PATH = r'E:MyDocument新しいフォルダー' # 要搜索的目录地址 TARGET_PATH = r'E:MyDocument新しいフォルダー1' # 把搜索结果复制到目的地址 NAME_PATH = r'1.txt' # 要读取的文件(同时搜索多个) NAME = '333' # 搜索一个 NAMES = [] # 自定义搜索,如果填写了这个字段,则忽略从文件加载 READ_FROM_FILE = 1 #是否开启从文件加载 import os from shutil import copyfile class Search(): def __init__(self): self.names = [] self.func = None self.once = True self.founded = False def __core(self,path,name): files = os.listdir(path) for file in files: if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path,file)): self.__core( os.path.join( path,file),name) elif name in file: self.func(os.path.join(path,file)) self.founded = True if self.once:return def searchName(self,path,name,func,once=True): self.func = func self.once = once self.founded = False self.__core(path,name) if not self.founded: print(name + ' 未找到') def searchNames(self,path,names,func,once=True): if not len(names): print("names error.") return self.names = names self.func = func self.once = once not_found_list = [] for name in names: self.founded = False self.__core(path,name) if not self.founded: not_found_list.append(name) if len(not_found_list): print('以下项目未找到:') for item in not_found_list: print(item) def func(path): name = path.split('\') tar = os.path.join(TARGET_PATH,name[-1]) copyfile(path,tar) def main(): s = Search() # s.searchName(PATH,NAME,func,False) if not len(NAMES) and READ_FROM_FILE: with open(NAME_PATH,'r',encoding='utf-8') as f: for line in f: NAMES.append(line.strip(' ')) s.searchNames(PATH,NAMES,func,False) main()