1。 打开骨骼帧的方式
方法NuiSkeletonTrackingEnable实现 m_hNextSkeletonEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL ); hr =m_PNuiSensor->NuiSkeletonTrackingEnable( m_hNextSkeletonEvent, NUI_SKELETON_TRACKING_FLAG_ENABLE_IN_NEAR_RANGE//| ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { cout<<"Couldnot open skeleton stream video"<<endl; return hr; }
// Initialize the Kinect andget coordinate mapper and the body reader IBodyFrameSource* pBodyFrameSource = NULL; hr = m_pKinectSensor->Open(); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = m_pKinectSensor->get_CoordinateMapper(&m_pCoordinateMapper); } 方法get_CoordinateMapper得到坐标映射 if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr =m_pKinectSensor->get_BodyFrameSource(&pBodyFrameSource); } 方法get_BodyFrameSource得到骨骼帧源 if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr =pBodyFrameSource->OpenReader(&m_pBodyFrameReader); } 方法get_BodyFrameSource打开骨骼帧读取器 SafeRelease(pBodyFrameSource); }
NUI_SKELETON_FRAMESkeletonFrame;//骨骼帧的定义 bool bFoundSkeleton = false; if(SUCCEEDED(NuiSkeletonGetNextFrame( 0, &SkeletonFrame )) )//Get the next frameof skeleton data.直接从kinect中提取骨骼帧
if (!m_pBodyFrameReader) { return; } <pre name="code" class="cpp"> //更新骨骼帧HRESULT hr = m_pBodyFrameReader->AcquireLatestFrame(&pBodyFrame);
//更新骨骼数据 hResult = pBodyFrame->GetAndRefreshBodyData( BODY_COUNT, pBody );
以下用OpenCV2.4.10中drawing functions 里边的line()函数:
line(SkeletonImage,pointSet[joint0], pointSet[joint1], color, 2);
#include <Windows.h> #include <Kinect.h> #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp> using namespace std; using namespace cv; //释放接口须要自定义 template<class Interface> inline void SafeRelease( Interface *& pInterfaceToRelease ) { if( pInterfaceToRelease != NULL ){ pInterfaceToRelease->Release(); pInterfaceToRelease = NULL; } } void DrawBone( Mat& SkeletonImage, CvPoint pointSet[], const Joint* pJoints, int whichone, JointType joint0, JointType joint1); void drawSkeleton( Mat& SkeletonImage, CvPoint pointSet[],const Joint* pJoints, int whichone); int main( int argc, char **argv[] ) { //OpenCV中开启CPU的硬件指令优化功能函数 setUseOptimized( true ); // Sensor IKinectSensor* pSensor; HRESULT hResult = S_OK; hResult = GetDefaultKinectSensor( &pSensor ); if( FAILED( hResult ) ){ std::cerr << "Error : GetDefaultKinectSensor" << std::endl; return -1; } hResult = pSensor->Open( ); if( FAILED( hResult ) ){ std::cerr << "Error : IKinectSensor::Open()" << std::endl; return -1; } //Source IColorFrameSource* pColorSource; hResult = pSensor->get_ColorFrameSource( &pColorSource ); if( FAILED( hResult ) ){ std::cerr << "Error : IKinectSensor::get_ColorFrameSource()" << std::endl; return -1; } IBodyFrameSource* pBodySource; hResult = pSensor->get_BodyFrameSource( &pBodySource ); if( FAILED( hResult ) ){ std::cerr << "Error : IKinectSensor::get_BodyFrameSource()" << std::endl; return -1; } // Reader IColorFrameReader* pColorReader; hResult = pColorSource->OpenReader( &pColorReader ); if( FAILED( hResult ) ){ std::cerr << "Error : IColorFrameSource::OpenReader()" << std::endl; return -1; } IBodyFrameReader* pBodyReader; hResult = pBodySource->OpenReader( &pBodyReader ); if( FAILED( hResult ) ){ std::cerr << "Error : IBodyFrameSource::OpenReader()" << std::endl; return -1; } // Description IFrameDescription* pDescription; hResult = pColorSource->get_FrameDescription( &pDescription ); if( FAILED( hResult ) ){ std::cerr << "Error : IColorFrameSource::get_FrameDescription()" << std::endl; return -1; } int width = 0; int height = 0; pDescription->get_Width( &width ); // 1920 pDescription->get_Height( &height ); // 1080 unsigned int bufferSize = width * height * 4 * sizeof( unsigned char ); cv::Mat bufferMat( height, width, CV_8UC4 ); cv::Mat bodyMat( height / 2, width / 2, CV_8UC4 ); cv::namedWindow( "Body" ); // Color