cart 手推车,运货马车
a shopping cart.
He drives a cart.
endian 段模式
little endian intel兼容机器
big endian ibm,motorola,sun microsystems的大多数机器(有些兼容的)
cast 转换
featured cast [影]主要演员阵容
cast steel 铸铁
cast seed 播种
cast a plan 制定一项计划
exclusive 排斥的,独家新闻,专用权
exclusive or XOR
~ control 独占地位
~ agent 独家代理
a ~ shop 专卖店
she is really cute.可爱
a cute person . 机敏
that chick is really cute.这小妞真俊
nobody thought it was cute, 没什么意思
panda is kind of cute .可爱
this was a cute strategy .妙计
strategy 兵法,计谋
factorial 阶乘
4 factorial usually written 4!
increase 增加
increase speed 加快速度
increase threefold 增加3倍
increase foreign trade 增加对外贸易
hasty increase 增加过快
fold 倍,折叠
twofold 2倍
fold down 折下
fold back 向后折叠
fold in 折成,对折成
fold a napkin 折叠餐巾
hasty adj 匆忙的,考虑不周的
hasty decision
draw hasty conclusions
hasty love 一见钟情