class TreeNode(var _value: Int) { var value: Int = _value var left: TreeNode = null var right: TreeNode = null } 10 / 5 -3 / 3 2 11 / 3 -2 1 val root = new TreeNode(10) root.left = new TreeNode(5) root.right = new TreeNode(-3) root.left.left = new TreeNode(3) root.left.right = new TreeNode(2) root.right.right = new TreeNode(11) root.left.left.left = new TreeNode(3) root.left.left.right = new TreeNode(-2) root.left.right.right = new TreeNode(1) object Solution { import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap def pathSumCore(root: TreeNode): List[scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[Int,Int]] = { val sumMap = new scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[Int,Int] if(root == null) return List(sumMap) sumMap(root.value) = sumMap.getOrElseUpdate(root.value, 0) +1 val leftMapPair = pathSumCore(root.left){ pair => sumMap(pair._1 + root.value) = sumMap.getOrElseUpdate(pair._1 + root.value, 0) + pair._2 } val rightMapPair = pathSumCore(root.right){ pair => sumMap(pair._1 + root.value) = sumMap.getOrElseUpdate(pair._1 + root.value, 0) + pair._2 } List(sumMap) ++ rightMapPair ++ leftMapPair } def pathSum(root: TreeNode, sum: Int): Int = { val rootMap = pathSumCore(root) val value = rootMap.flatten.collect{ case x if(x._1 == sum) => x._2 }.reduce(_+_) value } } /** * Definition for a binary tree node. * class TreeNode(var _value: Int) { * var value: Int = _value * var left: TreeNode = null * var right: TreeNode = null * } */ object Solution { def pathSum(root: TreeNode, sum: Int): Int = { var m = scala.collection.mutable.Map.empty[Int, Int] m.put(0, 1) def newPathSum(root: TreeNode, curr: Int, sum: Int): Int = { var currSum = curr if(root == null) return 0 currSum += root.value var res:Int = m.getOrElse(currSum - sum, 0) // check id currsum - target exists in map m.put(currSum, m.getOrElse(currSum, 0) + 1)// add curr sum to map, add the res += newPathSum(root.left, currSum, sum) + newPathSum(root.right, currSum, sum) m.put(currSum, m.getOrElse(currSum, 1) - 1)// remove curr node from map res } newPathSum(root, 0, sum) } }