ActiveObject 活动对像练习
活动对像都继承自 CActive 类,则活动对像调度器管理,对这个活动对像并不太了解,下面说说主要的:
- 活动对像从 CActive 类继承,CActive 已有 iStatus 及 SetActive()
- 一定要将活动对像添加到活动对像调度器中才可以得到执行 CActiveScheduler::Add() 方法添加
- 一般都是调用Start() 去执行这个活动对像,在 Start() 中一定要调用 SetActive 方法
- 重写 RunL 方法及DoCancel方法,并且在 RunL 方法中代码要少同时执行简洁
- IsActive 是判断一个活动对像是否处在活动状态
目前对活动对像并没有深入了解, DoCancel只知道是用到取消的,但还没有实际去操作,下面只是把练习的代码放出来,到时
// Include Files #include "ActiveLx.h" #include <e32base.h> #include <e32std.h> #include <e32cons.h> // Console // Constants _LIT(KTextConsoleTitle, "Console"); _LIT(KTextFailed, " failed, leave code = %d"); _LIT(KTextPressAnyKey, " [press any key]\n"); // Global Variables LOCAL_D CConsoleBase* console; // write all messages to this static TInt word; static TInt num; class CActiveTimer; class CWord:public CBase { public: static CWord* NewL(TInt aMaxLength); static CWord* NewLC(TInt aMaxLength); private: CWord(TInt aMaxLength); void ConstructL(TInt aMaxLength); public: TInt WordNumCountL(TChar aChar); void OutputWord(); TInt WordNum(); TInt Length(); TInt MaxLength(); ~CWord(); private: TInt iLenght; TInt iMaxLength; HBufC* iHBuffC; }; class CAOExample:public CActive { public: static CAOExample* NewL(CConsoleBase* aConsole); static CAOExample* NewLC(CConsoleBase* aConsole); private: CAOExample(); void ConstructL(CConsoleBase* aConsole); public: void Start(); void PrintWord(); void PrintWordNum(); void KeyPressInput(TChar aChar); ~CAOExample(); private: void RunL(); void Cancel(); void DoCancel(); private: CConsoleBase* iConsole; CWord* iCWord; }; CAOExample* CAOExample::NewL( CConsoleBase* aConsole ) { CAOExample* self = CAOExample::NewLC(aConsole); CleanupStack::Pop(); return self; } CAOExample* CAOExample::NewLC( CConsoleBase* aConsole ) { CAOExample* self = new(ELeave)CAOExample(); CleanupStack::PushL(self); self->ConstructL(aConsole); return self; } CAOExample::CAOExample():CActive(EPriorityStandard) { } void CAOExample::ConstructL( CConsoleBase* aConsole ) { iConsole = aConsole; this->iCWord = CWord::NewL(2); CActiveScheduler::Add(this); } void CAOExample::Start() { iConsole->Read(iStatus); SetActive(); } void CAOExample::PrintWord() { iCWord->OutputWord(); } void CAOExample::PrintWordNum() { _LIT(KFormat1,"You input word num:%d\n"); iConsole->Printf(KFormat1,iCWord->WordNum()); iConsole->Printf(_L("pleae input new word")); } void CAOExample::KeyPressInput( TChar aChar ) { iCWord->WordNumCountL(aChar); if (iCWord->Length()==iCWord->MaxLength()) { PrintWord(); } if (aChar == EKeyEnter) { PrintWordNum(); word= 0; num = 0; } Start(); } CAOExample::~CAOExample() { delete iCWord; iCWord = NULL; iConsole = NULL; } void CAOExample::RunL() { KeyPressInput(TChar(iConsole->KeyCode())); } void CAOExample::Cancel() { DoCancel(); } void CAOExample::DoCancel() { iConsole->ReadCancel(); } CWord* CWord::NewL( TInt aMaxLength ) { CWord* self = CWord::NewLC(aMaxLength); CleanupStack::Pop(); return self; } CWord* CWord::NewLC( TInt aMaxLength ) { CWord* self=new (ELeave)CWord(aMaxLength); CleanupStack::PushL(self); self->ConstructL(aMaxLength); return self; } CWord::CWord( TInt aMaxLength ) { iMaxLength = aMaxLength; iLenght = 0; } void CWord::ConstructL( TInt aMaxLength ) { iHBuffC = HBufC::NewL(aMaxLength); } void CWord::OutputWord() { console->Printf(iHBuffC->Des()); iHBuffC->Des().Zero(); iLenght = 0; } TInt CWord::WordNum() { return num; } TInt CWord::Length() { return iLenght; } TInt CWord::MaxLength() { return iMaxLength; } CWord::~CWord() { delete iHBuffC; iHBuffC =NULL; iLenght = 0; iMaxLength = 0; } TInt CWord::WordNumCountL( TChar aChar ) { TPtr ptr = iHBuffC->Des(); if (iLenght<iMaxLength) { ptr.Append(aChar); if (!