#include<iostream> #include<string> #include<cstring> #include<sstream> #include<vector> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; const int maxn = 200 + 5; const int INF = 1000000000; struct Edge { int u, v, d; // d=1 means u->v, d=2 means v->u, d=0 means u-v Edge(int u=0, int v=0, int d=0):u(u),v(v),d(d){} }; vector<Edge> edges[maxn]; int n, root, maxlen, f[maxn], g[maxn], have_father[maxn]; // maximal length of a DIRECTED path starting from u int dfs(int u) { int ans = 0; for(int i = 0; i < edges[u].size(); i++) { int v = edges[u][i].v; if(edges[u][i].d == 1) ans = max(ans, dfs(v)+1); } return ans; } bool read_data() { bool have_data = false; int a, b; n = 0; for(int i = 0; i < maxn; i++) edges[i].clear(); memset(have_father, 0, sizeof(have_father)); while(cin >> a && a){ string str; have_data = true; if(a > n) n = a; while(cin >> str && str != "0"){ //一组数据 int len = str.length(); char dir = str[len-1]; if(dir == 'd' || dir == 'u') str = str.substr(0, len-1); stringstream ss(str); ss >> b; // b is a's son if(b > n) n = b; have_father[b] = 1; if(dir == 'd'){ edges[a].push_back(Edge(a, b, 1)); // forward edges[b].push_back(Edge(b, a, 2)); // backward }else if(dir == 'u'){ edges[a].push_back(Edge(a, b, 2)); edges[b].push_back(Edge(b, a, 1)); }else{ edges[a].push_back(Edge(a, b, 0)); // it's a rooted tree, so we don't store edge to father } } } if(have_data) { for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) if(!have_father[i]) { root = i; break; } //找一个root //if(!have_father[i] && !edges[i].empty()) } return have_data; } struct UndirectedSon { int w, f, g; UndirectedSon(int w=0, int f=0, int g=0):w(w),f(f),g(g){} }; bool cmp_f(const UndirectedSon& w1, const UndirectedSon& w2) { return w1.f < w2.f; } bool cmp_g(const UndirectedSon& w1, const UndirectedSon& w2) { return w1.g < w2.g; } // calculate f[i] and g[i] // return true iff f[i] < INF // f[i] is the minimal length of the longest "->u" path if all subtree paths have length <= maxlen // g[i] is the minimal length of the longest "u->" path if all subtree paths have length <= maxlen // f[i] = g[i] = INF if "all subtree paths have length <= maxlen" cannot be satisfied bool dp(int i, int fa) { if(edges[i].empty()) { f[i] = g[i] = 0; return true; } vector<UndirectedSon> sons; int f0 = 0, g0 = 0; // f'[i] and g'[i] for directed sons // let f'[i] = max{f[w] | w->i}+1, g'[i] = max{g[w] | i->w}+1 // then we should change some undirected edges to ->u or u-> edges so that f'[i]+g'[i] <= maxlen // then f[i] is the minimal f'[i] under this condition, and g[i] is the minimal g'[i] for(int k = 0; k < edges[i].size(); k++) { int w = edges[i][k].v; if(w == fa) continue; dp(w, i); int d = edges[i][k].d; if(d == 0) sons.push_back(UndirectedSon(w, f[w], g[w])); else if(d == 1) g0 = max(g0, g[w]+1); else f0 = max(f0, f[w]+1); } // If there is no undirected edges, we're done if(sons.empty()) { f[i] = f0; g[i] = g0; if(f[i] + g[i] > maxlen) { f[i] = g[i] = INF; } return f[i] < INF; } f[i] = g[i] = INF; // to calculate f[i], we sort f[w] of undirected sons in increasing order and make first p edges to w->i // then we calculate f'[i] and g'[i], check for f'[i]+g'[i] <= maxlen and update answer int s = sons.size(); sort(sons.begin(), sons.end(), cmp_f); int maxg[maxn]; // maxg[i] is max{sons[i].g, sons[i+1].g, ...} //按f从小到大排 maxg[s-1] = sons[s-1].g; for(int k = s-2; k >= 0; k--) maxg[k] = max(sons[k].g, maxg[k+1]); //记录k之后最长的g[w],用于排序 for(int p = 0; p <= sons.size(); p++) { int ff = f0, gg = g0; //原来最长的有向边 if(p > 0) ff = max(ff, sons[p-1].f+1); if(p < sons.size()) gg = max(gg, maxg[p]+1); if(ff + gg <= maxlen) f[i] = min(f[i], ff); } // g[i] is similar sort(sons.begin(), sons.end(), cmp_g); int maxf[maxn]; // maxf[i] is max{sons[i].f, sons[i+1].f, ...} maxf[s-1] = sons[s-1].f; for(int k = s-2; k >= 0; k--) maxf[k] = max(sons[k].f, maxf[k+1]); for(int p = 0; p <= sons.size(); p++) { int ff = f0, gg = g0; if(p > 0) gg = max(gg, sons[p-1].g+1); //比p小的f(w)变成w->i,不会让f[i]变大,但可能让g[i]变小 if(p < sons.size()) ff = max(ff, maxf[p]+1); if(ff + gg <= maxlen) g[i] = min(g[i], gg); } return f[i] < INF; } int main() { while(read_data()) { maxlen = 0; for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) maxlen = max(maxlen, dfs(i)); // Note: the problem asks for the number of nodes in path, but all the "lengths" above mean "number of edges" if(dp(root, -1)) cout << maxlen+1 << " "; else cout << maxlen+2 << " "; } return 0; }