CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `t_url` ( `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `url` varchar(100) NOT NULL, `pictype` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT '1.非比例缩略图2比例缩略图 `flag` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '0.禁用1.可用 PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=gbk COMMENT='url链接表' AUTO_INCREMENT=1 ;
为了便于理解,在看下面代码前,先创建一个test.bat文件,鼠标右击编辑,写入一句话if not exist ay360cn.jpg (iecapt.exe --url=http://www.ay360.cn/ --out=ay360cn.jpg)保存,双击运行test.bat看看是否会在本目录下多出一个名叫ay360cn.jpg的文件,如果看到说明截图成功,这句话是截图的核心语句。
1 <?php 2 3 //------------------------------------------------------------ 4 //从表t_url中提取url链接,存放到数组$data中 5 //-------------------------------------------------------------- 6 7 mysql_connect("localhost","root","123"); 8 mysql_select_db("test"); 9 $sql = "select * from t_url"; 10 //选用sql语句$sql2 = "select * from t_url where pictype = 1 and flag = 1"; 11 12 $query = mysql_query($sql); 13 14 //------------------------------------------ 15 //生成批处理文件 16 //------------------------------------------ 17 18 $expire_time = 10; //代表10天,文件过期时间,86400秒/天 19 $i = 0; 20 foreach($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)){ 21 $url_md5 = md5($row['url']); 22 $file_folder = 'img/'; 23 $filename = $file_folder.$url_md5.'.'.'jpg'; 24 $newname = $url_md5.'.'.'jpg'; 25 26 if (!file_exists($filename) || (filemtime ($filename) + $expire_time * 86400 < time()) ) { 27 28 $str .= "if not exist ".$newname." (iecapt.exe --url=".$value['url']." --out=".$newname.") "; 29 30 if(($i % 30) == 0 && $i > 0){ //每30条为一个批处理文件 31 $title = "title capt".$i.".bat "; 32 $str = $title.$str; 33 $file_bat = fopen("img_tmp/capt".$i.".bat","w"); 34 35 if(fwrite($file_bat,$str)){ 36 echo "批处理文件capt".$i."生成成功<br>"; 37 $str = ""; 38 } 39 } 40 $i = $i+1; 41 } 42 } 43 ?>
可以通过php程序循环执行 批处理文件,但在运行当中会出现很多问题,这里手动直接批量打开上面刚创建好的批处理文件,考虑到带宽和cpu,最多不要超过20个,截图的速度大约3-5秒/张效果如图三:
1 <?php 2 mysql_connect("localhost","root","123456"); 3 mysql_select_db("test"); 4 5 6 if(!isset($_GET['ID'])){ 7 $_GET['ID'] = 1; 8 } 9 10 if($_GET['ID']){ 11 $sql = "select * from t_url id =".$_GET['ID']; 12 $query = mysql_query($sql); 13 $row = mysql_fetch_array($query); 14 15 echo "<span style='color:#CE0000;'>正在生成缩略图:</span>".$row['id']." ".$row['url']."<br><br>"; 16 17 $url = $row['url']; 18 $url_md5 = md5($url); 19 $pictype = $row['pictype']; 20 21 $limit_time = 1; //创建 $limit_time日内创建的大图,天 22 $thumbnails_folder = 'img_tmp/'; //保存临时大图的目录,必须以/结束 23 $thumbnails_folder2 = 'img/'; //保存小图的目录,必须以/结束 24 $output_format = 'jpg'; 25 $cached_filename = $thumbnails_folder.$url_md5.".".$output_format; 26 27 $to_filename = $thumbnails_folder2 .$url_md5.'.'.$output_format; 28 29 if((file_exists($cached_filename) || filemtime ($filename) + $limit_time*86400 > time()) 30 && !file_exists($to_filename)){ 31 32 if (filesize($cached_filename) > 1024){ //字节,不能是空白图片 33 //创建缩略图 34 include("image.class.php"); 35 $img = new Zubrag_image; 36 37 // get parameters 38 $img->image_type = 2; // 1 = GIF, 2 = JPG, 3 = PNG 39 $img->quality = 80; 40 $img->max_w = 90; 41 $img->max_h = 67; 42 $img->iscapt = ($pictype == 1) ? true : false; //此处用布尔型即可,数据库不可1.