2014年11月22日 15:53:24
DDL 定义 define
数据库对象 (创建,修改,删除,重命名)
- 表 table
- 视图 view
- 序列 sequence
- 索引 index
- 同义词 synonym
- 数据完整性
- 实体完整性 每行唯一 PK
- 域完整性 合法范围内的值
- 引用完整性 引用的值应与另一关联
- 用户定义完整性 自定义规则 age score
- PK 主键
- FK 外键
- UK 唯一键
- CK 检查
- NN 非空
-- 创建 create
-- 约束 表级、列级
create table bigKind(
bigKIndNo char(3),
bigKindName varchar2(40) not null, -- varchar2(40 byte|char) -- 非空约束列 not null
constraint bigKind_pk_bigKindNo primary key(bigKindNo),
constraint bigKind_UK_bigKindName unique(bigKindName)
create table smallKind(
--smallKindNo char(5) primary key, -- 系统名称
--smallKindName varchar2(50) not null unique
smallKindNo char(5) constraint smallKind_pk_smallkindNo primary key,
smallKindName varchar2(50) constraint namenotNull not null
constraint smallKind_uk_smallkindName unique,
bigKindNo char(3) not null constraint smallKInd_FK_bjgKindNo references bigKind(bigKindNo)
create table smallKind(
smallKindNo char(5),
smallKindName varchar2(50),
bigKindNo char(3) not null,
constraint sk_pk_skno primary key(smallKindNO),
constraint sk_nn_skname check(smallKindName is not null), -- check约束
constraint sk_uk_skname unique(smallkindName),
constraint sk_fk_bk_bkNo foreign key(bigKindNo) references bigKind(bigKindNO)
create table product(
proNo char(10),
proName varchar2(100) not null,
price number(10, 2) not null,
store number not null,
info varchar2(4000),
constraint product_pk_proNo primary key(proNo),
constraint product_ck_price check(price > 0), -- check(列取值范围) not null
constraint product_ck_store check(store >= 0)
-- 修改 alter
alter table product add smallKindNO char(5) not null
constraint pro_fk_smkNo references smallKind(smallKindNo);
alter table product add smallKindNO char(5) not null;
alter table product modify smallKindNo char(10); -- 只可改变长度
-- 修改类型 非空等 drop再add
alter table product modify smallKindNo
constraint pro_fk_smkNo references smallKind(smallKindNo); -- 增加约束
alter table product drop constraint pro_fk_smkNo; -- 去除约束
alter table product enable constraint pro_fk_smkNo; -- 禁用、启用约束 disable enable
alter table product drop column smallKindNo;
-- 去除 drop
drop table bigKind;
drop table smallKind;
-- 重命名 rename
rename sss to ss;
kind 论坛模块 admin
kindNo userName password
post 论坛帖子 Users 用户
postId userId
title userName
content password
postTime timestamp sex info
userId 必须登录发帖
Reply 帖子回复
userId userId定义表忘了定义 加列夹约束 初始设置为not null -> 可登陆也可匿名
-- 系统约束名可至数据字典中查找
user_tables ...
select * from user_constraints where table_name = 'PRODUCT';
ps: 使用modify修改属性类型时,只能修改该类型的长度,不能更变类型,如果要改变类型,需要先删除drop 再添加add
选择某一模块名称 发帖 - 用户登录 用户名
查看帖子 - 帖子编号 对帖子 回复 - 登录|未登录
分页查看 - 按最新帖最前面 帖子编号 帖子标题 发帖者 发帖时间(转换为习惯结构 不需要秒) 回复数
关注前5帖 回帖数
某一回复有问题 删除
某一帖子有严重问题 删除
有部分小问题 修改
--------------- 论坛模块
create table kind (
kindno char(5),
kindname varchar2(40)not null,
constraint kind_PK_kindno primary key (kindno),
constraint kind_UK_kindname unique (kindname)
------------------ 用户表
create table users(
userid char (10),
username varchar2(50) not null,
password number(8,0) not null,
sex varchar2(5)not null,
info varchar2(500) ,
constraint users_PK_userid primary key (userid),
-- constraint users_cK_sex check (sex = '男' || sex = '女')
------------------ 论坛帖子表
create table post(
postID char(20),
title varchar2(50) not null,
content varchar2(500) not null,
postTime date not null,
userId char(10) not null,
kindno char(5)not null,
constraint post_PK_postId primary key (postid),
constraint post_PK_title unique (title),
constraint post_PK_userid foreign key (userid)references users(userid),
constraint post_PK_kindno foreign key (kindno)references kind(kindno)
drop table post;
create table reply(
replyID char(20),
content varchar2(500) not null,
postid char(20)not null,
userid char(10) not null,
constraint reply_PK_replyID primary key (replyID)
-- constraint post_PK_userid foreign key (userid)references users(userid)
drop table reply;
---userId userId定义表忘了定义 加列夹约束
alter table reply modify userid
constraint reply_FK_userid references users(userid);
---初始设置为not null -> 可登陆也可匿名 (如何使用disable禁用not null)
