• [原创]html5_PC游戏_图片俄罗斯方块









    <!DOCTYPE html>
            <script src="js/libs/jquery-1.11.0.js"></script>
            <script src="js/libs/requestNextAnimationFrame.js"></script>
            <script src="js/data/blockTypeData.js"></script>
                body {
            <h1 id="LoadH1" style="margin:auto;">加载图片中......</h1>
            <div style="margin-top:20px;">
                [方向键 <span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;"></span>:<span style="color:red;font-weight:bold;">左移</span>方块 <span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;"></span>:<span style="color:red;font-weight:bold;">右移</span>方块 <span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;"></span>:<span style="color:red;font-weight:bold;">旋转</span>方块  <span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;"></span>:<span style="color:red;font-weight:bold;">下移</span>方块]
                <br />
                <span style="color:red;font-weight:bold">当下落位置不正确时,会重新下落该方块。</span>
            <div style="position:absolute;left:10px;bottom:10px; text-align:center">
                <br />
                <a href="mailTo:wangxsh42@126.com">wangxsh42@126.com</a>
                制作时间:2014/04/14 ~ 2014/04/18
        <script src="js/entity/canvas_Entity.js"></script>
        <script src="js/entity/block_Entity.js"></script>
        <script src="js/entity/blocks_Entity.js"></script>
        <script src="js/action/CGM001_Action.js"></script>



      1 //score
      2 var maxFail = 200;
      3 var maxMsg = "无解了?还是你没好好玩?";
      4 var stsId = "stsId";
      5 var countId = "countId";
      6 var failCountId = "failCountId";
      7 var fixCountId = "fixCountId";
      9 var countB = 0;
     10 var currB = 0;
     11 var failB = 0;
     12 var fixB = 0;
     14 //acNiang
     15 var acSrc = "";
     16 var acNiangId = "acNiangId";
     17 var goodSize = 9;
     18 var failSize = 24;
     19 var nomalSize = 19;
     20 var acRootPath = "imgs/acNiang/";
     21 var goodPath = "good";
     22 var failPath = "fail";
     23 var nomalPath = "nomal";
     24 var defaultPath = "imgs/acNiang/nomal0.png";
     26 // background image
     27 var goMax = 27;
     28 var image;
     29 var imageBG;
     30 var bgColor;
     31 var bgColorLst = [
     32     "#E0FFFF",
     33     "#FFC0CB",
     34     "#9932CC",
     35     "#90EE90",
     36     "#7B68EE",
     37     "#4169E1",
     38     "#C0C0C0",
     39     "#7CFC00"
     40 ];
     41 var bgId = "bgDiv";
     42 //canvas
     43 var abs = "absolute";
     44 var width = 400;
     45 var height = 600;
     46 var x = 10;
     47 var y = 10;
     48 var idC = "CGM001Canvas";
     49 var idCOff = "CGM001OffCanvas";
     50 var idCOffBG = "CGM001OffBGCanvas";
     51 var idCOffAnimation = "CGM001OffCanvasAnimation";
     52 var CGM001canvasObj = null;
     53 var CGM001canvasOffObj = null;
     54 var CGM001canvasOffBGObj = null;
     55 var CGM001canvasOffObjAnimation = null;
     56 var CGM001canvasParent = "body";
     57 var border = "1px red solid";
     58 border = "none";
     59 //picture
     60 var picWidth = width;
     61 var picHeight = height;
     62 //block
     63 var blockCol = 10;
     64 var blockRow = 15;
     65 var blockWidth = picWidth / blockCol;
     66 var blockHeight = picHeight / blockRow;
     67 var blockSize = blockWidth < blockHeight ? blockWidth : blockHeight;
     68 //blockLst
     69 var blockLst = [];
     70 var blockBoxLst = []; // to judge weather blockPos Right and isempty
     71 var cuttedBlocksLst = [];
     72 //blocks order
     73 var blocksOrderRow = [];
     74 var blocksOrderCol = [];
     76 $(function () {
     77     CGM001canvasObj = createCanvas(abs,x,y,width,height,idC,CGM001canvasParent,border,false,CGM001canvasObj);
     78     CGM001canvasOffObj = createCanvas(abs, x + width + 20, y, width, height, idCOff, CGM001canvasParent, border, false, CGM001canvasOffObj);
     79     CGM001canvasOffBGObj = createCanvas(abs, x, y, width, height, idCOffBG, CGM001canvasParent, border, true, CGM001canvasOffBGObj);
     80     CGM001canvasOffObjAnimation = createCanvas(abs, x + width * 2 + 20, y, width, height, idCOffAnimation, CGM001canvasParent, border, true, CGM001canvasOffObjAnimation);
     82 /*    imageBG = new Image();
     83     imageBG.src = 'imgs/bg.jpg';
     84     imageBG.onload = function (e) {
     85         CGM001canvasOffObjAnimation.context.drawImage(imageBG, 0, 0, picWidth, picHeight);
     86         drawPic();
     87         calcBlockLst();
     88     }*/
     90     drawPic();
     91     calcBlockLst();
     92 });
     94 function createBgColor(abs, x, y, width, height, bgId, hideFlg) {
     95     var bgStr = "<div id='" + bgId + "' width='" + width + "' height='" + height + "' style='position:" + abs + ";left:" + x + "px;top:" + y + "px;background:" + bgColor + ";'></div>";
     96     var bgOgj = $(bgStr);
     97     $(CGM001canvasParent).append(bgOgj.width(width).height(height).css('opacity', '0.2'));
     98 }
    100 function createScoreDiv(abs, x, y, width, height, bgId, hideFlg) {
    101     var tmpLeft = parseInt(x) + parseInt(width) - 75;
    102     var tmpTop = parseInt(y) + 40;
    103     var imgDivStr = "<div id='scoreId' style='position:" + abs + ";left:" + tmpLeft + "px;top:" + tmpTop + "px;text-align:left;'></div>"
    104     var imgStr = "<img width='75' height='65' src='" + defaultPath + "' id='" + acNiangId + "' />";
    105     var tmpStsWidth = 100;
    106     var stsStr = "<div width='" + tmpStsWidth + "' height='65' style='font-weight:bold; position:relative;right:" + 0 + "px;top:-50px;' id='" + stsId + "' >" +
    107         "方块:<span id='" + countId + "' style='color:red;'>第 " + currB + " 块/共 " + countB + " 块</span>" +
