• 对三维医学图像进行拼接,调整窗宽窗位。

    def infer_tumorandliver(model, ct_array_nor, cube_shape=(129, 512, 512)):
        patch_size = cube_shape  # 送入网络时的patch大小
        patch_stride = [60, 256, 256] # 重叠部位大小
        locations, image_shape = generate_test_locations(ct_array_nor, patch_size, patch_stride)  # 生成步长与图像shape
        print('location', locations, image_shape)
        image = np.zeros((1,) + (ct_array_nor.shape)).astype(np.float32) # 生成与原图对应大小的全0体积图像,用于保存预测结果图
        seg = np.zeros((ct_array_nor.shape)).astype(np.float32)# 生成与原图对应大小的全0体积图像,用于除去重叠部位
        print('image shape', image.shape)
        for z in range(0, locations[0]):
            zs = min(patch_stride[0] * z, image_shape[0] - patch_size[0])
            for x in range(0, locations[1]):
                xs = min(patch_stride[1] * x, image_shape[1] - patch_size[1])
                for y in range(0, locations[2]):
                    ys = min(patch_stride[2] * y, image_shape[2] - patch_size[2])
                    patch = ct_array_nor[zs:zs + patch_size[0],
                            xs:xs + patch_size[1],
                            ys:ys + patch_size[2]]
                    # print('patch',patch)
                    patch = np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(patch, axis=0), axis=0).astype(np.float32)
                    # 适用于深度学习预测
                    # patch_tensor = torch.from_numpy(patch).cuda()
                    # output = model(patch_tensor)
                    # output = output.cpu().data.numpy()
                    # 适用于正常拼接
                    patch_tensor = torch.from_numpy(patch).cuda()
                    output = patch_tensor.cpu().data.numpy()
                    image[:, zs:zs + patch_size[0], xs:xs + patch_size[1], ys:ys + patch_size[2]] \
                        = image[:, zs:zs + patch_size[0], xs:xs + patch_size[1], ys:ys + patch_size[2]] + output[0, 0,
                                                                                                              :, :, :]
                    seg[zs:zs + patch_size[0], xs:xs + patch_size[1], ys:ys + patch_size[2]] \
                        = seg[zs:zs + patch_size[0], xs:xs + patch_size[1], ys:ys + patch_size[2]] + 1
        image = image / np.expand_dims(seg, axis=0)
        image = np.squeeze(image)
        # 可以对图像进行窗宽窗位调整
        image[image<50] = 0
        image[image>400] =400
        mask_pred_containers = image
        # 弄回pad前大小
        return mask_pred_containers





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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/peixu/p/15965184.html
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