• RobotFramework-关键字




    Append To List
    Combine Lists
    Convert To List
    Copy Dictionary
    Copy List
    Count Values In List
    Create Dictionary
    Dictionaries Should Be Equal
    Dictionary Should Contain Key
    Dictionary Should Contain Sub Dictionary
    Dictionary Should Contain Value
    Dictionary Should Not Contain Key
    Dictionary Should Not Contain Value
    Get Dictionary Items
    Get Dictionary Keys
    Get Dictionary Values
    Get From Dictionary
    Get From List
    Get Index From List
    Get Slice From List
    Insert Into List
    Keep In Dictionary
    List Should Contain Sub List
    List Should Contain Value
    List Should Not Contain Duplicates
    List Should Not Contain Value
    Lists Should Be Equal
    Log Dictionary
    Log List
    Remove From Dictionary
    Remove From List
    Remove Values From List
    Reverse List
    Set List Value
    Set To Dictionary
    Sort List


    Check If Exists In Database
    Check If Not Exists In Database
    Connect To Database
    Disconnect From Database
    Execute Sql Script



    Call Method
    Convert To Binary
    Convert To Boolean
    Convert To Hex
    Convert To Integer
    Convert To Number
    Convert To Octal
    Convert To String
    Create List
    Exit For Loop
    Fatal Error
    Get Count
    Get Length
    Get Library Instance
    Get Time
    Get Variable Value
    Get Variables
    Import Library
    Import Resource
    Import Variables
    Keyword Should Exist
    Length Should Be
    Log Many
    Log Variables
    No Operation
    Regexp Escape
    Remove Tags
    Repeat Keyword
    Replace Variables
    Run Keyword
    Run Keyword And Continue On Failure
    Run Keyword And Expect Error
    Run Keyword And Ignore Error
    Run Keyword If
    Run Keyword If All Critical Tests Passed
    Run Keyword If All Tests Passed
    Run Keyword If Any Critical Tests Failed
    Run Keyword If Any Tests Failed
    Run Keyword If Test Failed
    Run Keyword If Test Passed
    Run Keyword If Timeout Occurred
    Run Keyword Unless
    Run Keywords
    Set Global Variable
    Set Library Search Order
    Set Log Level
    Set Suite Variable
    Set Tags
    Set Test Message
    Set Test Variable
    Set Variable
    Set Variable If
    Should Be Empty
    Should Be Equal
    Should Be Equal As Integers
    Should Be Equal As Numbers
    Should Be Equal As Strings
    Should Be True
    Should Contain
    Should Contain X Times
    Should End With
    Should Match
    Should Match Regexp
    Should Not Be Empty
    Should Not Be Equal
    Should Not Be Equal As Integers
    Should Not Be Equal As Numbers
    Should Not Be Equal As Strings
    Should Not Be True
    Should Not Contain
    Should Not End With
    Should Not Match
    Should Not Match Regexp
    Should Not Start With
    Should Start With
    Variable Should Exist
    Variable Should Not Exist
    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds



    Add Location Strategy
    Alert Should Be Present
    Assign Id To Element
    Call Selenium Api
    Capture Page Screenshot
    Capture Screenshot
    Checkbox Should Be Selected
    Checkbox Should Not Be Selected
    Choose Cancel On Next Confirmation
    Choose File
    Click Button
    Click Element
    Click Flex Element
    Click Image
    Click Link
    Close All Browsers
    Close Browser
    Close Window
    Confirm Action
    Current Frame Contains
    Current Frame Should Contain
    Delete All Cookies
    Delete Cookie
    Double Click Element
    Double Click Flex Element
    Drag And Drop
    Element Should Be Disabled
    Element Should Be Enabled
    Element Should Be Visible
    Element Should Contain
    Element Should Not Be Visible
    Element Text Should Be
    Execute Javascript
    Flex Element Property Should Be
    Flex Element Should Exist
    Flex Element Should Not Exist
    Flex Element Text Should Be
    Frame Should Contain
    Frame Should Contain Text
    Get Alert Message
    Get All Links
    Get Cookie Value
    Get Cookies
    Get Element Attribute
    Get Horizontal Position
    Get List Items
    Get Location
    Get Matching Xpath Count
    Get Selected List Label
    Get Selected List Labels
    Get Selected List Value
    Get Selected List Values
    Get Source
    Get Table Cell
    Get Text
    Get Title
    Get Value
    Get Vertical Position
    Get Window Identifiers
    Get Window Names
    Get Window Titles
    Go Back
    Go To
    Input Password
    Input Text
    Input Text Into Flex Element
    List Selection Should Be
    List Should Have No Selections
    Location Should Be
    Location Should Contain
    Log Source
    Maximize Browser Window
    Mouse Down
    Mouse Down On Image
    Mouse Down On Link
    Mouse Out
    Mouse Over
    Mouse Up
    Open Browser
    Open Context Menu
    Page Should Contain
    Page Should Contain Button
    Page Should Contain Checkbox
    Page Should Contain Element
    Page Should Contain Image
    Page Should Contain Link
    Page Should Contain List
    Page Should Contain Radio Button
    Page Should Contain Textfield
    Page Should Not Contain
    Page Should Not Contain Button
    Page Should Not Contain Checkbox
    Page Should Not Contain Element
    Page Should Not Contain Image
    Page Should Not Contain Link
    Page Should Not Contain List
    Page Should Not Contain Radio Button
    Page Should Not Contain Textfield
    Press Key
    Press Key Native
    Radio Button Should Be Set To
    Radio Button Should Not Be Selected
    Register Keyword To Run On Failure
    Reload Page
    Select All From List
    Select Checkbox
    Select Flex Application
    Select Frame
    Select From Flex Element
    Select From List
    Select Radio Button
    Select Window
    Set Selenium Speed
    Set Selenium Timeout
    Start Selenium Server
    Stop Selenium Server
    Submit Form
    Switch Browser
    Table Cell Should Contain
    Table Column Should Contain
    Table Footer Should Contain
    Table Header Should Contain
    Table Row Should Contain
    Table Should Contain
    Textfield Should Contain
    Textfield Value Should Be
    Title Should Be
    Unselect Checkbox
    Unselect Frame
    Unselect From List
    Wait For Condition
    Wait For Flex Element
    Wait Until Page Contains
    Wait Until Page Contains Element
    Wait Until Page Loaded
    Xpath Should Match X Times
  • 相关阅读:
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    业务逻辑 : 未完 : easybook.com
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/nzyjlr/p/5098946.html
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