    108         "<br />失败次数:<span id='" + failCountId + "' style='color:red;'>" + failB + "</span> 块" +
    109         "<br />已固定:<span id='" + fixCountId + "' style='color:red;'>" + fixB + "</span> 块" +
    110         "</div>";
    111     var tmpObj = $(imgDivStr).append($(imgStr));
    112     tmpObj.append($(stsStr));
    113     $(CGM001canvasParent).append(tmpObj);
    114     $("#" + stsId).css({ 'left': ($("#" + stsId).width() + 100) * -1 });
    115 };
    117 function createCanvas(abs,x,y,width,height,idC,CGM001canvasParent,border,hideFlg,canvasObj){
    118     canvasObj = new CGM001_canvas(abs,x,y,width,height,idC,CGM001canvasParent,border,hideFlg);
    119     canvasObj.create();
    120     canvasObj.init();
    121     return canvasObj;
    122 }
    123 function clearCanvas(){
    124     CGM001canvasObj.context.clearRect(0,0,CGM001canvasObj.width,CGM001canvasObj.height);
    125 }
    126 function drawPic() {
    127     image = new Image();
    128     image.src = 'imgs/goImg/go'+parseInt(Math.random()*goMax)+'.jpg';
    129     image.onload = function(e) {
    130         $("#LoadH1").hide();
    132         bgColor = bgColorLst[parseInt(Math.random() * bgColorLst.length - 1)];
    133         createBgColor(abs, x, y, width, height, bgId, false);
    134         createScoreDiv(abs, x, y, width, height, bgId, false);
    136         CGM001canvasObj.context.drawImage(image, 0, 0, picWidth, picHeight);
    137         CGM001canvasOffObj.context.putImageData(CGM001canvasObj.context.getImageData(0,0,CGM001canvasObj.width,CGM001canvasObj.height),0,0);
    138         CGM001canvasOffBGObj.context.putImageData(CGM001canvasObj.context.getImageData(0,0,CGM001canvasObj.width,CGM001canvasObj.height),0,0);
    139         cutPic();
    141         countB = cuttedBlocksLst.length;
    142         $("#" + countId).html("第 " + currB + " 块/共 " + countB + " 块");
    143         $("#" + stsId).css({ 'left': ($("#" + stsId).width() + 10) * -1 });
    145         if(cuttedBlocksLst.length>0){
    146             initList();
    147             clearCanvas();
    148             $(document).keydown(function (event) { onKeyUp(event); });
    149             animate();
    150         }
    151         /*for(var i = 0 ;i < blockLst.length; i ++){
    152             blockLst[i].draw();
    153         }*/
    154     };
    155 }
    157 function calcBlockLst(){
    158     var w = blockSize * blockCol;
    159     var wc = picWidth - w;
    160     var h = blockSize * blockRow;
    161     var hc = picHeight - h;
    162     var s = blockSize;
    163     var r = blockRow;
    164     var c = blockCol;
    166     blockLst = [];
    167     for(i = r - 1; i >= 0; i--){
    168         for(j = c - 1; j >= 0; j--){
    169             blockLst.push(new CGM001_block(s, (s * j) + wc, (s * i) + hc, "rgba(255,0,0,0.2)", "blue", CGM001canvasObj.context, i, j, CGM001canvasOffObj.context));
    170             blockBoxLst.push({x: (s * j) + wc,y:(s * i) + hc,empty:true});
    171         }
    172     }
    173 }
    175 function cutPic(){
    176     var colorLst = [
    177         "rgba(255,0,0,0.1)",
    178         "rgba(0,255,0,0.1)",
    179         "rgba(0,0,255,0.1)",
    180         "rgba(197,144,144,0.1)",
    181         "rgba(209,207,66,0.1)",
    182         "rgba(150,209,66,0.1)",
    183         "rgba(66,209,147,0.1)",
    184         "rgba(66,194,209,0.1)",
    185         "rgba(157,66,209,0.1)",
    186         "rgba(209,66,187,0.1)",
    187         "rgba(176,133,141,0.1)"
    188     ];
    189     var time = 0;
    190     var picCutfinish = false;
    191     while(time<200){
    193         for(var i = 0 ;i < blockLst.length; i ++){
    194             blockLst[i].cutted = false;
    195         }
    197         //console.log(time);
    198         cuttedBlocksLst = [];
    199         var cutOverNum = 0;
    200         var r = blockRow - 1;
    201         var c = blockCol - 1;
    202         var maxR = r;
    203         var maxC = c;
    204         var goOn = true;
    205         var blocks = null;
    206         var stop = 1;
    207         var rx = maxR - r;
    208         var cx = maxC - c;
    209         var goR = rx;
    210         var goC = cx;
    211         var randomBlockLst = [];
    212         while(goOn){
    213             //stop ++;
    214             var randomLst = [];
    216             if(null == blocks){
    217                 blocks = new CGM001_blocks(CGM001canvasObj.context);
    218             }
    220             var colorIndex = cuttedBlocksLst.length % colorLst.length;
    222             var blockTmp = blockLst[rx*blockCol+cx];
    223             if(!blockTmp.cutted){
    224                 blocks.blockLst.push(blockTmp);
    225                 //console.log("blockTmp",blockTmp.x1,blockTmp.x2);
    226                 blockTmp.cutted = true;
    227                 blockTmp.setFillColor(colorLst[colorIndex]);
    228                 cutOverNum++;
    229                 if(blocks.blockLst.length % 4 == 0){
    230                     cuttedBlocksLst.push(blocks);
    231                     blocks = null;
    232                     while(blockLst[goR*blockCol+goC].cutted){
    233                         //console.log("go",goC,maxC,goR);
    234                         goR = goC >= maxC ? goR + 1 : goR;
    235                         goC = goC >= maxC ? 0 : goC +1;
    236                         if(goC == maxC && goR == maxR){break;}
    237                     }
    238                     rx = goR;
    239                     cx = goC;
    240                     randomBlockLst = [];
    241                     //console.log("goEnd",rx,cx);
    242                     continue;
    243                     //break;