('A'<=aChar && aChar<='Z' || 'a'<=aChar && aChar<='z')) { word = 0; } else { if (word==0) { word=1; ++num; } } iLenght++; return 1; } else return 0; } class CActiveTimer:public CTimer { public: static CActiveTimer* NewL(CConsoleBase* aConsole); static CActiveTimer* NewLC(CConsoleBase* aConsole); ~CActiveTimer(); private: CActiveTimer(); void ConstructL(CConsoleBase* aConsole); public: void Start(); private: void RunL(); void Cancel(); void DoCancel(); void Stop(); private: CConsoleBase* iConsole; TTime iTime; RTimer iTimer; TBool iStop; }; CActiveTimer* CActiveTimer::NewL( CConsoleBase* aConsole ) { CActiveTimer* self = CActiveTimer::NewLC(aConsole); CleanupStack::Pop(); return self; } CActiveTimer* CActiveTimer::NewLC( CConsoleBase* aConsole ) { CActiveTimer* self= new(ELeave)CActiveTimer(); CleanupStack::PushL(self); self->ConstructL(aConsole); return self; } CActiveTimer::~CActiveTimer() { iConsole = NULL; iTimer.Close(); } CActiveTimer::CActiveTimer():CTimer(CActive::EPriorityStandard) { iStop = FALSE; } void CActiveTimer::Start() { if (IsActive()) return; iTimer.After(iStatus,1000); SetActive(); } void CActiveTimer::Stop() { iStop = TRUE; } void CActiveTimer::DoCancel() { CTimer::DoCancel(); } void CActiveTimer::Cancel() { DoCancel(); } void CActiveTimer::RunL() { if(iStop==FALSE) { iTime.HomeTime(); iConsole->ClearScreen(); TDay day = iTime.DayNoInWeek(); TDayName DName; DName.Set(day); DName.ZeroTerminate(); TDateTime dt; dt = iTime.DateTime(); _LIT(KTime,"today is:%d-%d-%d\n%s\n%d:%d:%d time \n"); iConsole->Printf(KTime,dt.Year(),dt.Month()+1,dt.Day()+1,DName.Ptr(), dt.Hour(),dt.Minute(),dt.Second()); Start(); } else CActiveScheduler::Stop(); } void CActiveTimer::ConstructL( CConsoleBase* aConsole ) { CTimer::ConstructL(); iConsole = aConsole; iTimer.CreateLocal(); CActiveScheduler::Add(this); } // Local Functions LOCAL_C void MainL(const TDesC& aArgs) { // // add your program code here, example code below // //console->Write(_L("Hello, world!\n")); /* _LIT(KFormat1,"length=%d\nsize=%d\ncontent=%S"); HBufC* aTest = HBufC::NewL(12); CleanupStack::PushL(aTest); _LIT(KTest,"qijianzhou"); TPtr ptr = aTest->Des(); TBuf<12> aBuf(KTest); // 测试刚创建完后长度及大小 console->Printf(KFormat1,aTest->Length(),aTest->Size(),&ptr); console->Getch(); ptr.Append(aBuf); console->Printf(KFormat1,aTest->Length(),aTest->Size(),&ptr); console->Getch(); ptr.Zero(); console->Printf(KFormat1,aTest->Length(),aTest->Size(),&ptr); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); */ console->Printf(_L("\nCommand line args: \"%S\"\n"), &aArgs); } LOCAL_C void DoStartL() { // Create active scheduler (to run active objects) CActiveScheduler* scheduler = new (ELeave) CActiveScheduler(); CleanupStack::PushL(scheduler); CActiveScheduler::Install(scheduler); // Call main function with command line // TBuf<256> cmdLine; // RProcess().CommandLine(cmdLine); // MainL(cmdLine); CAOExample* ao = CAOExample::NewLC(console); ao->Start(); CActiveTimer* at = CActiveTimer::NewLC(console); // at->Start(); scheduler->Start(); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // Delete active scheduler CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(scheduler); } // Global Functions GLDEF_C TInt E32Main() { // Create cleanup stack __UHEAP_MARK; CTrapCleanup* cleanup = CTrapCleanup::New(); // Create output console TRAPD(createError, console = Console::NewL(KTextConsoleTitle, TSize(KConsFullScreen,KConsFullScreen))); if (createError) return createError; // Run application code inside TRAP harness, wait keypress when terminated TRAPD(mainError, DoStartL()); if (mainError) console->Printf(KTextFailed, mainError); console->Printf(KTextPressAnyKey); console->Getch(); delete console; delete cleanup; __UHEAP_MARKEND; return KErrNone; } // End of file |