alter table reply drop column userid;
alter table reply add userid char(10)
constraint reply_FK_userid references users(userid);
--- admin
create table admins(
username varchar2(40),
password varchar2(10)not null,
constraint admins_PK_username primary key (username)
drop table admins;
insert into admins values('admin', '123456'); --插入管理员数据
select * from admins where username = 'admin';
select password from admins where password = '123456';
insert into kind values('01','学习');
insert into kind values('02','运动');
insert into kind values('03','社会');
insert into kind values('04','军事');
insert into users values('0001','张三','123456','男','张三,中国人最耳熟能详的名字。');--插入用户数据
insert into users values('0002','李四','1234','女','李四,张三的女朋友。');
--选择某一模块名称 发帖
select userid from users where username = '张三' and password = '123456'; --登录
insert into post values('0001','空指针异常 ','可能: 数据源错误,比如数据库名或IP错误','12-11月-14 下午' ,(select userid from users where username = '张三' and password = '123456') ,'01');
insert into post values('0002','不能执行查询 ','可能: 数据库中表的问题,比如列名不存在 ','12-11月-14 下午' ,(select userid from users where username = '张三' and password = '123456') ,'02');
insert into post values('0003','表名或列名不存在 ','可能:表不存在或者没有插入数据到表中','12-10月-14 下午' ,(select userid from users where username = '张三' and password = '123456') ,'03');
insert into post values('0004','非法表达式开始 ','可能:丢失括号 .','17-01月-14 下午' ,(select userid from users where username = '李四' and password = '1234') ,'04');
insert into post values('0005','找不到符号 ','可能:没导入包','15-11月-14 下午' ,(select userid from users where username = '李四' and password = '1234') ,'03');
select *
from post
where postid = '0001';
insert into reply values('0001','我们要在程序书写过程中尽量解决这个问题','0001','0001');
insert into reply values('0002','一楼说的对!','0001',null);
insert into reply values('0003','一楼说的有问题!','0001','0001');
insert into reply values('0004','三楼说的对!','0001',null);
insert into reply values('0005','这个表真的好烦啊~~!','0002','0002');
insert into reply values('0006','五楼说的对!','0002',null);
insert into reply values('0007','难道一定要这样么','0002','0002');
insert into reply values('0008','七楼你太厉害了!','0003',null);
insert into reply values('0009','我们要在程序书写过程中尽量解决这个问题','0004','0002');
insert into reply values('0010','一楼说的对!','0004',null);
select p.postid as 序号 ,p.title as 标题 , p.content as 内容 , to_char(p.posttime, 'yyyy-mm-dd HH24:mi') as 发帖时间 , u.username as 发帖者 , k.kindname as 板块 ,count(r.postid) as 回复数
from post p , users u ,kind k , reply r
where p.userid = u.userid and k.kindno = p.kindno and r.postid(+) = p.postid
group by p.postid , p.title , p.content , p.posttime , u.username , k.kindname
order by p.posttime asc;
-- 分页数据查询 - rownum as name
--分页查看 - 按最新帖最前面 帖子编号 帖子标题 发帖者 发帖时间(转换为习惯结构 不需要秒) 回复数
select postid as 序号 ,title as 标题 , content as 内容 , to_char(posttime, 'yyyy-mm-dd HH24:mi') as 发帖时间 , username as 发帖者 , kindname as 板块
from(select rownum as num, postid ,title , content , posttime, username , kindname
from(select p.postid , p.title , p.content , p.posttime, u.username , k.kindname
from post p , users u ,kind k
where p.userid = u.userid and k.kindno = p.kindno
order by p.posttime asc))
where num >= 4 and num <= 6;
---关注前5帖 回帖数
select *
from (select p.postid as 序号 ,p.title as 标题 , to_char(p.posttime, 'yyyy-mm-dd HH24:mi') as 发帖时间 , u.username as 发帖者 ,count(r.postid) as 回复数
from post p , users u ,kind k , reply r
where p.userid = u.userid and k.kindno = p.kindno and r.postid(+) = p.postid
group by p.postid , p.title , p.posttime , u.username
order by count(r.postid) desc)
where rownum <=5;
--某一回复有问题 删除
--某一帖子有严重问题 删除
--有部分小问题 修改
delete reply where replyid = '0010';
delete reply where postid = '0004';
delete post where postid = '0004';
select password from users where userid = '0001';
update users set password = '1234567' where userid = '0001';
update users set info = '无个人信息' where userid = '0001';--------------- 论坛模块
create table kind (
kindno char(5),
kindname varchar2(40)not null,
constraint kind_PK_kindno primary key (kindno),