    244                 }
    246                 // T
    247                 //if(blocks.blockLst.length % 4 != 0){
    248                 if(Math.random()>0.3){
    249                     randomBlockLst.push({r:rx,c:cx});
    250                     var randomBlockLstTmp = [];
    251                     for(checkIndex = 0; checkIndex < randomBlockLst.length; checkIndex++){
    252                         var rTmp = randomBlockLst[checkIndex].r;
    253                         var cTmp = randomBlockLst[checkIndex].c;
    254                         var canMoveFlg = false;
    256                         if(rTmp != maxR && !blockLst[(rTmp+1)*blockCol+cTmp].cutted) // up
    257                                 canMoveFlg = true;
    258                         if(rTmp != 0 && !blockLst[(rTmp-1)*blockCol+cTmp].cutted) // down
    259                                 canMoveFlg = true;
    260                         if(cTmp != maxC && !blockLst[(rTmp)*blockCol+cTmp+1].cutted){ // left
    261                             var leftGo = true;
    262                             if(cTmp == maxC - 1 && rTmp!=0 && blocks.blockLst.length % 3 == 0){
    263                                 if(!blockLst[(rTmp-1)*blockCol+cTmp+1].cutted)
    264                                     leftGo = false;
    265                             }
    266                             if(leftGo)
    267                                 canMoveFlg = true;
    268                         }
    269                         if(cTmp != 0 && !blockLst[(rTmp)*blockCol+cTmp-1].cutted) // right
    270                                 canMoveFlg = true;
    271                         if(canMoveFlg){
    272                             randomBlockLstTmp.push(randomBlockLst[checkIndex]);
    273                         }
    274                     }
    275                     randomBlockLst = randomBlockLstTmp;
    276                     //console.log(randomBlockLst);
    277                     if(randomBlockLst.length==1){
    278                         rx = randomBlockLst[0].r;
    279                         cx = randomBlockLst[0].c;
    280                     }else if(randomBlockLst.length>1){
    281                         var blockI = parseInt(Math.random() * (randomBlockLst.length-1));
    282                         rx = randomBlockLst[blockI].r;
    283                         cx = randomBlockLst[blockI].c;
    284                     }
    285                 }else{
    286                     //randomBlockLst = [];
    287                 }
    289             }
    290             if(rx != maxR && !blockLst[(rx+1)*blockCol+cx].cutted) // up
    291                 //if(rx+1>=maxR || blockLst[(rx+2)*blockCol+cx].cutted || (cx < maxC && !blockLst[(rx+2)*blockCol+cx+1].cutted) || (cx>0 && !blockLst[(rx+2)*blockCol+cx-1].cutted))
    292                     randomLst.push({r:1,c:0});
    293             if(rx != 0 && !blockLst[(rx-1)*blockCol+cx].cutted) // down
    294                 //if(rx-1<=0 || blockLst[(rx-2)*blockCol+cx].cutted || (cx < maxC && !blockLst[(rx-2)*blockCol+cx+1].cutted) || (cx>0 && !blockLst[(rx-2)*blockCol+cx-1].cutted))
    295                     randomLst.push({r:-1,c:0});
    296             if(cx != maxC && !blockLst[(rx)*blockCol+cx+1].cutted){ // left
    297                 var leftGo = true;
    298                 if(cx == maxC - 1 && rx!=0 && blocks.blockLst.length % 3 == 0){
    299                     if(!blockLst[(rx-1)*blockCol+cx+1].cutted)
    300                         leftGo = false;
    301                 }
    302                 if(leftGo)
    303                     //if(cx+1>=maxC || blockLst[(rx)*blockCol+cx+2].cutted || (rx < maxC && !blockLst[(rx+1)*blockCol+cx+2].cutted) || (rx>0 && !blockLst[(rx-1)*blockCol+cx+2].cutted))
    304                         randomLst.push({r:0,c:1});
    305             }
    306             if(cx != 0 && !blockLst[(rx)*blockCol+cx-1].cutted) // right
    307                 //if(cx-1<=0 || blockLst[(rx)*blockCol+cx-2].cutted || (rx < maxC && !blockLst[(rx+1)*blockCol+cx-2].cutted) || (rx>0 && !blockLst[(rx-1)*blockCol+cx-2].cutted))
    308                     randomLst.push({r:0,c:-1});
    309             if(randomLst.length == 1)
    310             {
    311                 rx += randomLst[0].r;
    312                 cx += randomLst[0].c;
    313             }else if(randomLst.length > 1){
    314                 var i = parseInt(Math.random() * randomLst.length);
    315                 rx += randomLst[i].r;
    316                 cx += randomLst[i].c;
    317             }else if(randomLst.length == 0){
    318                 goOn = false;
    319             }
    321             if(cutOverNum >= blockLst.length){
    322                 goOn = false;
    323                 picCutfinish = true;
    324             }
    325             //if(stop >= 101){goOn = false;}
    326         }
    327         //console.log(cuttedBlocksLst);
    328         //test to draw all blocks
    329         for(i=0;i<cuttedBlocksLst.length;i++){
    330             for (j=0; j<cuttedBlocksLst[i].blockLst.length; j++)
    331             {
    332                 cuttedBlocksLst[i].blockLst[j].draw();
    333             }
    334         }
    335         // big while to finish all loop
    336         if(picCutfinish){
    337             console.log(time);
    338             break;
    339         }else{
    340             CGM001canvasObj.context.clearRect(0,0,CGM001canvasObj.width,CGM001canvasObj.height);
    341             CGM001canvasObj.context.putImageData(CGM001canvasOffBGObj.context.getImageData(0, 0, CGM001canvasOffBGObj.width, CGM001canvasOffBGObj.height), 0, 0);
    342             time++;
    343             //console.log(time);
