width:1003px;
     6 }
     8 nav{
     9     float:left;
    10     width:920px;
    11     height:40px;
    12     background-image:url(images/students.jpg);
    13     margin:100px 0 0 0;
    14     padding:0;
    15 }
    17 nav ul{
    18     float:left;
    19     margin:0px;
    20     padding:0 0 0 0;
    21     width:920px;
    22     list-style:none;
    23 }
    24 nav ul li{
    25     display:inline;
    26 }
    27 nav ul li a{
    28     float:left;
    29     padding:12px 40px;
    30     text-align:center;
    31     font-size:14px;
    32     background:url(images/user.png) center right no-repeat;
    33     color:#fff;
    34     font-family:Tahoma;
    35     outline:none;
    36 }
    38 nav li a:hover{
    39     color:#2a5f00;
    40 }


     1 <!DOCTYPE html>
     2 <html>
     3   <head>
     4     <title>MyHtml.html</title>
     5     <link href="CSS/test.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
     6     <meta http-equiv="keywords" content="keyword1,keyword2,keyword3">
     7     <meta http-equiv="description" content="this is my page">
     8     <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    10   </head>
    12   <body>
    13     <header>
    14         <nav>
    15             <ul>
    16                 <li><a href="#" title="首页" target="_self">首页</a></li>
    17                 <li><a href="#" title="首页" target="_self">男男女女</a></li>
    18                 <li><a href="#" title="首页" target="_self">急急急</a></li>
    19                 <li><a href="#" title="首页" target="_blank">呸呸呸</a></li>
    20             </ul>
    21         </nav>
    22     </header>
    23   </body>
    24 </html>
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/1305yyf/p/6011962.html
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