• python 多线程小方法

    import time
    from multiprocessing import Process, Lock, JoinableQueue
    from multiprocessing import Semaphore, Event
    import random
    import json
    # def get_tic(man, lock):
    #     time.sleep(random.random())
    #     lock.acquire()
    #     with open("ticket", mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
    #             tic_info = json.load(f)
    #     if tic_info["count"] > 0:
    #         print("邮票", man)
    #         with open("ticket", mode="w", encoding="utf--8") as f:
    #             tic_info["count"] = 0
    #             json.dump(tic_info, f)
    #             print("已购买!")
    #     else:
    #         print("票呢")
    #     lock.release()
    # if __name__ == '__main__':
    #     l = Lock
    #     for i in range(10):
    #         p = Process(target=get_tic, args=(i, l()))
    #         p.start()
    # def wash(i, s):
    #     s.acquire()
    #     print("i %s 烧饼来洗脚,papapa" % i)
    #     time.sleep(random.randrange(3, 5))
    #     print("i%s,shao饼出来了" % i)
    #     s.release()
    # if __name__ == '__main__':
    #     s = Semaphore(5)
    #     for i in range(20):
    #         p = Process(target=wash, args=(i, s))
    #         p.start()
    # def traffic_lights(e):
    #     while 1:
    #         print("红灯停停停!")
    #         time.sleep(5)
    #         e.set()
    #         print("绿灯行,走走走走!")
    #         time.sleep(3)
    #         e.clear()
    # def car(i, e):
    #     if not e.is_set():
    #         print(i, "等待")
    #         e.wait()
    #         print("走咯")
    #     else:
    #         print("出门一路绿灯!")
    # if __name__ == '__main__':
    #     e = Event()
    #     tl = Process(target=traffic_lights, args=(e, ))
    #     tl.start()
    #     while 1:
    #         time.sleep(3)
    #         for i in range(5):
    #                 c = Process(target=car, args=(i, e))
    #                 c.start()
    from multiprocessing import Queue
    # q = Queue(5)
    # q.put(0)
    # q.put(1)
    # q.put(2)
    # q.put(3)
    # q.put(4)
    # try:
    #     # q.put_nowait()
    #     q.
    #     q.put(5)
    # except:
    #     print("满了")
    # print(q.get())
    # print(q.get())
    # print(q.get())
    # print(q.get())
    # print(q.get())
    # try:
    #     q.put_nowait()
    #     print(q.get())
    # except:
    #     print("None")
    # def he(q):
    #     print(q.get().decode("utf-8"))
    #     print(q.get())
    # def her(q):
    #     q.put("约?".encode("utf-8"))
    #     print(q.get())
    # if __name__ == '__main__':
    #     q = Queue(5)
    #     h = Process(target=he, args=(q,))
    #     she = Process(target=her, args=(q,))
    #     h.start()
    #     she.start()
    #     time.sleep(1)
    #     q.put("好好工作")
    # def producer(q):
    #     for i in range(10):
    #         time.sleep(1)
    #         baozi = "包子 %s 号" % i
    #         print(baozi)
    #         q.put(baozi)
    #     print("今天的任务完成了!")
    #     # q.put(None)
    # def have(q):
    #     while 1:
    #         take = q.get()
    #         if take:
    #             print("吃  %s" % take)
    #             time.sleep(0.5)
    #         else:
    #             print("没得吃了!")
    #             break
    # if __name__ == '__main__':
    #     q = Queue(11)
    #     p = Process(target=producer, args=(q,))
    #     h = Process(target=have, args=(q,))
    #     p.start()
    #     h.start()
    #     p.join()
    #     q.put(None)
    # 明天默写内容:
            # 1 同步锁的作用
            # 答:  多个进程某一段相同内容的代码, 只允许最先到达的进程处理,释放之后才允许其他进程继续执行,
