• Oracle语法


    select * from  表名;
    select * from stu;

    select 字段名1, 字段名2 ... from 表名
    select first_name,  age from stu;
    SELECT DISTINCT id, last_name  FROM stu;

    三.给字段取别名: as 可以省略 ,如果别名为关键字必需加双引号
    select first_name as 姓, age as 年龄 , sex as "select" from stu 表名;

    select 表别名.字段名, 表别名.字段名,... from 表名 表的别名
    select s.id , s.last_name from stu  s;

    select * from 表名 where 条件表达式

    条件表达式: 真、假
    1.比较运算符:= , < , > ,<=,>=, !=/<>
    select * from stu where sex='女';
    select * from stu where age=20;
    select * from stu where mathe>60;
    select * from stu where first_name <> '王';// !=

    2.通配符 (模糊查询)like / not like
    select * from 表名 where 字段名 like '含有通配符的字符串'
    select *  from stu where last_name like '%w%';

    select * from stu where last_name like 'w_';
    select * from stu where last_name not like 'w_';

    3.算数运算符 (可以出现在where,但要与比较运算符一起)
    select * from stu where (mathe+chinese) > 120;

    4.逻辑运算符:and 、or、 in ()、between... and
    select *  from stu where mathe>60 and mathe<80;//在60与80之间的
    select * from stu where chinese < 60 or chinese >80; //小于60 或 大于80
    select * from stu where grades in (1,3);//查出括号列出的取值
    select * from stu where mathe between 60 and 80;//小值在前大值在后

    5.null, 值未知
    select * from 表名 where 字段名 is   null; //is not null
    select * from stu where first_name is not  null;
    select * from stu where first_name is   null;

    select * from 表名 where 条件表达式 order by 字段名 asc/desc
    select * from 表名 order by 列数 asc/desc
    select * from stu order by 字段名1 asc,字段名2 desc,... ;
    select * from 表名 whele 条件表达式 order by 字段名 asc/desc

    select * from stu order by age;
    select * from stu order by 7 desc;
    select * from stu order by mathe, chinese desc ;//当第一个字段相同时,按第二个字段排
    select * from stu where sex='女' order by mathe desc;

    七、聚合函数:from的前面, select 后面, 数值类型, 字段只能有一个
    count(), max(), min(),sum(), avg()

    1.查表的所有记录个数 count(字段名)或count(*)
    select count(sex) 总数 ,from stu;
    select count(*) 总数 from stu;
    select count(*) "1班人数" from stu where grades=1;

    select max(mathe) from stu where sex='男';
    select min(mathe) , max(mathe)from stu where sex='男';

    3.sum(数值类型字段), avg(数值类型字段)
    select sum(mathe) from stu;
    select sum(mathe)/count(*) from stu;
    select avg(mathe) from stu;

        1. = 1
        2. <= 数值
        3. < 数值

    select rownum, last_name, id from stu where age=20 and rownum<=2 ;
    select * from stu where age=20 and rownum =1;
    select * from stu where age =20 and rownum<=2;
    select * from stu where rownum<5;

    select 字段1,字段2 , 聚合函数() from 班表名 group by 字段1,字段2 having 条件 order by 字段/聚合函数;
    select 字段1,字段2 , 聚合函数() from 班表名 where 条件表达式 group by 字段1,字段2 order by 字段/聚合函数;

    条件 :可以出殃聚合函数

    select grades, sex, count(*) from stu group by grades, sex;
    select grades, max(mathe) from stu group by grades;
    select grades, avg(mathe) from stu group by grades order by avg(mathe) desc;

    select last_name,avg(mathe) from stu group by last_name having avg(mathe)>75;

    select grades,avg(mathe) from stu group by grades having avg(mathe)>75;

    select grades,avg(mathe) from stu  where mathe>50 group by grades   order by avg(mathe) desc;