    344         }
    345     }
    346 }
    348 function initList(){
    349     var cuttedBlocksLstTmp;
    350     for(cbli = 0; cbli < cuttedBlocksLst.length; cbli++){
    351         cuttedBlocksLstTmp = null;
    352         cuttedBlocksLstTmp = cuttedBlocksLst[cbli];
    353         cuttedBlocksLstTmp.calcMinXY();
    354         cuttedBlocksLstTmp.calcType();
    355         //console.log((cbli+1)+"/"+cuttedBlocksLst.length);
    356     }
    358     for(i=0;i<cuttedBlocksLst[0].type.length;i++){
    359         //for(j=0;j<cuttedBlocksLst[0].type[i].length;j++){
    360             //console.log(cuttedBlocksLst[0].type[i][0],cuttedBlocksLst[0].type[i][1],cuttedBlocksLst[0].type[i][2],cuttedBlocksLst[0].type[i][3]);
    361         //}
    362     }
    363     //console.log(cuttedBlocksLst[0].blockLst[0].tag,cuttedBlocksLst[0].blockLst[1].tag,cuttedBlocksLst[0].blockLst[2].tag,cuttedBlocksLst[0].blockLst[3].tag,'index:',cuttedBlocksLst[0].typeNo,cuttedBlocksLst[0].typeRoateNo);
    365     /*cuttedBlocksLst[0].rotateBlocks(5);
    367     for(i=0;i<cuttedBlocksLst[0].type.length;i++){
    368         //for(j=0;j<cuttedBlocksLst[0].type[i].length;j++){
    369             console.log(cuttedBlocksLst[0].type[i][0],cuttedBlocksLst[0].type[i][1],cuttedBlocksLst[0].type[i][2],cuttedBlocksLst[0].type[i][3]);
    370         //}
    371     }
    372     console.log('rotate:', cuttedBlocksLst[0].rotate);*/
    373     // sort the down order
    374     //blocksOrder
    375     var sortCuttedBlocksTmp = [[],[]];
    376     var maxYTmp = cuttedBlocksLst[0].maxY;
    377     var sortj = 0,sorti=0;
    378     for(sortiTmp=0;sortiTmp<cuttedBlocksLst.length;sortiTmp++){
    379         if(maxYTmp != cuttedBlocksLst[sortiTmp].maxY){sortj++;sorti=0;sortCuttedBlocksTmp.push([]);maxYTmp = cuttedBlocksLst[sortiTmp].maxY;}
    380         sortCuttedBlocksTmp[sortj].push([]);
    381         sortCuttedBlocksTmp[sortj][sorti] = {no:sortiTmp,typeFirst:cuttedBlocksLst[sortiTmp].typeFirst};
    382         sorti++;
    383     }
    384     /*console.log(sortCuttedBlocksTmp);*/
    386     var blocksOrderColTmp = [[], []];
    388     for (x = 0; x < sortCuttedBlocksTmp.length; x++) {
    389         blocksOrderRow.push([[],[],[]]);
    390     }
    391     var addX = 0;
    392     for(x=0;x<sortCuttedBlocksTmp.length;x++){
    393         for(y=0;y<sortCuttedBlocksTmp[x].length;y++){
    394             //
    395             if (sortCuttedBlocksTmp[x][y].typeFirst == 3) {
    396                 if (blocksOrderRow.length - 1 > x + 2) {
    397                     addX = x + 2;
    398                 } else if (blocksOrderRow.length - 1 > x + 1) {
    399                     addX = x + 2;
    400                 } else { addX = x;}
    401                 blocksOrderRow[addX][sortCuttedBlocksTmp[x][y].typeFirst - 3].push(sortCuttedBlocksTmp[x][y].no); 
    402             } else {
    403                 blocksOrderRow[x][sortCuttedBlocksTmp[x][y].typeFirst].push(sortCuttedBlocksTmp[x][y].no);
    404             }
    405         }
    406         /*console.log("blocksOrderColTmp",blocksOrderColTmp);*/
    407         //blocksOrderRow[x]=blocksOrderColTmp;
    408     }
    409     for(xx=0;xx<blocksOrderRow.length;xx++){
    410         //for(yy=0;yy<blocksOrderRow[xx].length;yy++)
    411             //console.log(xx,yy,":",xx,blocksOrderRow[xx][yy]);
    412     }
    413     //gameOverFlg = true;
    414 }
    416 // Animation.....................................................
    417 // select the block
    418 var drawBlocks = null;
    419 var drawBlocksRow = 0;
    420 var drawBlocksCol = 0;
    421 var drawBlocksFirst = 0;
    422 var paused = false;
    423 var gameOverFlg = false;
    424 var initDownBlockOverFlg = false;
    425 var calTmpCol123 = [];
    426 var calTmpCol123Tmp = [];
    428 // move and change the block
    429 var operationLst = [];
    430 var moveRotate = 0;
    431 var moveX = 0;
    432 var moveY = 0;
    433 var getNew = true;
    435 // fps -> time
    437 var lastFpsUpdateTime = 0;
    439 function animate(time) {
    440    if (!paused) {
    441       /*context.clearRect(0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height);
    442       drawBackground();
    443       update();
    444       draw();*/
    445         updateCanvas();
    446         drawCanvas();
    447         if (!gameOverFlg) {
    448             window.requestNextAnimationFrame(animate);
    449             //console.log(drawBlocksRow,blocksOrderRow.length-1,"goon",gameOverFlg);
    450         }else{
    451             console.log(drawBlocksRow,blocksOrderRow.length-1,"stop",gameOverFlg);
    452         }
    453    }
    454 }
    456 function initDownBlocks(){
    457     drawBlocks = null;
    458     while(drawBlocks==null && !initDownBlockOverFlg){
    459         if(drawBlocksRow < blocksOrderRow.length-1){
    460             if(drawBlocksCol < 3){
    461                 if(blocksOrderRow[drawBlocksRow][drawBlocksCol].length > drawBlocksFirst){
    462                     //decide which one!
    463                     var calTmpColOrg = blocksOrderRow[drawBlocksRow][drawBlocksCol];
    464                     var selectIndex = 0;
    465                     var selectedNo = 0;
    466                     //tmp init
    467                     if(calTmpCol123.length == 0){
    468                         for(i123 = 0;i123<calTmpColOrg.length;i123++){
    469                             calTmpCol123.push(calTmpColOrg[i123]);
    470                             calTmpCol123Tmp.push(calTmpColOrg[i123]);
    471                         }
    472                     }
    473                     //console.log("in:",calTmpCol123);
