//stack.h #ifndef _STACK_H #define _STACK_H struct customer { char fullname[35]; double payment; }; typedef customer Item ; class Stack { private: enum {MAX=10}; Item items[MAX]; int top; public: Stack(); virtual ~Stack() {}; bool isempty() const; bool isfull() const; bool push(const Item & item); bool pop(Item & item); }; #endif // !_STACK_H
//stack.cpp #include "stack.h" Stack::Stack() { top = 0; } bool Stack::isempty() const { return top == 0; } bool Stack::isfull() const { return top == MAX; } bool Stack::push(const Item & item) { if (top < MAX) { items[top++] = item; return true; } else return false; } bool Stack::pop(Item & item) { if (top > 0) { item = items[--top]; return true; } else return false; }
//main.cpp #include <iostream> #include "stack.h" void get_customer(customer & cu); using namespace std; int main() { Stack st; char ch; customer temp; double payment = 0; cout << "Enter A or a to push a customer, " << "P or p to pop a customer,and Q or q to quit!" << endl; while ((cin >> ch) && (ch != 'q') && (ch != 'Q')) { while (cin.get() != ' ') continue; if ((toupper(ch)!= 'A') && (toupper(ch) != 'P' )) { cout << "Please enter A,por Q!" << endl; continue; } switch (ch) { case 'A': case 'a': if (st.isfull()) cout << "The stack is already full!" << endl; else get_customer(temp); st.push(temp); break; case 'P': case 'p': if (st.isempty()) cout << "The stack is empty!" << endl; else { st.pop(temp); payment += temp.payment; cout << temp.payment << "is poped!"; cout << "payment now total $" << payment << endl; } break; } cout << "Enter A or a to push a customer, " << "P or p to pop a customer,and Q or q to quit!" << endl; } cout << "Done!" << endl; return 0; } void get_customer(customer & cu) { cout << "Enter customer name :"; cin.getline(cu.fullname, 35); cout << "Enter customer payment :"; cin >> cu.payment; while (cin.get() != ' ') continue; }