    1、lower(字段), upper(), initcap()
    select * from stu where upper(last_name)='w';
    select upper(last_name), first_name from stu where upper(last_name)='W';
    select lower(last_name), sex from stu where lower(last_name)='w';
    select * from stu where lower(last_name)='w';
    select upper(last_name), lower(last_name) from stu;

    substr(字符串的字段, 开始截取的位置, 截取长度)
    select substr(last_name,2, 3) from stu;

    select last_name, length(last_name) from stu;

    4、round()四舍五入,trunc()截取  数值
    select round(avg(mathe), 2) avg from stu;
    select trunc(avg(mathe), 2) avg from stu;

    十、子查询:  一个select 的查询结果要做为另一个select的条件
    1、select * from 表名 where 字段 (select 字段 from 表名)
    select * from stu where chinese > (select avg(mathe) from stu);
    select * from stu where mathe= (select max(mathe) from stu );
    select * from stu where mathe< (select max(mathe) from stu where sex='男' );

    2、all, any , in
    select * from stu where id >= all (select id from stu where mathe>60); // 1,3,4,12
    select * from stu where id <= any (select id from stu where mathe>60);
    select * from stu where id in (select id from stu where mathe>60); // 1,3,4,12
    select * from stu where id =any (select id from stu where mathe>60); // 1,3,4,12
    select * from stu where mathe >any (select mathe from stu where sex='男');
    select * from stu where mathe > (select max(mathe) from stu where sex='男');
    select grades from stu1 group by grades having count(*)<any (select count(*) from stu1 group by grades);

    十一、多表查询 (有关联)

    1. select * from 表名1 别名1, 表名2 别名2 where 连接的查询条件

    select * from stu, course; //两两的相积
    select * from stu , course where stu.id = course.id ;
    select s.last_name, s.first_name, c.cname from stu s , course c where s.id = c.id ;
    select  s1.last_name, s1.age , s1.id  from stu s1, stu s2 where s1.age>s2.age and s2.last_name='海' ;

    select * from stu where age > (select age from stu where last_name='小红');
    select s1.* from stu s1,stu s2 where s1.age>s2.age and s2.last_name='小红';

    3、内联接inner join
    select * from 表名1 inner join 表名2 on  联接的条件 where 查询查条件
    select * from stu inner join course on stu.id=course.id;
    select * from stu , course where stu.id=course.id;
    select * from stu inner join course on stu.id=course.id where stu.id>1;

     select * from 表名1 left join 表名2 on  联接的条件 where 查询查条件

        1)左联接 left join
            select * from stu left join course on stu.id = course.id;
        2)右联接 right join
            select * from stu right join course on stu.id = course.id;
        3)全联按 full join
            select * from stu full join course on stu.id = course.id;


    select * from (select * from (select * from (select * from stu order by mathe desc) where rownum<=6) order by mathe) where rownum<=3  order by mathe desc ;
    select * from (select * from (select * from (select * from (select * from stu  order by mathe desc ) where rownum<=6) order by mathe) where rownum<=3) order by mathe desc;


    create table 表名(

        字段名1 数据类型  约束条件,

        字段名2 数据类型  约束条件,
        字段名n 数据类型  约束条件


    表名:     开头必是字母,1--30字符, 字母,数字,下划线,$ ,#
    字段名1       表名唯一, 关键字不能为表名

    1. insert into 表名 values(值1, 值2, 值3,值4,...)
    insert into myTA values(1000, '李四张山', '男');
    2.insert into 表名(字段名1, 。。。) values(值1,。。。)
    insert into myTA(name) values('赵武');

    update 表名 set 字段名1=值(表达式), 字段名2=值(表达式),。。。 where 修改条件
    update myTA set sex='女';//
    update myTA set sex='F' where name='abcdefse' ;
    update myTA set id = id+11, sex='MF' where name='李四张山';