    474                     switch(drawBlocksCol){
    475                         case 1:
    476                             //select
    477                             selectIndex = calTmpCol123.length-1;
    478                             break;
    479                         case 0:
    480                         case 2:
    481                         default:
    482                             //select
    483                             selectIndex = parseInt(Math.random() * (calTmpCol123.length-1));
    484                             break;
    485                     }
    486                     selectedNo = calTmpCol123[selectIndex];
    487                     //delete tmp
    488                     calTmpCol123 = [];
    489                     for(i123=0;i123<calTmpCol123Tmp.length;i123++){
    490                         if(selectIndex != i123){
    491                             calTmpCol123.push(calTmpCol123Tmp[i123]);
    492                         }
    493                     }
    494                     //copy to tmp
    495                     calTmpCol123Tmp = [];
    496                     for(i123=0;i123<calTmpCol123.length;i123++){
    497                         calTmpCol123Tmp.push(calTmpCol123[i123]);
    498                     }
    499                     drawBlocks = cuttedBlocksLst[selectedNo];
    501                     //console.log("aa",drawBlocks.typeNo,drawBlocks.typeRoateNo,drawBlocks.rotate );
    502                     var initRotateTime = parseInt(Math.random() * 3);
    503                     // initRotateTime = 0; test
    504                     if(initRotateTime>=1){
    505                         //console.log('step1',drawBlocks.typeNo ,drawBlocks.typeRoateNo ,drawBlocks.rotate,drawBlocks.gorotate);
    506                         //drawBlocks.typeRoateNo = (drawBlocks.typeRoateNo + initRotateTime) % 4;
    507                         drawBlocks.gorotate = (initRotateTime * 90) % 360;
    508                         //console.log('step2',drawBlocks.typeNo ,drawBlocks.typeRoateNo ,drawBlocks.rotate,drawBlocks.gorotate);
    509                         //drawBlocks.gorotate = (initRotateTime * 90) % 360;
    510                     }
    511                     //drawBlocks.gorotate = drawBlocks.rotate;
    512                     //console.log("aa",drawBlocks.typeNo,drawBlocks.typeRoateNo,drawBlocks.rotate );
    514                     //console.log("out:",calTmpCol123,selectIndex);
    515                     //console.log("selectNo",selectedNo);
    516                     drawBlocksFirst++;
    517                     // crash check(gameOver)
    518                     drawBlocks.godisY = 0;
    519                     drawBlocks.godisX = 0;
    520                     drawBlocks.gorotate = drawBlocks.gorotate;
    521                     if(drawBlocks.testCrash(blockBoxLst)){
    522                         gameOverFlg = true;
    523                     }
    524                         //console.log('step3',drawBlocks.typeNo ,drawBlocks.typeRoateNo ,drawBlocks.rotate,drawBlocks.gorotate);
    525                     drawBlocks.godisY = 0;
    526                     drawBlocks.godisX = 0;
    527                     drawBlocks.gorotate = drawBlocks.gorotate;
    528                     if(drawBlocks.testCrash(blockBoxLst)){
    529                         gameOverFlg = true;
    530                     }
    531                     //console.log('step4',drawBlocks.typeNo ,drawBlocks.typeRoateNo ,drawBlocks.rotate,drawBlocks.gorotate);
    532                     drawBlocks.draw();
    533                     //gameOverFlg = true;
    534                     CGM001canvasOffObj.context.clearRect(0, 0, CGM001canvasOffObj.width, CGM001canvasOffObj.height);
    535                     CGM001canvasOffObj.context.drawImage(image, 0, 0, picWidth, picHeight);
    536                     drawBlocks.drawToOff();
    538                 }else{
    539                     drawBlocksFirst = 0;
    540                     drawBlocksCol++;
    541                     calTmpCol123 = [];
    542                     calTmpCol123Tmp = [];
    543                 }
    544             }else{
    545                 drawBlocksCol = 0;
    546                 drawBlocksRow++;
    547             }
    548         }else{
    549             initDownBlockOverFlg = true;
    550             //console.log("over");
    551         }
    552     }
    553 }
    554 function updateCanvas(){
    556     var now = (+new Date);
    558     if (now - lastFpsUpdateTime > 800) {
    559      lastFpsUpdateTime = now;
    560         // action in one second
    561      if (getNew) {
    562          acSrc = acRootPath + failPath + parseInt(Math.random() * failSize) + ".png";
    563          initDownBlocks();
    564          if (initDownBlockOverFlg) {
    565              clearCanvas();
    566              console.log("you Win!");
    568              acSrc = acRootPath + goodPath + parseInt(Math.random() * goodSize) + ".png";
    569              $("#" + acNiangId).attr("src", acSrc);
    571              var overStr = "<div style='" + width + "px;position:absolute;left:10px;top:150px; text-align:center;'><span style='color:red;font-size:50px;font-weight:bold;'>恭喜,你赢啦!</span><br /><input type='button' value='再来一次' onclick='javascript: location.reload();' /></div>"
    573              $("body").append($(overStr));
    574              $("#" + bgId).hide();
    575              $("#" + idC).hide();
    576              $("#" + stsId).hide();
    577              gameOverFlg = true;
    578              return;
    579          }
    580          moveX = 0;
    581          moveY = 0;
    582          moveRotate = drawBlocks.rotate;
    583          getNew = false;
