int main()
/************************************what we know in the system**************************************/
float arrivals[] = {0.4, 1.6, 2.1, 3.8, 4.0, 5.6, 5.8, 7.2};//the time of each customer's arrival
float departures[] = {2.4, 3.1, 3.3, 4.9, 8.6};//the time of each customer's departure
int acount = 0;//the index of arrivals array
int dcount = 0;//the index of departures array
/***************the clock and clock event in the simulating system******************/
float clock = 0;//simulation clock
float clock_event[2] = {arrivals[acount],departures[dcount]};//clock[0] means arrival time,clock[1] means departure time
int clock_event_times[2] = {0, 0}; //clock_event_times[0] means the count of arrival event happened;
//clock_event_times[1] means the count of departure event happened
/*****************system state ****************************/
int serve_status = 0;//false means ideal and 1 means busy
int no_in_queue = 0;//the number in queue
float time_of_arrival[4] = {0};//the time of arrival
float time_of_last_event = 0;// the time of last event
/*****************statistical counters***************/
int no_delayed = 0;//the number of delayed
float total_delay = 0;//the total delay time
float area_under_Q = 0;//the area under queue(t)
float area_under_B = 0;//the area under busy(t)
/********the stop time***/
char temp;
int end_event;
printf("Please input the stop event of this simulating system(a means arrival and d means departure): ");
scanf("%c", &temp);
if (temp == 'd')
end_event = 1;
end_event = 0;
int ordinal;
printf("Please input the customer's ordinal of the stop event you have input:");
scanf("%d", &ordinal);
while(clock_event_times[end_event] < ordinal)
if(clock_event[0]<clock_event[1] )//arrival event
clock = clock_event[0];
acount += 1;
clock_event[0] = arrivals[acount];
clock_event_times[0] += 1;
if(serve_status == 0)//no body
serve_status = 1;
time_of_arrival[no_in_queue] = clock;
area_under_B += serve_status * (clock - time_of_last_event);
area_under_Q += no_in_queue * (clock - time_of_last_event);
no_in_queue += 1;
else//department event
clock = clock_event[1];
dcount += 1;
clock_event[1] = departures[dcount];
clock_event_times[1] += 1;
area_under_B += clock - time_of_last_event;
if(no_in_queue == 0)
serve_status = 0;
clock_event[1] = departures[dcount];
total_delay += clock - time_of_arrival[0];
area_under_Q += no_in_queue * (clock - time_of_last_event);
no_in_queue -= 1;
time_of_arrival[0] = time_of_arrival[1];
time_of_arrival[1] = time_of_arrival[2];
time_of_arrival[2] = time_of_arrival[3];
time_of_last_event = clock;
printf("Number delayed: %d
", clock_event_times[1]);
printf("Total delay: %2f
", total_delay);
printf("Area under Q(t): %2f
", area_under_Q);
printf("Area under B(t): %2f
", area_under_B);
return 0;