Problem Description
There is a rectangular room, covered with square tiles. Each tile is colored either red or black. A man is standing on a black tile. From a tile, he can move to one of four adjacent tiles. But he can't move on red tiles, he can move only on
black tiles.
Write a program to count the number of black tiles which he can reach by repeating the moves described above.
Write a program to count the number of black tiles which he can reach by repeating the moves described above.
The input consists of multiple data sets. A data set starts with a line containing two positive integers W and H; W and H are the numbers of tiles in the x- and y- directions, respectively. W and H are not more than 20.
There are H more lines in the data set, each of which includes W characters. Each character represents the color of a tile as follows.
'.' - a black tile
'#' - a red tile
'@' - a man on a black tile(appears exactly once in a data set)
There are H more lines in the data set, each of which includes W characters. Each character represents the color of a tile as follows.
'.' - a black tile
'#' - a red tile
'@' - a man on a black tile(appears exactly once in a data set)
For each data set, your program should output a line which contains the number of tiles he can reach from the initial tile (including itself).
Sample Input
6 9 ....#. .....# ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... #@...# .#..#. 11 9 .#......... .#.#######. .#.#.....#. .#.#.###.#. .#.#..@#.#. .#.#####.#. .#.......#. .#########. ........... 11 6 ..#..#..#.. ..#..#..#.. ..#..#..### ..#..#..#@. ..#..#..#.. ..#..#..#.. 7 7 ..#.#.. ..#.#.. ###.### ...@... ###.### ..#.#.. ..#.#.. 0 0
Sample Output
45 59 6 13
Asia 2004, Ehime (Japan), Japan Domestic
#include<iostream> using namespace std; char map[22][22];//定义最大数组 int sum,l,h; int dir[4][2]={{1,0},{-1,0},{0,1},{0,-1}}; //四个方位,上、下、左、右 bool border(int x,int y)//推断是否超范围 { if(x<0||x>=h||y<0||y>=l) return 0; return 1; } void search(int x,int y) { int i; int xx,yy; sum++;//记录长度 map[x][y]='#';//标记为已走 for(i=0;i<4;i++) //以当前位置向四个方向扩展 { xx=x+dir[i][0]; yy=y+dir[i][1]; if(border(xx,yy)&&map[xx][yy]=='.') //满足条件就以当前位置继续扩展 search(xx,yy); } } int main() { int i,j; int x0,y0; while(cin>>l>>h) { sum=0; if(l==0&&h==0)break; for(i=0;i<h;i++) { for(j=0;j<l;j++) { cin>>map[i][j]; if(map[i][j]=='@')//记录当前位置 { x0=i; y0=j; } } } search(x0,y0);//调用当前位置 cout<<sum<<endl; } return 0; }
A Knight's Journey
The knight is getting bored of seeing the same black and white squares again and again and has decided to make a journey
around the world. Whenever a knight moves, it is two squares in one direction and one square perpendicular to this. The world of a knight is the chessboard he is living on. Our knight lives on a chessboard that has a smaller area than a regular 8 * 8 board, but it is still rectangular. Can you help this adventurous knight to make travel plans?
Find a path such that the knight visits every square once. The knight can start and end on any square of the board.
The knight is getting bored of seeing the same black and white squares again and again and has decided to make a journey
around the world. Whenever a knight moves, it is two squares in one direction and one square perpendicular to this. The world of a knight is the chessboard he is living on. Our knight lives on a chessboard that has a smaller area than a regular 8 * 8 board, but it is still rectangular. Can you help this adventurous knight to make travel plans?
Find a path such that the knight visits every square once. The knight can start and end on any square of the board.
The input begins with a positive integer n in the first line. The following lines contain n test cases. Each test case consists of a single line with two positive integers p and q, such that 1 <= p * q <= 26. This represents a p * q chessboard, where p describes
how many different square numbers 1, . . . , p exist, q describes how many different square letters exist. These are the first q letters of the Latin alphabet: A, . . .
The output for every scenario begins with a line containing "Scenario #i:", where i is the number of the scenario starting at 1. Then print a single line containing the lexicographically first path that visits all squares of the chessboard with knight moves
followed by an empty line. The path should be given on a single line by concatenating the names of the visited squares. Each square name consists of a capital letter followed by a number.
If no such path exist, you should output impossible on a single line.
If no such path exist, you should output impossible on a single line.
Sample Input
3 1 1 2 3 4 3
Sample Output
Scenario #1: A1 Scenario #2: impossible Scenario #3: A1B3C1A2B4C2A3B1C3A4B2C4
TUD Programming Contest 2005, Darmstadt, Germany
八个方向的深搜回溯 把移动方向打好 (网上好多人说要按字典序走才干A 測试了一下 不按字典序也A了)
#include<iostream> #include<cstring> #define M 30 int dx[8] = {-1, 1, -2, 2, -2, 2, -1, 1}; int dy[8] = {-2, -2, -1, -1, 1, 1, 2, 2}; using namespace std; int cas,n,m,tag; int map[M][M],t; char ans[900][2]; void dfs(int x,int y,int k) { int xx,yy,i,j; if(k==n*m) { tag=1; } for(i=0;i<8;i++) { xx=x+dx[i]; yy=y+dy[i]; if(map[xx][yy]==0&&xx>0&&xx<=n&&yy>0&&yy<=m) { ans[k][0]=ans[k-1][0]+dy[i];//注意这里x轴移动的位移并非字母轴的位移而是数字轴的位移。。坑我好久 ans[k][1]=ans[k-1][1]+dx[i]; map[xx][yy]=1; for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { for(j=1;j<=m;j++) cout<<map[i][j];cout<<endl; }cout<<endl; dfs(xx,yy,k+1); if(tag) return ; map[xx][yy]=0; } } //return ; } int main() { int i,j,l=1; cin>>cas; while(l<=cas) { memset(map,0,sizeof(map)); memset(ans,'0',sizeof(ans)); map[1][1]=1; ans[0][0]='A'; ans[0][1]='1'; cin>>n>>m; t=1; tag=0; cout<<"Scenario #"<<l<<":"<<endl; dfs(1,1,1); if(tag) { //cout<<ans[0][0]<<ans[0][1]; for(i=0;i<n*m;i++) cout<<ans[i][0]<<ans[i][1]; } else cout<<"impossible"; cout<<endl<<endl; l++; } }