Design a data structure that supports the following two operations:
void addWord(word) bool search(word)
search(word) can search a literal word or a regular expression string containing only letters a-z
or .
. A .
means it can represent any one letter.
addWord("bad") addWord("dad") addWord("mad") search("pad") -> false search("bad") -> true search(".ad") -> true search("b..") -> true
You may assume that all words are consist of lowercase letters a-z
字典树可以利用字符串的公共前缀来节约存储的空间并加快检索的速度。下图中的字典树包含了五个英文单词dad, do, dog, done, bi:
- 字典树的根节点不包含字符,代表一个空字符串;
- 从根节点到某节点,路径上经过的字符连接起来即为该节点所代表的字符串;
- 每个节点所代表的字符串各不相同,父节点代表的字符串一定是它孩子节点代表的字符串的前缀
1 class WordDictionary { 2 3 private TrieNode root; 4 5 /** Initialize your data structure here. */ 6 public WordDictionary() { 7 root = new TrieNode(); 8 } 9 10 /** Adds a word into the data structure. */ 11 public void addWord(String word) { // bad 12 TrieNode node = root; // 初始化node 13 for(int i = 0; i< word.length();i++){ // 遍历bad的每个char 14 int j = word.charAt(i)-'a'; // j = 62-61 = 1 15 if(node.children[j]==null){ // 16 node.children[j]=new TrieNode(); 17 } 18 node = node.children[j]; 19 } 20 node.isWord = true; 21 node.word = word; 22 } 23 24 /** Returns if the word is in the data structure. A word could contain the dot character '.' to represent any one letter. */ 25 public boolean search(String word) { 26 return find(word,root,0); 27 } 28 29 // recursively checking each char 30 public boolean find(String word, TrieNode node, int index){ 31 if(index == word.length()) return node.isWord; 32 if(word.charAt(index) =='.') { 33 for(TrieNode temp : node.children){ 34 if(temp!=null && find(word,temp,index+1)) return true; 35 } 36 return false; 37 } else{ 38 int j = word.charAt(index) - 'a'; 39 TrieNode temp = node.children[j]; 40 return temp !=null && find(word, temp, index+1); 41 } 42 } 43 } 44 45 46 class TrieNode{ 47 TrieNode[] children; 48 boolean isWord; 49 String word; 50 51 public TrieNode(){ 52 children = new TrieNode[26]; 53 isWord = false; 54 word = ""; 55 } 56 }