Hi,everyone.I have a problem about the interaction between fluid(SPH) and cloth .My Physx version is 2.8.4 .I use the cloth and fluids to simulate blood flow in the vessel.But i found there are some particles pass through the cloth just like the cloth is transparent. Is there some bugs about the Collision Detection between the cloth and fluid(SPH)??? Or how can i deal with this problem? Thanks
here are the source code
NxFluidDesc fluidDesc;
fluidDesc.maxParticles = MAX_PARTICLES;
fluidDesc.kernelRadiusMultiplier = 2.0f;
fluidDesc.restParticlesPerMeter = 40.0f;
fluidDesc.motionLimitMultiplier = 3.0f;
fluidDesc.packetSizeMultiplier = 8;
fluidDesc.collisionDistanceMultiplier = 0.3;
fluidDesc.stiffness = 50.0f;
fluidDesc.viscosity = 80.0f;
fluidDesc.restDensity = 1000.0f;
fluidDesc.damping = 0.0f;
fluidDesc.restitutionForStaticShapes = 0.2f;
fluidDesc.dynamicFrictionForStaticShapes = 0.05f;
fluidDesc.simulationMethod = NX_F_SPH;
fluidDesc.flags |=NxFluidFlag::NX_FF_COLLISION_TWOWAY;
NxClothDesc clothDesc;
clothDesc.globalPose.t = NxVec3(0,18.2,-11);
clothDesc.thickness = 0.1f;
clothDesc.density = 0.5f;
clothDesc.bendingStiffness = 1.0f;
clothDesc.stretchingStiffness = 1.0f;
clothDesc.dampingCoefficient = 0.10f;
clothDesc.friction = 0.3f;
clothDesc.collisionResponseCoefficient = 0.4f;
clothDesc.tearFactor = 2.0f;
clothDesc.flags |= NX_CLF_BENDING;
clothDesc.flags |= NX_CLF_DAMPING;
clothDesc.flags |= NX_CLF_COLLISION_TWOWAY;
clothDesc.flags |= NX_CLF_TEARABLE;
//fluid interaction
clothDesc.flags |=NX_CLF_FLUID_COLLISION;
if (gHardwareSimulation)
clothDesc.flags |= NX_CLF_HARDWARE;