    584          currB++;
    585          $("#" + countId).html("第 " + currB + " 块/共 " + countB + " 块");
    586          $("#" + stsId).css({ 'left': ($("#" + stsId).width() + 10) * -1 });
    587      } else {
    588          acSrc = acRootPath + nomalPath + parseInt(Math.random() * nomalSize) + ".png";
    589      }
    590      $("#" + acNiangId).attr("src",acSrc);
    591         if(!gameOverFlg){
    592             if(initDownBlockOverFlg || drawBlocks==null){
    593                 gameOverFlg = true;
    594                 moveX = 0;
    595                 moveY = 0;
    596                 moveRotate = 0;
    597                 return;
    598             }
    599             moveY += drawBlocks.blockSize;
    600             drawBlocks.godisX = moveX;
    601             drawBlocks.godisY = moveY;
    602             drawBlocks.gorotate = moveRotate;
    603             //peng zhuang
    604             drawBlocks.crash(blockBoxLst);
    605             //console.log(drawBlocks.crashFlg,drawBlocks.doneFlg);
    606             //mei you peng zhuang
    608             // peng zhuang
    609             saveClearCanvas();
    610             //drawBlocks.draw();
    611             //drawBlocks.blockAgainFlg=false;
    612             if (drawBlocks.blockAgainFlg) {
    613                 acSrc = acRootPath + failPath + parseInt(Math.random() * failSize) + ".png";
    614                 $("#" + acNiangId).attr("src", acSrc);
    615                 drawBlocks.disX = 0;
    616                 drawBlocks.disY = 0;
    617                 drawBlocks.godisX = 0;
    618                 drawBlocks.godisY = 0;
    619                 moveX = 0;
    620                 moveY = 0;
    621                 drawBlocks.doneFlg = false;
    622                 drawBlocks.crashFlg = false;
    623                 drawBlocks.blockAgainFlg = false;
    624                 failB++;
    625                 $("#" + failCountId).html(failB > maxFail ? maxMsg : failB);
    626                 $("#" + stsId).css({ 'left': ($("#" + stsId).width() + 10) * -1 });
    627             } else if (drawBlocks.doneFlg || drawBlocks.crashFlg) {
    628                 getNew = true;
    629                 acSrc = acRootPath + goodPath + parseInt(Math.random() * goodSize) + ".png";
    630                 $("#" + acNiangId).attr("src", acSrc);
    631                 fixB++;
    632                 $("#" + fixCountId).html(fixB);
    633                 $("#" + stsId).css({ 'left': ($("#" + stsId).width() + 10) * -1 });
    634             } else {
    635                 drawBlocks.draw();
    636             }
    637         } else {drawBlocks.draw();}
    639     }
    640 }
    642 function drawCanvas(){}
    644 function onKeyUp(e){
    645     if(drawBlocks!=null){
    646         var gomoveX;
    647         var gomoveY;
    648         var gomoveRotate;
    649         var currKey = 0,e=e||e.event;
    650         currKey = e.keyCode || e.which || e.charCode;
    651         var keyName = String.fromCharCode(currKey);
    652         gomoveRotate = drawBlocks.rotate;
    653         gomoveX = drawBlocks.disX;
    654         gomoveY = drawBlocks.disY;
    655         switch(currKey){
    656             case 38:
    657                 //up
    658                 gomoveRotate =(drawBlocks.rotate + 90);
    659                 break;
    660             case 40:
    661                 //down
    662                 gomoveY = drawBlocks.disY + blockSize;
    663                 break;
    664             case 39:
    665                 //right
    666                 gomoveX =drawBlocks.disX + blockSize;
    667                 break;
    668             case 37:
    669                 //left
    670                 gomoveX =drawBlocks.disX - blockSize;
    671                 break;
    672             default:
    673                 break;
    674         }
    675         drawBlocks.godisY = gomoveY;
    676         drawBlocks.godisX = gomoveX;
    677         drawBlocks.gorotate = gomoveRotate;
    678         //console.log("inp",drawBlocks.rotate,gomoveRotate);
    679         if(drawBlocks.testCrash(blockBoxLst)){
    681         } else {
    682             acSrc = acRootPath + goodPath + parseInt(Math.random() * goodSize) + ".png";
    683             $("#" + acNiangId).attr("src", acSrc);
    684             moveX = gomoveX;
    685             moveY = gomoveY;
    686             moveRotate = gomoveRotate;
    687             drawBlocks.crash(blockBoxLst);
    688             saveClearCanvas();
    689             drawBlocks.draw();
    690         }
    691     }
    692 }
    694 function saveClearCanvas(){
    695     CGM001canvasObj.context.clearRect(0,0,CGM001canvasObj.width,CGM001canvasObj.height);
    696     CGM001canvasObj.context.putImageData(CGM001canvasOffObjAnimation.context.getImageData(0,0,CGM001canvasOffObjAnimation.width,CGM001canvasOffObjAnimation.height),0,0);
    697 };


      1 // blocks type
      2 // 1 zi
      3 var type1_1 = [
      4 [1,0,0,0],
      5 [1,0,0,0],
      6 [1,0,0,0],
      7 [1,0,0,0]];
      8 var type1_2 = [
      9 [1,1,1,1],
     10 [0,0,0,0],
     11 [0,0,0,0],
     12 [0,0,0,0]];
     13 var type1 = [type1_1,type1_2];
     14 var typeRoate1_1 = [
     15 [1,0,0,0],
     16 [2,0,0,0],
     17 [3,0,0,0],
     18 [4,0,0,0]];
     19 var typeRoateXY1_1 = [
     20 {r:0,c:0},
     21 {r:0,c:0},
     22 {r:1,c:0},
     23 {r:2,c:0},
     24 {r:3,c:0}
     25 ];
     26 var typeFirst1_1 = 0;
     27 var typeRoate1_2 = [
     28 [4,3,2,1],
     29 [0,0,0,0],
     30 [0,0,0,0],
     31 [0,0,0,0]];
     32 var typeRoateXY1_2 = [
     33 {r:0,c:0},
     34 {r:0,c:3},
     35 {r:0,c:2},
     36 {r:0,c:1},
     37 {r:0,c:0}
