1 import tensorflow as tf 2 import numpy as np 3 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 4 5 #Disable TF2 behavior 6 #tf.disable_v2_behavior() 7 #Disable executing eagerly 8 #tf.compat.v1.disable_eager_execution(); 9 #check whether the executing eagerly is Enabled 10 tf.executing_eagerly(); 11 12 #VALUE 13 training_epochs = 10 14 learning_rate = 0.02 15 16 #primary Code(s) starts here 17 num_points = 1000 18 def data(): 19 x_data = np.linspace(0,1,1000) 20 np.random.seed(5) 21 ## y=3.1234*x+2.98+噪声(噪声的维度要和x_data一致) 22 y_data = 0.1 * x_data + 0.3 + np.random.randn(*x_data.shape) * 0.02 23 return x_data,y_data 24 25 x_data,y_data = data() 26 27 w = tf.Variable(np.random.randn(),tf.float32) 28 ##构建模型中的变量b,对应线性函数的截距 29 b = tf.Variable(0.0,tf.float32) 30 def y_function(x,w,b): 31 return w * x + b 32 def loss(x,y,w,b): 33 return tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(y_function(x,w,b)-y)) 34 def grad(x,y,w,b): 35 with tf.GradientTape() as tape: 36 loss_ = loss(x,y,w,b) 37 return tape.gradient(loss_,[w,b]) 38 39 step = 0 40 loss_list = [] #List of loss value 41 display_step = 10 42 for epoch in range(training_epochs): 43 for xs,ys in zip(x_data,y_data): 44 loss_ = loss(xs,ys,w,b) 45 loss_list.append(loss_) 46 delta_w,delta_b = grad(xs,ys,w,b) 47 change_w = delta_w * learning_rate 48 change_b = delta_b * learning_rate 49 w.assign_sub(change_w) 50 b.assign_sub(change_b) 51 step=step+1; 52 if step%(2*display_step)==0: 53 print("TE:",'%02d'%(epoch+1),"Step:%03d"%(step),"LOSS=%.6f"%(loss_)) 54 plt.plot(x_data,w.numpy()*x_data+b.numpy()) 55 print('w:',w.numpy()) 56 print('b:',b.numpy()) 57 print('最小的损失:',min(loss_list).numpy()) 58 plt.figure(figsize=(10,6)) 59 plt.scatter(x_data,y_data,label='Orignal data') 60 plt.plot(x_data, 0.1 * x_data + 0.3, label ='Object Line',c='g') 61 plt.plot(x_data, x_data * w.numpy() + b.numpy(), label='Fitted Line',color='r') 62 plt.legend(loc=2) 63 plt.figure(figsize=(10,6)) 64 plt.plot(loss_list) 65 plt.show()