- 不可变数据类型:元祖、bool、int、str 可哈希
- 可变数据类型:list,dic,set 不可哈希
dic key:必须为可哈希数据类型,不可以变数据类型
dic 优点:二分查找,存储大量关系型数据
dic = { 'name': ['bear', 'Honey', 'bee'], 'myPthon': [{'num1': 71, 'avg_age': 18} ,{'num1': 71, 'avg_age': 18} ,{'num1': 71, 'avg_age': 18}], True: 1, (1, 2, 3): 'bee', 2: 'Honey' } print(dic)
The key value is an immutable type(hash),which can be tuple,bool,int,str. (immutable:不可变)
But when the key value is a tuple, it must be an immutable type.
A varable tuple like this is not posible:(1, 2, 3, [1, 2]).
It will reopot errors:TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'.
dic1 = {'age': 18, 'name': 'bear', 'sex': 'male'} dic2 = {} # if the key value does not exist to be added to the dictionary dic1['high'] = 185 # if the dictionary has a key value, update the corresponding value to the dictionary (corresponding:相符的) dic1['age'] = 15 # Key value does not exist, default add none to dictionary dic1.setdefault('weight') # The key value does note exist, if the second parameter is specified,add the (key,value) pair to the dictionary dic1.setdefault('weight', 90) # If the key value already exists,the specified value will not be update to the dictionary dic1.setdefault('name', 'bee')
# 返回键值对应的值,并删除,键值不存在将会报错 print(dic1.pop('age')) # 15 # 指定键值不存在时返回None,可以指定任务值 print(dic1.pop('age', None)) # None # 随机删除,返回值为(key,value)的形势 print(dic1.popitem()) # ('weight', None)
# 删除键值对应的数据,无键值报错KeyError: del dic1['name'] print(dic1) # 内存中删除整个字典 del dic1 print(dic1) # NameError: name 'dic1' is not defined
# 清空字典 dic1.clear() print(dic1) # {} # 跟del不同,clear只是清空,字典不从内存中删除
# 改 # 直接赋值 dic1['age'] = 19 # update # 使用字典2中的值合并到字典1,键值相同更新,不同新增 dic2 = {'name': 'honey bee', 'inters': ['swing', 'sing'], 'Habit': 'Watch movie'} dic1.update(dic2) print(dic1) print(dic2)
# 打印key值,value值,(key,value)值 print(dic1.keys(), type(dic1.keys())) print(dic1.values()) print(dic1.items())
# 加keys和直接使用字典名,都是打印key值 for i in dic1: print(i) for i in dic1.keys(): print(i) # 打印字典的value值 for i in dic1.values(): print(i)
# One line of code exchanges value of a and b a = 1 b = 2 a, b = b, a print(a, b)
# 同时获取key和value值 for k, v in dic1.items(): print(k, v)
# 键值不存在报错,可以使用get,指定键值不存在的时候,返回值 v1 = dic1['age'] print(v1) print(dic1.get('name1', '没有这个键'))
dic1 = {'name': ['bear big', 'bear two', 'strong bald head'] ,'py9': { 'time': '0910', 'learn_money': 12300, 'addr':'CBD' }, 'age': 29 } print(dic1) # 更爱age键值为56 dic1['age'] = 56 print(dic1) # 键值name对应的是列表,列表添加值 print(dic1['name']) dic1['name'].append('honey bee') print(dic1['name']) # 键值name对应的index1的值最大 dic1['name'][1] = dic1['name'][1].upper() print(print(dic1['name'])) # 求出输入字符串中,有几个数字 info = input(">>>") # fhdklah123rfdj12fdjsl3 for i in info: if i.isalpha(): info = info.replace(i, ' ') l = info.split() # 这里不能用l = info.split(' '),否则每个空格都会分出一个元素 print(l) print(len(l))
''' 3、元素分类 有如下值li= [11,22,33,44,55,66,77,88,99,90],将所有大于 66 的值保存至字典的第一个key中,将小于 66 的值保存至第二个key的值中。 即: {'k1': 大于66的所有值列表, 'k2': 小于66的所有值列表} ''' li = [11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99, 90] li_greater = [] li_less = [] dic = {} for i in li: if i == 66: continue if i > 66: li_greater.append(i) else: li_less.append(i) dic.setdefault('k1', li_greater) dic.setdefault('k2', li_less) print(dic)
''' 4、输出商品列表,用户输入序号,显示用户选中的商品 商品 li = ["手机", "电脑", '鼠标垫', '游艇'] 要求:1:页面显示 序号 + 商品名称,如: 1 手机 2 电脑 … 2: 用户输入选择的商品序号,然后打印商品名称 3:如果用户输入的商品序号有误,则提示输入有误,并重新输入。 4:用户输入Q或者q,退出程序。 ''' li = ["手机", "电脑", '鼠标垫', '游艇'] while True: for k, v in enumerate(li): print('{} {}'.format(k + 1, v)) choice = input("请选择商品(输入Q/q退出):") if choice.isdigit(): choice = int(choice) if 0 < choice <= len(li): print("你选择了商品:", end='') print("%s %s" % (str(choice), li[choice - 1])) else: print("输入有误,请重新输入!") elif choice.upper() == 'Q': break else: print("请输入数字!")