     38 ];
     39 var typeFirst1_2 = 0;
     40 var typeRoate1_3 = [
     41 [4,0,0,0],
     42 [3,0,0,0],
     43 [2,0,0,0],
     44 [1,0,0,0]];
     45 var typeRoateXY1_3 = [
     46 {r:0,c:0},
     47 {r:3,c:0},
     48 {r:2,c:0},
     49 {r:1,c:0},
     50 {r:0,c:0}
     51 ];
     52 var typeFirst1_3 = 0;
     53 var typeRoate1_4 = [
     54 [1,2,3,4],
     55 [0,0,0,0],
     56 [0,0,0,0],
     57 [0,0,0,0]];
     58 var typeRoateXY1_4 = [
     59 {r:0,c:0},
     60 {r:0,c:0},
     61 {r:0,c:1},
     62 {r:0,c:2},
     63 {r:0,c:3}
     64 ];
     65 var typeFirst1_4 = 0;
     66 var typeRoate1 = [typeRoate1_1,typeRoate1_2,typeRoate1_3,typeRoate1_4];
     67 var typeRoateXY1 = [typeRoateXY1_1,typeRoateXY1_2,typeRoateXY1_3,typeRoateXY1_4];
     68 var typeFirst1 = [typeFirst1_1,typeFirst1_2,typeFirst1_3,typeFirst1_4];
     69 // tian zi
     70 var type2_1 = [
     71 [1,1,0,0],
     72 [1,1,0,0],
     73 [0,0,0,0],
     74 [0,0,0,0]];
     75 var type2 = [type2_1];
     76 var typeRoate2_1 = [
     77 [1,2,0,0],
     78 [4,3,0,0],
     79 [0,0,0,0],
     80 [0,0,0,0]];
     81 var typeRoateXY2_1 = [
     82 {r:0,c:0},
     83 {r:0,c:0},
     84 {r:0,c:1},
     85 {r:1,c:1},
     86 {r:1,c:0}
     87 ];
     88 var typeFirst2_1 = 0;
     89 var typeRoate2_2 = [
     90 [4,1,0,0],
     91 [3,2,0,0],
     92 [0,0,0,0],
     93 [0,0,0,0]];
     94 var typeRoateXY2_2 = [
     95 {r:0,c:0},
     96 {r:0,c:1},
     97 {r:1,c:1},
     98 {r:1,c:0}, 
     99 {r:0,c:0}
    100 ];
    101 var typeFirst2_2 = 0;
    102 var typeRoate2_3 = [
    103 [3,4,0,0],
    104 [2,1,0,0],
    105 [0,0,0,0],
    106 [0,0,0,0]];
    107 var typeRoateXY2_3 = [
    108 {r:0,c:0},
    109 {r:1,c:1},
    110 {r:1,c:0}, 
    111 {r:0,c:0},
    112 {r:0,c:1}
    113 ];
    114 var typeFirst2_3 = 0;
    115 var typeRoate2_4 = [
    116 [2,3,0,0],
    117 [1,4,0,0],
    118 [0,0,0,0],
    119 [0,0,0,0]];
    120 var typeRoateXY2_4 = [
    121 {r:0,c:0},
    122 {r:1,c:0}, 
    123 {r:0,c:0},
    124 {r:0,c:1},
    125 {r:1,c:1}
    126 ];
    127 var typeFirst2_4 = 0;
    128 var typeRoate2 = [typeRoate2_1,typeRoate2_2,typeRoate2_3,typeRoate2_4];
    129 var typeRoateXY2 = [typeRoateXY2_1,typeRoateXY2_2,typeRoateXY2_3,typeRoateXY2_4];
    130 var typeFirst2 = [typeFirst2_1,typeFirst2_2,typeFirst2_3,typeFirst2_4];
    131 // L zi
    132 var type3_1 = [
    133 [1,0,0,0],
    134 [1,0,0,0],
    135 [1,1,0,0],
    136 [0,0,0,0]];
    137 var type3_2 = [
    138 [1,1,1,0],
    139 [1,0,0,0],
    140 [0,0,0,0],
    141 [0,0,0,0]];
    142 var type3_3 = [
    143 [1,1,0,0],
    144 [0,1,0,0],
    145 [0,1,0,0],
    146 [0,0,0,0]];
    147 var type3_4 = [
    148 [0,0,1,0],
    149 [1,1,1,0],
    150 [0,0,0,0],
    151 [0,0,0,0]];
    152 var type3 = [type3_1,type3_2,type3_3,type3_4];
    153 var typeRoate3_1 = [
    154 [1,0,0,0],
    155 [2,0,0,0],
    156 [3,4,0,0],
    157 [0,0,0,0]];
    158 var typeRoateXY3_1 = [
    159 {r:0,c:0},
    160 {r:0,c:0}, 
    161 {r:1,c:0},
    162 {r:2,c:0},
    163 {r:2,c:1}
    164 ];
    165 var typeFirst3_1 = 0;
    166 var typeRoate3_2 = [
    167 [3,2,1,0],
    168 [4,0,0,0],
    169 [0,0,0,0],
    170 [0,0,0,0]];
    171 var typeRoateXY3_2 = [
    172 {r:0,c:0},
    173 {r:0,c:2}, 
    174 {r:0,c:1},
    175 {r:0,c:0},
    176 {r:1,c:0}
    177 ];
    178 var typeFirst3_2 = 2;
    179 var typeRoate3_3 = [
    180 [4,3,0,0],
    181 [0,2,0,0],
    182 [0,1,0,0],
    183 [0,0,0,0]];
    184 var typeRoateXY3_3 = [
    185 {r:0,c:0},
    186 {r:2,c:1}, 
    187 {r:1,c:1},
    188 {r:0,c:1},
    189 {r:0,c:0}
    190 ];
    191 var typeFirst3_3 = 3;
    192 var typeRoate3_4 = [
    193 [0,0,4,0],
    194 [1,2,3,0],
    195 [0,0,0,0],
    196 [0,0,0,0]];
    197 var typeRoateXY3_4 = [
    198 {r:0,c:0},
    199 {r:1,c:0}, 
    200 {r:1,c:1},
    201 {r:1,c:2},
    202 {r:0,c:2}
    203 ];
    204 var typeFirst3_4 = 0;
    205 var typeRoate3 = [typeRoate3_1,typeRoate3_2,typeRoate3_3,typeRoate3_4];
    206 var typeRoateXY3 = [typeRoateXY3_1,typeRoateXY3_2,typeRoateXY3_3,typeRoateXY3_4];
    207 var typeFirst3 = [typeFirst3_1,typeFirst3_2,typeFirst3_3,typeFirst3_4];
    208 // ~L zi
    209 var type4_1 = [
    210 [0,1,0,0],
    211 [0,1,0,0],
    212 [1,1,0,0],
    213 [0,0,0,0]];
    214 var type4_2 = [
    215 [1,0,0,0],
    216 [1,1,1,0],
    217 [0,0,0,0],
    218 [0,0,0,0]];
    219 var type4_3 = [
    220 [1,1,0,0],
    221 [1,0,0,0],
    222 [1,0,0,0],
    223 [0,0,0,0]];
    224 var type4_4 = [
    225 [1,1,1,0],
    226 [0,0,1,0],
    227 [0,0,0,0],
    228 [0,0,0,0]];
    229 var type4 = [type4_1,type4_2,type4_3,type4_4];
    230 var typeRoate4_1 = [
    231 [0,1,0,0],
    232 [0,2,0,0],
    233 [4,3,0,0],
    234 [0,0,0,0]];
    235 var typeRoateXY4_1 = [
    236 {r:0,c:0},
    237 {r:0,c:1}, 
    238 {r:1,c:1},
    239 {r:2,c:1},
    240 {r:2,c:0}
    241 ];
    242 var typeFirst4_1 = 0;
    243 var typeRoate4_2 = [
    244 [4,0,0,0],
    245 [3,2,1,0],
    246 [0,0,0,0],
    247 [0,0,0,0]];
    248 var typeRoateXY4_2 = [
    249 {r:0,c:0},
    250 {r:1,c:2}, 
    251 {r:1,c:1},
    252 {r:1,c:0},
    253 {r:0,c:0}
    254 ];
    255 var typeFirst4_2 = 0;
    256 var typeRoate4_3 = [
    257 [3,4,0,0],
    258 [2,0,0,0],
    259 [1,0,0,0],
    260 [0,0,0,0]];
    261 var typeRoateXY4_3 = [
    262 {r:0,c:0},
    263 {r:2,c:0}, 
    264 {r:1,c:0},
    265 {r:0,c:0},
    266 {r:0,c:1}
    267 ];
    268 var typeFirst4_3 = 3;
    269 var typeRoate4_4 = [
    270 [1,2,3,0],
    271 [0,0,4,0],
    272 [0,0,0,0],
    273 [0,0,0,0]];
    274 var typeRoateXY4_4 = [
    275 {r:0,c:0},
    276 {r:0,c:0}, 
    277 {r:0,c:1},
    278 {r:0,c:2},
    279 {r:1,c:2}
    280 ];
    281 var typeFirst4_4 = 2;
    282 var typeRoate4 = [typeRoate4_1,typeRoate4_2,typeRoate4_3,typeRoate4_4];