            #     优点1: 保护数据安全, 避免不可预见的意外,
            #     优点2: 异步进程在进行其他代码时不必等待, 只在这一段等待, 效率同比当前进程结束在运行其他进程效率要高
    # 2 事件中有哪些方法
            # 1. wait()  ,阻塞标记,
            # 2. set(), 阻塞标记处不等待效果设置为True,  在不再等待
            # 3. is_set(),判断阻塞标记wait()的真伪
            # 4, clear(), 还原wait标记 为False状态, 阻塞恢复等待
    # 3 队列有哪些方法  注意 #  队列的查询结果会有延迟, 放和取数据需要时间, 查询qsize, empty,full都会有误差
            # get()获取队列中的内容
            # put()向队列中存数据
            # empty() 判断队列是否为空
            # full() 判断队列是否满载
            # put_nowait() 放入数据是不等待, 满载即刻报错
            # get_nowait() 获取数据时不等待, 空载即刻报错
            # a = Queue()
            # # a.get(False)  # 取消阻塞状态, 效果与get_nowait相同
            # a.put(2, False)   #取消阻塞状态, 效果与put_nowait相同
            # # print(a.get())
            # # qsize()  获取队列数据单元的数量
            # a.put(5)
            # print(a.qsize())
            # a.close()   #关闭队列,不允许放, 也不能拿数据
            # print(a.get())
    # 4 简述生产者消费者模型
            #  生活中,生产者产生商品, 消费者消费商品, 但是消费者和生产者不直接进行交流, 而是交给中间平台 ,
            #  中间平台作为第三方沟通生产者和消费者, 双方之间无需等待, 互不干涉, 解决双方之间的不同步问题(i/o能力不同)
    # 作业:
    # 1 基于队列写一个有多个消费者和生产者的模型
    # JoinableQueue  #  一个具有空载发出信号的队列
    # 1 ,可以不断往里面存放 数据,  join()等待队列的数据拿完,执行往下代码
    # 2, 取数据的时候用task_done()告诉队列去了数据
    # class Person(Process):
    #     def __init__(self, q):
    #         super().__init__()
    #         self.q = q
    #     def run(self):
    #         while 1:
    #             time.sleep(0.1)
    #             product = self.q.get()
    #             print(self.name, "买下了", product)
    #             self.q.task_done()
    # class Producer(Process):
    #     def __init__(self, pai, q):
    #         super().__init__()
    #         self.pai = pai
    #         self.q = q
    #     def run(self):
    #         for i in range(20):
    #             self.q.put("product %s " % i)
    #             print("%s 生产了商品%s" % (self.pai, i))
    #             time.sleep(0.5)
    #         print("I'm back home")
    #         self.q.join()
    #         print("卖完了!")
    # if __name__ == '__main__':
    #     q = JoinableQueue(20)
    #     pro = Producer("dell", q)
    #     pro.start()
    #     man = Person(q)
    #     man.daemon = True  # man跟随主进程结束
    #     man.start()
    #     pro.join()  # 等待pro进程结束接续下面的代码
    #     # time.sleep(5)
    #     print("main process is end !")
    # 2再有时间的话:
    # 使用同步锁写一个简单的抢票程序,提供并发查票和并发买票的功能
    def buy(i, q):
        with open("ticket", mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
            info = json.load(f)
        print(info["count"], i)   # 进入查询
        time.sleep(random.random())  # 模拟网络延迟
        with open("ticket", mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as f:  # 模拟付款
            info2 = json.load(f)
        q.acquire()  # 锁定下段代码
        if info2["count"] > 0:
            print("%s 余票 %s 张" % (i, info["count"]))
            print("我的了%s" % i)
            info2["count"] = 0
            info2["me"] = 1
            info2["owner"] = i
            with open("ticket", mode="w", encoding="utf-8") as f1:
                json.dump(info2, f1)
        with open("ticket%s" % i, mode="w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
            json.dump(info2, f)  # 模拟购买情况
        # time.sleep(5)
        # with open()
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        q = Lock()
        lst = []
        for i in range(20):
            b = Process(target=buy, args=(i, q))
        for p in lst:
  • 相关阅读:
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/tcpblog/p/9845718.html
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