CaseFormat用来转换各种不同的编程语言间的变量名命名格式, 主要用到的方法只有一个 CaseFormat.to(CaseFormat from, String s)
CaseFormat fromFormat = CaseFormat.LOWER_CAMEL; CaseFormat toFormat = CaseFormat.UPPER_CAMEL; String s = "lowerCamel"; System.out.println(fromFormat.to(toFormat, s));
package com.google.common.base; import com.google.common.annotations.GwtCompatible; /** * Utility class for converting between various ASCII case formats. * 转换ASCII字符串各种格式的工具类 * * @author Mike Bostock * @since 1.0 */ @GwtCompatible public enum CaseFormat { /** * Hyphenated variable naming convention, e.g., "lower-hyphen". * 带连接符的变量名转换 */ LOWER_HYPHEN(CharMatcher.is('-'), "-"), /** * C++ variable naming convention, e.g., "lower_underscore". * C++ 变量名转换 */ LOWER_UNDERSCORE(CharMatcher.is('_'), "_"), /** * Java variable naming convention, e.g., "lowerCamel". * Java 变量名转换 */ LOWER_CAMEL(CharMatcher.inRange('A', 'Z'), ""), /** * Java and C++ class naming convention, e.g., "UpperCamel". * Java 和 C++ 类名转换 */ UPPER_CAMEL(CharMatcher.inRange('A', 'Z'), ""), /** * Java and C++ constant naming convention, e.g., "UPPER_UNDERSCORE". * Java 和 C++ 常量命名转换 */ UPPER_UNDERSCORE(CharMatcher.is('_'), "_"); private final CharMatcher wordBoundary; private final String wordSeparator; CaseFormat(CharMatcher wordBoundary, String wordSeparator) { this.wordBoundary = wordBoundary; this.wordSeparator = wordSeparator; } /** * Converts the specified {@code String s} from this format to the specified {@code format}. A * "best effort" approach is taken; if {@code s} does not conform to the assumed format, then the * behavior of this method is undefined but we make a reasonable effort at converting anyway. * * 使用这个format将指定String s转为指定format.采取的是"尽力而为"的方法;假如s不符合设定的格式 * 那么这个方法的行为将会是不确定的,但我们会尽量做出合理的转换 * * 实际上我们使用的只有这一个方法 */ public String to(CaseFormat format, String s) { if (format == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } if (s == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } if (format == this) { return s; } /* optimize cases where no camel conversion is required */ /* 没有驼峰转换的时候优化转换 */ switch (this) { case LOWER_HYPHEN: switch (format) { case LOWER_UNDERSCORE: return s.replace('-', '_'); case UPPER_UNDERSCORE: return Ascii.toUpperCase(s.replace('-', '_')); } break; case LOWER_UNDERSCORE: switch (format) { case LOWER_HYPHEN: return s.replace('_', '-'); case UPPER_UNDERSCORE: return Ascii.toUpperCase(s); } break; case UPPER_UNDERSCORE: switch (format) { case LOWER_HYPHEN: return Ascii.toLowerCase(s.replace('_', '-')); case LOWER_UNDERSCORE: return Ascii.toLowerCase(s); } break; } // otherwise, deal with camel conversion // 处理驼峰转其他的转换 StringBuilder out = null; int i = 0; int j = -1; // 将字符串按分隔符切分单词,转换每个单词 while ((j = wordBoundary.indexIn(s, ++j)) != -1) { if (i == 0) { // include some extra space for separators // 为分隔符留出额外的空间 out = new StringBuilder(s.length() + 4 * wordSeparator.length()); // 第一个单词使用normalizeFirstWord处理 out.append(format.normalizeFirstWord(s.substring(i, j))); } else { // 后续单词用normalizeWord处理 out.append(format.normalizeWord(s.substring(i, j))); } out.append(format.wordSeparator); // 当前坐标后移 i = j + wordSeparator.length(); } if (i == 0) { return format.normalizeFirstWord(s); } // 处理最后一个分隔符右边的字符串 out.append(format.normalizeWord(s.substring(i))); return out.toString(); } /** * 将第一个单词普通化 * LOWER_CAMEL -> 全小写 * 其他 -> normalizeWord */ private String normalizeFirstWord(String word) { switch (this) { case LOWER_CAMEL: return Ascii.toLowerCase(word); default: return normalizeWord(word); } } /** * 将单词普通化 * LOWER_HYPHEN, LOWER_UNDERSCORE -> 全小写 * LOWER_CAMEL, UPPER_CAMEL -> 第一个字母大写其他字母小写 * UPPER_UNDERSCORE -> 全大写 */ private String normalizeWord(String word) { switch (this) { case LOWER_HYPHEN: return Ascii.toLowerCase(word); case LOWER_UNDERSCORE: return Ascii.toLowerCase(word); case LOWER_CAMEL: return firstCharOnlyToUpper(word); case UPPER_CAMEL: return firstCharOnlyToUpper(word); case UPPER_UNDERSCORE: return Ascii.toUpperCase(word); } throw new RuntimeException("unknown case: " + this); } /** * 将单词第一个字母变大写,其他变小写 */ private static String firstCharOnlyToUpper(String word) { int length = word.length(); if (length == 0) { return word; } return new StringBuilder(length) .append(Ascii.toUpperCase(word.charAt(0))) .append(Ascii.toLowerCase(word.substring(1))) .toString(); } }