1、vars :操作jmeter变量,这个变量实际引用了JMeter线程中的局部变量容器(本质上是Map),它是测试用例与BeanShell交互的桥梁,常用方法:
a) vars.get(String key); 从jmeter中获得变量值
b) vars.put(String key,String value); 数据存到jmeter变量中
2、props :操作jmeter属性,该变量引用了JMeter的配置信息,可以获取Jmeter的属性,它的使用方法与vars类似,但是只能put进去String类型的值。对应于java.util.Properties。
a) props.get("START.HMS"); 注:START.HMS为属性名,在文件jmeter.properties中定义
b) props.put("PROP1","1234");
vars和props 主要两点的区别:
vars 只能在档期线程内使用,props 可以跨线程租使用
vars 只能保持String 或者Objec, props 是 Hashtable 对象
4、prev :获取前面的sample返回的信息,常用方法:
a) getResponseDataAsString(); 获取响应信息
b) getResponseCode() ; 获取响应code
5、写入信息到jmeber.log文件:log.info(“This is log info!”)
thread=Thread.currentThread().getName(); user=thread.replaceAll(" ","_")+"_压力测试"; log.info("====打印线程名称===="+user); vars.put("user",user);
二、Jmeter有哪些Bean Shell
BeanShell Sampler ,采样器
BeanShell PreProcessor ,前置处理器
BeanShell PostProcessor ,后置处理器
BeanShell Timer ,定时器
BeanShell Listener ,监听器
BeanShell Assertion ,断言
1、在eclipse写好代码,然后把该类打成jar包(在类上点击右键->Export->jar file)
3、打开jmeter,添加一个BeanShell ,导入我们的jar包,调用里面的方法。
//示例脚本 if (ResponseCode != null && ResponseCode.equals ("200") == false ) { // this is standard stuff Failure=true ; FailureMessage ="Response code was not a 200 response code it was " + ResponseCode + "." ; print ( "the return code is " + ResponseCode); // this goes to stdout log.warn( "the return code is " + ResponseCode); // this goes to the JMeter log file } else { try { byte [] arr = (byte[]) ResponseData ; if (arr != null){ String question=vars.get("question"); String response= new String(ResponseDate,"utf-8"); Failure= ! response.contains(" "answer": " "+question+" " "); FailureMessage = Failure?"The response data size was not as expected " +"question"+question+" " +"response"+response:""; }else { Failure= true ; FailureMessage = "The response data size was null" ; } } catch ( Throwable t ) { print ( t ) ; log.warn("Error: ",t); } }