•choose (when, otherwise)
•trim (where, set)
2.IF 具体用法
<select id="XX" resultType="Blog"> SELECT * FROM BLOG WHERE state = ‘ACTIVE’ <if test="title != null"> AND title like #{title} </if> </select>
<select id="XX" resultType="Blog"> SELECT * FROM BLOG WHERE state = ‘ACTIVE’ <if test="title != null"> AND title like #{title} </if> <if test="author != null and author.name != null"> AND author_name like #{author.name} </if> </select>
3.类似 if ,else用法例子
<select id="XX" resultType="Blog"> SELECT * FROM BLOG WHERE state = ‘ACTIVE’ <choose> <when test="title != null"> AND title like #{title} </when> <when test="author != null and author.name != null"> AND author_name like #{author.name} </when> <otherwise> AND featured = 1 </otherwise> </choose>
<select id="XX" resultType="Blog"> SELECT * FROM BLOG WHERE <if test="state != null"> state = #{state} </if> <if test="title != null"> AND title like #{title} </if> <if test="author != null and author.name != null"> AND author_name like #{author.name} </if> </select>
<select id="XX" resultType="Blog"> SELECT * FROM BLOG <where> <if test="state != null"> state = #{state} </if> <if test="title != null"> AND title like #{title} </if> <if test="author != null and author.name != null"> AND author_name like #{author.name} </if> </where> </select>
<trim prefix="WHERE" prefixOverrides="AND |OR "> ... </trim>
7.set用法注意set是sql语句中update table set.....不是将一个参数set到一个属性中
<update id="updateAuthorIfNecessary"> update Author <set> <if test="username != null">username=#{username},</if> <if test="password != null">password=#{password},</if> <if test="email != null">email=#{email},</if> <if test="bio != null">bio=#{bio}</if> </set> where id=#{id} </update>
<select id="selectPostIn" resultType="domain.blog.Post"> SELECT * FROM POST P WHERE ID in <foreach item="item" index="index" collection="list" open="(" separator="," close=")"> #{item} </foreach> </select>