Table cv::Vec3b color[BODY_COUNT]; color[0] = cv::Vec3b( 255, 0, 0 ); color[1] = cv::Vec3b( 0, 255, 0 ); color[2] = cv::Vec3b( 0, 0, 255 ); color[3] = cv::Vec3b( 255, 255, 0 ); color[4] = cv::Vec3b( 255, 0, 255 ); color[5] = cv::Vec3b( 0, 255, 255 ); // Coordinate Mapper ICoordinateMapper* pCoordinateMapper; hResult = pSensor->get_CoordinateMapper( &pCoordinateMapper ); if( FAILED( hResult ) ){ std::cerr << "Error : IKinectSensor::get_CoordinateMapper()" << std::endl; return -1; } while(1){ // Frame IColorFrame* pColorFrame = nullptr; hResult = pColorReader->AcquireLatestFrame( &pColorFrame ); if( SUCCEEDED( hResult ) ){ hResult = pColorFrame->CopyConvertedFrameDataToArray( bufferSize, reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>( bufferMat.data ), ColorImageFormat::ColorImageFormat_Bgra ); if( SUCCEEDED( hResult ) ){ cv::resize( bufferMat, bodyMat, cv::Size(), 0.5, 0.5 ); } } //更新骨骼帧 IBodyFrame* pBodyFrame = nullptr; hResult = pBodyReader->AcquireLatestFrame( &pBodyFrame ); if( SUCCEEDED( hResult ) ){ IBody* pBody[BODY_COUNT] = { 0 }; //更新骨骼数据 hResult = pBodyFrame->GetAndRefreshBodyData( BODY_COUNT, pBody ); if( SUCCEEDED( hResult ) ){ for( int count = 0; count < BODY_COUNT; count++ ){ BOOLEAN bTracked = false; hResult = pBody[count]->get_IsTracked( &bTracked ); if( SUCCEEDED( hResult ) && bTracked ){ Joint joint[JointType::JointType_Count]; hResult = pBody[ count ]->GetJoints( JointType::JointType_Count, joint ); if( SUCCEEDED( hResult ) ){ // Left Hand State HandState leftHandState = HandState::HandState_Unknown; hResult = pBody[count]->get_HandLeftState( &leftHandState ); if( SUCCEEDED( hResult ) ){ ColorSpacePoint colorSpacePoint = { 0 }; hResult = pCoordinateMapper->MapCameraPointToColorSpace( joint[JointType::JointType_HandLeft].Position, &colorSpacePoint ); if( SUCCEEDED( hResult ) ){ int x = static_cast<int>( colorSpacePoint.X ); int y = static_cast<int>( colorSpacePoint.Y ); if( ( x >= 0 ) && ( x < width ) && ( y >= 0 ) && ( y < height ) ){ if( leftHandState == HandState::HandState_Open ){ cv::circle( bufferMat, cv::Point( x, y ), 75, cv::Scalar( 0, 128, 0 ), 5, CV_AA ); } else if( leftHandState == HandState::HandState_Closed ){ cv::circle( bufferMat, cv::Point( x, y ), 75, cv::Scalar( 0, 0, 128 ), 5, CV_AA ); } else if( leftHandState == HandState::HandState_Lasso ){ cv::circle( bufferMat, cv::Point( x, y ), 75, cv::Scalar( 128, 128, 0 ), 5, CV_AA ); } } } } // Right Hand State HandState rightHandState = HandState::HandState_Unknown; hResult = pBody[count]->get_HandRightState( &rightHandState ); if( SUCCEEDED( hResult ) ){ ColorSpacePoint colorSpacePoint = { 0 }; hResult = pCoordinateMapper->MapCameraPointToColorSpace( joint[JointType::JointType_HandRight].Position, &colorSpacePoint ); if( SUCCEEDED( hResult ) ){ int x = static_cast<int>( colorSpacePoint.X ); int y = static_cast<int>( colorSpacePoint.Y ); if( ( x >= 0 ) && ( x < width ) && ( y >= 0 ) && ( y < height ) ){ if( rightHandState == HandState::HandState_Open ){ cv::circle( bufferMat, cv::Point( x, y ), 75, cv::Scalar( 0, 128, 0 ), 5, CV_AA ); } else if( rightHandState == HandState::HandState_Closed ){ cv::circle( bufferMat, cv::Point( x, y ), 75, cv::Scalar( 0, 0, 128 ), 5, CV_AA ); } else if( rightHandState == HandState::HandState_Lasso ){ cv::circle( bufferMat, cv::Point( x, y ), 75, cv::Scalar( 128, 128, 0 ), 5, CV_AA ); } } } } CvPoint skeletonPoint[BODY_COUNT][JointType_Count]={cvPoint(0,0)}; // Joint for( int type = 0; type < JointType::JointType_Count; type++ ){ ColorSpacePoint colorSpacePoint = { 0 }; pCoordinateMapper->MapCameraPointToColorSpace( joint[type].Position, &colorSpacePoint ); int x = static_cast<int>( colorSpacePoint.X ); int y = static_cast<int>( colorSpacePoint.Y ); skeletonPoint[count][type].x = x;