- .py文件:对于开源项目或者源码没那么重要的,直接提供源码,需要使用者自行安装Python并且安装依赖的各种库。(Python官方的各种安装包就是这样做的)。
- .pyc文件:有些公司或个人因为机密或者各种原因,不愿意源码被运行者看到,可以使用pyc文件发布,pyc文件是Python解释器可以识别的二进制码,故发布后也是跨平台的,需要使用者安装相应版本的Python和依赖库。
- 可执行文件:对于一些小白用户,最简单的方式就是提供一个可执行文件,只需要把用法告诉Ta即可。比较麻烦的是需要针对不同平台需要打包不同的可执行文件(Windows,Linux,Mac,...)。
[root@localhost ~]# pip install pyinstaller
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import random import time def enter_stake(current_money): '''输入小于结余的赌资及翻倍率,未考虑输入type错误的情况''' stake = int(input('How much you wanna bet?(such as 1000):')) rate = int(input("What multiplier do you want?你想翻几倍?(such as 2):")) small_compare = current_money < stake * rate while small_compare == True: stake = int(input('You has not so much money ${}!How much you wanna bet?(such as 1000):'.format(stake * rate))) rate = int(input("What multiplier do you want?你想翻几倍?(such as 2):")) small_compare = current_money < stake * rate return stake,rate def roll_dice(times = 3): '''摇骰子''' print('<<<<<<<<<< Roll The Dice! >>>>>>>>>>') points_list = [] while times > 0: number = random.randrange(1,7) points_list.append(number) times -= 1 return points_list def roll_result(total): '''判断是大是小''' is_big = 11 <= total <= 18 is_small = 3 <= total <= 10 if is_small: return 'Small' elif is_big: return 'Big' def settlement(boo,points_list,current_money,stake = 1000,rate = 1): '''结余''' increase = stake * rate if boo: current_money += increase print('The points are ' + str(points_list) + ' .You win!') print('You gained $' + str(increase) + '.You have $' + str(current_money) + ' now.' ) else: current_money -= increase print('The points are ' + str(points_list) + ' .You lose!') print('You lost $' + str(increase) + '.You have $' + str(current_money) + ' now.' ) return current_money def sleep_second(seconds=1): '''休眠''' time.sleep(seconds) def start_game(): '''开始猜大小的游戏''' current_money = 1000 print('You have ${} now.'.format(current_money)) while current_money > 0: print('<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Game Starts! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>') your_choice = input("Big or Small: ") choices = ['Big', 'Small'] if your_choice in choices: stake, rate = enter_stake(current_money) points_list = roll_dice() total = sum(points_list) actual_result = roll_result(total) boo = your_choice == actual_result current_money = settlement(boo,points_list,current_money,stake,rate) else: print('Invalid input!') else: sleep_second() print('Game Over!') sleep_second(2) if __name__ == '__main__': start_game()
E:>pyinstaller -F test.py # 有input函数的时候,就不带-w,不然会报错。 E:>pyinstaller -F -w test.py