    1.delete from 表名 where 删除条件 ;//删除表记录
         truncate table 表名; //重新建立表结构,
        delete from 表名;//没有修改表结构
    2.drop table 表名; //删除整个表的

    1、主键 primary key 唯一值,并不能为空
    create table myB(
             id number(4) primary key,
             name varchar2(8),
             sex char(2)

    2、非空约束  not null , 不能为空
     create table myC(
             id int primary key,
             name varchar2(8) not null,
             sex char(2) null
    3、唯一约束 unique,赋值时值是唯一的,但空值可以出现多次
    create table myD(
             id int primary key,
             name varchar2(8) unique ,
             sex char(2) null
        primary key == unique not null
      create table myD(
             id int primary key,
             name varchar2(8) unique not null,
             sex char(2) null

    create table myE(
              id int primary key,
             name varchar2(8) unique ,
             age int check(age>20 and age<60),
             age int check(age beween 20 and 60),
             sex char(2) check( sex in ('M','F') )
    5、外键, 外键的值必需是主键中以存在的值
     create table mySoct(
             sid int,
             mathc number(4),
             chinec number(4),
             constraint 外键名 foreign key(从表字段名) references  主表名(主表的字段名)


     alter table 表名 add(新字段名 数据类型, sex char(2) 。。。);

    alter table 表名 modify (字段名 数据类型,。。。);
    数据类型:类型, 类型的取值范围

    alter table 表名 drop column 字段名;//删除一列
    alter table 表名 drop ( 字段名, 字段名,。。。);//删除多列

     alter table 表名 rename column 旧字段名 to 新字段名;

    rename 旧表名 to 新表名;

    select * from gg where to_char(tt,'yy-mm-dd')='2018-2-6';
    to_date('2000-02-5 12:30:05','yy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')

    2、months_between(日期数据, 日期数据),两个日期之间的月份
    select  months_between(日期数据, 日期数据) from myGg;    

    3、to_char( 日期字段名, '字符串的格式')
    select * from myGg where  to_char(eb,'dd-mm-yyyy' )='03-10-2018';
    select to_char(mm,'$99999,999,999') from gg;

    4、to_char( 数字段名, '字符串的格式')
    select to_char(pr, '$999,999,999.99') from mygf;

    十三、用户:  system  / sys

    1、创建用户: create user A identified by 123456;

        connect :可以登录

      grant connect, resource to 用户名;
      grant select on 表名 to 用户名;
      select * from 用户名.表名
      revoke connect from 用户名;

        conn 用户/密码

    alter user 用户名 identified by 新密码;

    drop user 用户名;

    注:在用户名下以有表,或。。, 在删除用户前必需先将表删除,再删除用户

       create view 视图名 as 查询语句;
       create view stu_mathe as  select first_name||''||last_name as "姓名", mathe from stu where mathe>60;
       select * from stu_mathe;
       grant create view to 用户名;

    create or replace view 视图名 as 查询语句;

    drop view 视图名;


    用于提高查询效率 , 表记录多时(10W)
    查询结束在 5%,使用
    create index 索引名 on 表名(字段名);
    create index stu_index_first on stu(first_name);
    select * from stu where first_name='王';

      create sequence 序列名
       start with 1 //开始值
       increment by 1 //步长
       minvalue 1 //最小值
       maxvalue // 最大值 , nomaxvalue
       cycle //循环,nocycle
       cache //缓存, nocache

    2.使用, 主键

    十七、同义词:另一个用户的表 的别名 .

        1.第一个普通用户,需要具有connect, resource ,create synonym , 管理员授权
            create synonym 同义词名 for 第二个用户名.表名
            gran select on 表名 to 第一个用户名
            grant all on 表名 to 第一个用户名
            select * from 同义词名

  • 相关阅读:
    this 关键字的用法
    C# 线程
    C# WCF的通信模式
    C# WCF之用接口创建服务契约、部署及客户端连接
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/070727sun/p/12879068.html
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