非比例缩略图2.按比例缩略 43 44 if($img->GenerateThumbFile($cached_filename, $to_filename)){ 45 echo "<span style='color:#CE0000;'>成功创建缩略图:</span>".$row['id']." ".$row['url']; 46 }else{ 47 echo "<span style='color:#0000CE;'>未能创建缩略图:</span>".$row['id']." ".$row['url']; 48 } 49 } 50 } 51 52 $sql = "select * from t_url id >".$_GET['ID']." and flag = 1 order by id asc limit 1"; 53 $query = mysql_query($sql); 54 $row = mysql_fetch_array($query); 55 56 echo "<br><span style='color:#0000CE;'>准备生成缩略图:</span>".$row['id']." ".$row['url']."<br><br>"; 57 58 if($row['id']){ 59 echo "<script>window.location.href='create_image_img.php?ID=".$row['id']."';</script>"; 60 }else{ 61 $_GET['ID'] = ""; 62 } 63 } 64 65 ?>
1 <?php 2 3 class Zubrag_image { 4 5 var $iscapt = true; 6 var $image_type = -1; 7 var $quality = 100; 8 var $max_w = 100; 9 var $max_h = 100; 10 11 function SaveImage($im, $filename) { 12 $res = null; 13 if(($this->image_type == 1) && !function_exists('imagegif')) $this->image_type = 3; 14 switch ($this->image_type) { 15 case 1: 16 //if ($this->save_to_file) { 17 $res = ImageGIF($im,$filename); 18 //} 19 //else { 20 // header("Content-type: image/gif"); 21 // $res = ImageGIF($im); 22 //} 23 break; 24 case 2: 25 $res = ImageJPEG($im,$filename,$this->quality); 26 break; 27 case 3: 28 $res = ImagePNG($im,$filename); 29 break; 30 } 31 return $res; 32 } 33 34 function ImageCreateFromType($type,$filename) { 35 $im = NULL; 36 switch ($type) { 37 case 1: 38 $im = ImageCreateFromGif($filename); 39 break; 40 case 2: 41 $im = ImageCreateFromJpeg($filename); 42 break; 43 case 3: 44 $im = ImageCreateFromPNG($filename); 45 break; 46 } 47 return $im; 48 } 49 50 51 function GenerateThumbFile($from_name, $to_name) { 52 list($orig_x, $orig_y, $orig_img_type, $img_sizes) = GetImageSize($from_name); 53 /*if ($this->cut_x > 0) $orig_x = min($this->cut_x, $orig_x); 54 if ($this->cut_y > 0) $orig_y = min($this->cut_y, $orig_y);*/ 55 if ($this->iscapt && (($orig_y/$orig_x) > (90/67))) { //是截图,且高度过高 56 $orig_y = $orig_x*(67/90); 57 } 58 59 $this->image_type = ($this->image_type != -1 ? $this->image_type : $orig_img_type); 60 61 if ($orig_img_type < 1 or $orig_img_type > 3) die("Image type not supported"); 62 63 if ($this->image_type == 1) { 64 $ni = imagecreate($this->max_w, $this->max_h); 65 } 66 else { 67 $ni = imagecreatetruecolor($this->max_w,$this->max_h); 68 } 69 70 $white = imagecolorallocate($ni, 255, 255, 255); 71 imagefilledrectangle( $ni, 0, 0, $this->max_w, $this->max_h, $white); 72 73 $im = $this->ImageCreateFromType($orig_img_type,$from_name); 74 imagepalettecopy($ni,$im); 75 imagecopyresampled( 76 $ni, $im, 77 0, 0, 0, 0, 78 $this->max_w, $this->max_h, 79 $orig_x, $orig_y); 80 if($this->SaveImage($ni, $to_name)){ 81 return true; 82 }else{ 83 return false; 84 } 85 } 86 } 87 88 ?>