• Oracle数据库的约束、维护、序列、索引、视图



    create table student(
    sno number(10) ,--primary key
    sname varchar2(100) ,--not null
    sage number(3), --check(sage<150 and sage>0)
    ssex char(4) ,--check(ssex='男' or ssex='女')
    sfav varchar2(500),
    sbirth date,
    sqq varchar2(30) --unique
    --constraints pk_student_sno primary key(sno)--添加主键约束
    --constraints ck_student_sname check(sname is not null)--非空约束
    --constraints ck_student_sage check(sage<150 and sage>0)--检查约束
    --constraints ck_student_ssex check(ssex='男' or ssex='女')--检查约束
    --constraints un_student_sqq unique(sqq)--唯一约束

    alter table student add constraints pk_student_sno primary key(sno);
    alter table student drop constraints pk_student_sno;
    alter table student add constraints ck_student_sname check(sname is not null);
    alter table student drop constraints ck_student_sname;
    alter table student add constraints ck_student_sage check(sage<150 and sage>0)
    alter table student drop constraints ck_student_sage;
    alter table student add constraints ck_student_ssex check(ssex='男' or ssex='女')
    alter table student drop constraints ck_student_ssex;

    alter table student add constraints un_student_sqq unique(sqq)
    alter table student drop constraints un_student_sqq

    二维表创建 外键约束学习:

    create table student(
    sno number(10) primary key,
    sname varchar2(100) not null,
    sage number(3) check(sage>0 and sage<150),
    ssex char(4) check(ssex='男' or ssex='女'),
    sfav varchar2(500),
    sqq varchar2(30) unique,
    cid number(10) --references clazz(cno)
    --constraints fk_student_cid foreign key(cid) references clazz(cno)--外键
    alter table student add constraints fk_student_cid foreign key(cid) references clazz(cno) on delete set null
    alter table student drop constraints fk_student_cid

    create table clazz(
    cno number(10) primary key,
    cname varchar2(100) not null,
    cdesc varchar2(300)

    --在子表中的字段后直接使用 references 父表名(字段) 例如: cid number(10) references clazz(cno)
    --在创建表语句的最后面使用 constraints fk_子表名_字段名 foreign key(字段名) references 父表名(字段名)
    --在创建表后使用:alter table 表名 add constraints fk_子表名_字段名 foreign key(字段名) references 父表名(字段名)
    --删除外键:alter table 表名 drop constraints 外键约束名
    --级联删除:在添加外键约束时,使用关键字 on delete cascade
    --级联置空  on delete set null


    --alter table 表名 add 字段名 类型
    alter table student add sphone number(11)--在学生表中添加新的字段

    --alter table 表名 modify 字段名 新的类型
    alter table student modify sphone varchar2(11)

    --alter table 表名 rename column 字段名 to 新的字段名
    alter table student rename column sphone to phone

    --alter table 表名 drop column 字段名
    alter table student drop column phone

    --rename 原有表名 to 新的表名
    rename student to student2
    rename student2 to student

    --drop table 表名
    drop table student

    --使用 create sequence 序列名
    --使用的是 序列名.nextval作为主键
    create sequence cc;--创建序列cc
    select cc.currval from dual--查看序列当前值
    select cc.nextval from dual--查看序列的自增后的值。
    create sequence aa--创建序列
    start with 5 --设置开始位置
    increment by 2 --设置步长
    select aa.currval from dual
    select aa.nextval from dual
    create table teacher(
    tid number(10) primary key,
    tname varchar(100) not null
    insert into teacher values(cc.nextval,'张三');
    insert into teacher values(cc.nextval,'张三');

    select * from teacher
    --drop sequence 序列名
    drop sequence aa

    create index 索引名 on 表名(字段名)
    drop index 索引名

    create index index_teacher_tname on teacher(tname)--创建索引
    drop index index_teacher_tname--删除索引
    select * from teacher where tname='张三'
    select * from teacher where tid=8

    create view 视图名 as select 对外提供的内容 from 真实表名
    drop view 视图名
    --特点3:可以手动开启只读模式 使用关键字 with read only
    create view stu as select sno,sname,sage from bjsxt.student       //可以增删改
    create view stu2 as select sno,sname,sage from student with read only       //只可以读

    select * from student
    select * from stu
    update stu2 set sname='wollo' where sno=1
    grant dba to scott(账号名)

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    vs 链接动态库 (不用放在可执行文件同一目录)
    c++ 文件夹读取文件
    linux U盘 硬盘 unable to mount
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/liuyi13535496566/p/12462668.html
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