【ZDQFI_601_JOB 调用 ZDQFI_601拆分JOB】 data: name type tbtcjob-jobname. data: number type tbtcjob-jobcount. form f_create_job . concatenate name1 fnum into name. **step1. JOB_OPEN call function 'JOB_OPEN' exporting jobname = name importing jobcount = number exceptions cant_create_job = 1 invalid_job_data = 2 jobname_missing = 3 others = 4. clear: r_bukrs[]. r_bukrs-low = it_bukrs-bukrs. r_bukrs-sign = 'I'. r_bukrs-option = 'EQ'. append r_bukrs. if sy-subrc = 0. **step2.调用子程序 submit zdqfi_601 with s_bukrs in r_bukrs with s_gjahr in s_gjahr with fnum = fnum with p_user = p_user with p_pwd = p_pwd with p_host = p_host with ftp_path = ftp_path with p_date = p_datum with p_max = max_num via job name number number and return. if sy-subrc = 0. **step3.关闭JOB call function 'JOB_CLOSE' exporting jobcount = number jobname = name strtimmed = 'X' * targetserver = v_device exceptions cant_start_immediate = 1 invalid_startdate = 2 jobname_missing = 3 job_close_failed = 4 job_nosteps = 5 job_notex = 6 lock_failed = 7 others = 8. if sy-subrc <> 0. ... endif. endif. else. write:/10 'CREATE JOB FAIL!'. leave program. endif. wait up to 1 seconds. endform. " f_create_job