• 昨晚用蹩脚的英文上了nvidia的官方论坛问physx的cloth和fluid的碰撞问题


    Hi,everyone.I have a problem about the interaction between fluid(SPH) and cloth .My Physx version is 2.8.4 .I use the cloth and fluids to simulate blood flow in the vessel.But i found there are some particles pass through the cloth just like the cloth is transparent. Is there some bugs about the Collision Detection between the cloth and fluid(SPH)??? Or how can i deal with this problem? Thanks

    here are the source code
    NxFluidDesc fluidDesc;
    fluidDesc.maxParticles = MAX_PARTICLES;
    fluidDesc.kernelRadiusMultiplier = 2.0f;
    fluidDesc.restParticlesPerMeter = 40.0f;
    fluidDesc.motionLimitMultiplier = 3.0f;
    fluidDesc.packetSizeMultiplier = 8;
    fluidDesc.collisionDistanceMultiplier = 0.3;
    fluidDesc.stiffness = 50.0f;
    fluidDesc.viscosity = 80.0f;
    fluidDesc.restDensity = 1000.0f;
    fluidDesc.damping = 0.0f;
    fluidDesc.restitutionForStaticShapes = 0.2f;
    fluidDesc.dynamicFrictionForStaticShapes = 0.05f;
    fluidDesc.simulationMethod = NX_F_SPH;

    fluidDesc.flags |=NxFluidFlag::NX_FF_COLLISION_TWOWAY; 

    NxClothDesc clothDesc;
    clothDesc.globalPose.t = NxVec3(0,18.2,-11);

    clothDesc.thickness = 0.1f;
    clothDesc.density = 0.5f;
    clothDesc.bendingStiffness = 1.0f;
    clothDesc.stretchingStiffness = 1.0f;
    clothDesc.dampingCoefficient = 0.10f;
    clothDesc.friction = 0.3f;
    clothDesc.collisionResponseCoefficient = 0.4f;

    clothDesc.tearFactor = 2.0f;

    clothDesc.flags |= NX_CLF_BENDING;

    clothDesc.flags |= NX_CLF_DAMPING;

    clothDesc.flags |= NX_CLF_COLLISION_TWOWAY;

    clothDesc.flags |= NX_CLF_TEARABLE;
    //fluid interaction
    clothDesc.flags |=NX_CLF_FLUID_COLLISION;

    if (gHardwareSimulation)
    clothDesc.flags |= NX_CLF_HARDWARE;


    • Retucula March 1 Quote Accept Reject Flag
      Posts: 19
      Collision is performed between cloth particles and fluid particles - so try to increase cloth resolution.

      Also, that was "experimental feature".. not fully functional.
    • 0340181048 12:03AM Quote Accept Reject EditFlag
      Posts: 2
      Retucula said:

      Collision is performed between cloth particles and fluid particles - so try to increase cloth resolution.

      Also, that was "experimental feature".. not fully functional.

      Is this feature improved in Physx 3.1??

    • 0RetuculaRetucula 2:00AM Quote Accept Reject Flag
      Posts: 19
      Afaik, it was removed actually.
      按着他的说法,看看能不能提高cloth的网格密度来提高碰撞的效果。结果一试,还真是这样。 老外V5

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