    283 var typeRoateXY4 = [typeRoateXY4_1,typeRoateXY4_2,typeRoateXY4_3,typeRoateXY4_4];
    284 var typeFirst4 = [typeFirst4_1,typeFirst4_2,typeFirst4_3,typeFirst4_4];
    285 // Z zi
    286 var type5_1 = [
    287 [1,1,0,0],
    288 [0,1,1,0],
    289 [0,0,0,0],
    290 [0,0,0,0]];
    291 var type5_2 = [
    292 [0,1,0,0],
    293 [1,1,0,0],
    294 [1,0,0,0],
    295 [0,0,0,0]];
    296 var type5 = [type5_1,type5_2];
    297 var typeRoate5_1 = [
    298 [1,2,0,0],
    299 [0,3,4,0],
    300 [0,0,0,0],
    301 [0,0,0,0]];
    302 var typeRoateXY5_1 = [
    303 {r:0,c:0},
    304 {r:0,c:0}, 
    305 {r:0,c:1},
    306 {r:1,c:1},
    307 {r:1,c:2}
    308 ];
    309 var typeFirst5_1 = 1;
    310 var typeRoate5_2 = [
    311 [0,1,0,0],
    312 [3,2,0,0],
    313 [4,0,0,0],
    314 [0,0,0,0]];
    315 var typeRoateXY5_2 = [
    316 {r:0,c:0},
    317 {r:0,c:1}, 
    318 {r:1,c:1},
    319 {r:1,c:0},
    320 {r:2,c:0}
    321 ];
    322 var typeFirst5_2 = 1;
    323 var typeRoate5_3 = [
    324 [4,3,0,0],
    325 [0,2,1,0],
    326 [0,0,0,0],
    327 [0,0,0,0]];
    328 var typeRoateXY5_3 = [
    329 {r:0,c:0},
    330 {r:1,c:2}, 
    331 {r:1,c:1},
    332 {r:0,c:1},
    333 {r:0,c:0}
    334 ];
    335 var typeFirst5_3 = 1;
    336 var typeRoate5_4 = [
    337 [0,4,0,0],
    338 [2,3,0,0],
    339 [1,0,0,0],
    340 [0,0,0,0]];
    341 var typeRoateXY5_4 = [
    342 {r:0,c:0},
    343 {r:2,c:0}, 
    344 {r:1,c:0},
    345 {r:1,c:1},
    346 {r:0,c:1}
    347 ];
    348 var typeFirst5_4 = 1;
    349 var typeRoate5 = [typeRoate5_1,typeRoate5_2,typeRoate5_3,typeRoate5_4];
    350 var typeRoateXY5 = [typeRoateXY5_1,typeRoateXY5_2,typeRoateXY5_3,typeRoateXY5_4];
    351 var typeFirst5 = [typeFirst5_1,typeFirst5_2,typeFirst5_3,typeFirst5_4];
    352 // ~Z zi
    353 var type6_1 = [
    354 [0,1,1,0],
    355 [1,1,0,0],
    356 [0,0,0,0],
    357 [0,0,0,0]];
    358 var type6_2 = [
    359 [1,0,0,0],
    360 [1,1,0,0],
    361 [0,1,0,0],
    362 [0,0,0,0]];
    363 var type6 = [type6_1,type6_2];
    364 var typeRoate6_1 = [
    365 [0,3,4,0],
    366 [1,2,0,0],
    367 [0,0,0,0],
    368 [0,0,0,0]];
    369 var typeRoateXY6_1 = [
    370 {r:0,c:0},
    371 {r:1,c:0}, 
    372 {r:1,c:1},
    373 {r:0,c:1},
    374 {r:0,c:2}
    375 ];
    376 var typeFirst6_1 = 1;
    377 var typeRoate6_2 = [
    378 [1,0,0,0],
    379 [2,3,0,0],
    380 [0,4,0,0],
    381 [0,0,0,0]];
    382 var typeRoateXY6_2 = [
    383 {r:0,c:0},
    384 {r:0,c:0}, 
    385 {r:1,c:0},
    386 {r:1,c:1},
    387 {r:2,c:1}
    388 ];
    389 var typeFirst6_2 = 1;
    390 var typeRoate6_3 = [
    391 [0,2,1,0],
    392 [4,3,0,0],
    393 [0,0,0,0],
    394 [0,0,0,0]];
    395 var typeRoateXY6_3 = [
    396 {r:0,c:0},
    397 {r:0,c:2}, 
    398 {r:0,c:1},
    399 {r:1,c:1},
    400 {r:1,c:0}
    401 ];
    402 var typeFirst6_3 = 1;
    403 var typeRoate6_4 = [
    404 [4,0,0,0],
    405 [3,2,0,0],
    406 [0,1,0,0],
    407 [0,0,0,0]];
    408 var typeRoateXY6_4 = [
    409 {r:0,c:0},
    410 {r:2,c:1}, 
    411 {r:1,c:1},
    412 {r:1,c:0},
    413 {r:0,c:0}
    414 ];
    415 var typeFirst6_4 = 1;
    416 var typeRoate6 = [typeRoate6_1,typeRoate6_2,typeRoate6_3,typeRoate6_4];
    417 var typeRoateXY6 = [typeRoateXY6_1,typeRoateXY6_2,typeRoateXY6_3,typeRoateXY6_4];
    418 var typeFirst6 = [typeFirst6_1,typeFirst6_2,typeFirst6_3,typeFirst6_4];
    419 // T zi
    420 var type7_1 = [
    421 [1,1,1,0],
    422 [0,1,0,0],
    423 [0,0,0,0],
    424 [0,0,0,0]];
    425 var type7_2 = [
    426 [0,1,0,0],
    427 [1,1,0,0],
    428 [0,1,0,0],
    429 [0,0,0,0]];
    430 var type7_3 = [
    431 [0,1,0,0],
    432 [1,1,1,0],
    433 [0,0,0,0],
    434 [0,0,0,0]];
    435 var type7_4 = [
    436 [1,0,0,0],
    437 [1,1,0,0],
    438 [1,0,0,0],
    439 [0,0,0,0]];
    440 var type7 = [type7_1,type7_2,type7_3,type7_4];
    441 var typeRoate7_1 = [
    442 [1,2,3,0],
    443 [0,4,0,0],
    444 [0,0,0,0],
    445 [0,0,0,0]];
    446 var typeRoateXY7_1 = [
    447 {r:0,c:0},
    448 {r:0,c:0}, 
    449 {r:0,c:1},
    450 {r:0,c:2},
    451 {r:1,c:1}
    452 ];
    453 var typeFirst7_1 = 2;
    454 var typeRoate7_2 = [
    455 [0,1,0,0],
    456 [4,2,0,0],
    457 [0,3,0,0],
    458 [0,0,0,0]];
    459 var typeRoateXY7_2 = [
    460 {r:0,c:0},
    461 {r:0,c:1}, 
    462 {r:1,c:1},
    463 {r:2,c:1},
    464 {r:1,c:0}
    465 ];
    466 var typeFirst7_2 = 2;
    467 var typeRoate7_3 = [
    468 [0,4,0,0],
    469 [3,2,1,0],
    470 [0,0,0,0],
    471 [0,0,0,0]];
    472 var typeRoateXY7_3 = [
    473 {r:0,c:0},
    474 {r:1,c:2}, 
    475 {r:1,c:1},
    476 {r:1,c:0},
    477 {r:0,c:1}
    478 ];
    479 var typeFirst7_3 = 0;
    480 var typeRoate7_4 = [
    481 [3,0,0,0],
    482 [2,4,0,0],
    483 [1,0,0,0],
    484 [0,0,0,0]];
    485 var typeRoateXY7_4 = [
    486 {r:0,c:0},
    487 {r:2,c:0}, 
    488 {r:1,c:0},
    489 {r:0,c:0},
    490 {r:1,c:1}
    491 ];
    492 var typeFirst7_4 = 2;
    493 var typeRoate7 = [typeRoate7_1,typeRoate7_2,typeRoate7_3,typeRoate7_4];
    494 var typeRoateXY7 = [typeRoateXY7_1,typeRoateXY7_2,typeRoateXY7_3,typeRoateXY7_4];
    495 var typeFirst7 = [typeFirst7_1,typeFirst7_2,typeFirst7_3,typeFirst7_4];
    497 var typeLst = [type1,type2,type3,type4,type5,type6,type7];
    498 var typeRoateLst = [typeRoate1,typeRoate2,typeRoate3,typeRoate4,typeRoate5,typeRoate6,typeRoate7];
    499 var typeRoateXYLst = [typeRoateXY1,typeRoateXY2,typeRoateXY3,typeRoateXY4,typeRoateXY5,typeRoateXY6,typeRoateXY7];
    500 var typeFirst = [typeFirst1,typeFirst2,typeFirst3,typeFirst4,typeFirst5,typeFirst6,typeFirst7];





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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wangxinsheng/p/4245405.html
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