constraint kind_UK_kindname unique (kindname)
------------------ 用户表
create table users(
userid char (10),
username varchar2(50) not null,
password number(8,0) not null,
sex varchar2(5)not null,
info varchar2(500) ,
constraint users_PK_userid primary key (userid),
-- constraint users_cK_sex check (sex = '男' || sex = '女')
------------------ 论坛帖子表
create table post(
postID char(20),
title varchar2(50) not null,
content varchar2(500) not null,
postTime date not null,
userId char(10) not null,
kindno char(5)not null,
constraint post_PK_postId primary key (postid),
constraint post_PK_title unique (title),
constraint post_PK_userid foreign key (userid)references users(userid),
constraint post_PK_kindno foreign key (kindno)references kind(kindno)
drop table post;
create table reply(
replyID char(20),
content varchar2(500) not null,
postid char(20)not null,
userid char(10) not null,
constraint reply_PK_replyID primary key (replyID)
-- constraint post_PK_userid foreign key (userid)references users(userid)
drop table reply;
---userId userId定义表忘了定义 加列夹约束
alter table reply modify userid
constraint reply_FK_userid references users(userid);
---初始设置为not null -> 可登陆也可匿名 (如何使用disable禁用not null)
alter table reply drop column userid;
alter table reply add userid char(10)
constraint reply_FK_userid references users(userid);
--- admin
create table admins(
username varchar2(40),
password varchar2(10)not null,
constraint admins_PK_username primary key (username)
drop table admins;
insert into admins values('admin', '123456'); --插入管理员数据
select * from admins where username = 'admin';
select password from admins where password = '123456';
insert into kind values('01','学习');
insert into kind values('02','运动');
insert into kind values('03','社会');
insert into kind values('04','军事');
insert into users values('0001','张三','123456','男','张三,中国人最耳熟能详的名字。');--插入用户数据
insert into users values('0002','李四','1234','女','李四,张三的女朋友。');
--选择某一模块名称 发帖
select userid from users where username = '张三' and password = '123456'; --登录
insert into post values('0001','空指针异常 ','可能: 数据源错误,比如数据库名或IP错误','12-11月-14 下午' ,(select userid from users where username = '张三' and password = '123456') ,'01');
insert into post values('0002','不能执行查询 ','可能: 数据库中表的问题,比如列名不存在 ','12-11月-14 下午' ,(select userid from users where username = '张三' and password = '123456') ,'02');
insert into post values('0003','表名或列名不存在 ','可能:表不存在或者没有插入数据到表中','12-10月-14 下午' ,(select userid from users where username = '张三' and password = '123456') ,'03');
insert into post values('0004','非法表达式开始 ','可能:丢失括号 .','17-01月-14 下午' ,(select userid from users where username = '李四' and password = '1234') ,'04');
insert into post values('0005','找不到符号 ','可能:没导入包','15-11月-14 下午' ,(select userid from users where username = '李四' and password = '1234') ,'03');
select *
from post
where postid = '0001';
insert into reply values('0001','我们要在程序书写过程中尽量解决这个问题','0001','0001');
insert into reply values('0002','一楼说的对!','0001',null);
insert into reply values('0003','一楼说的有问题!','0001','0001');
insert into reply values('0004','三楼说的对!','0001',null);
insert into reply values('0005','这个表真的好烦啊~~!','0002','0002');
insert into reply values('0006','五楼说的对!','0002',null);
insert into reply values('0007','难道一定要这样么','0002','0002');
insert into reply values('0008','七楼你太厉害了!','0003',null);
insert into reply values('0009','我们要在程序书写过程中尽量解决这个问题','0004','0002');
insert into reply values('0010','一楼说的对!','0004',null);
select p.postid as 序号 ,p.title as 标题 , p.content as 内容 , to_char(p.posttime, 'yyyy-mm-dd HH24:mi') as 发帖时间 , u.username as 发帖者 , k.kindname as 板块 ,count(r.postid) as 回复数
from post p , users u ,kind k , reply r
where p.userid = u.userid and k.kindno = p.kindno and r.postid(+) = p.postid
group by p.postid , p.title , p.content , p.posttime , u.username , k.kindname
order by p.posttime asc;
-- 分页数据查询 - rownum as name
--分页查看 - 按最新帖最前面 帖子编号 帖子标题 发帖者 发帖时间(转换为习惯结构 不需要秒) 回复数
select postid as 序号 ,title as 标题 , content as 内容 , to_char(posttime, 'yyyy-mm-dd HH24:mi') as 发帖时间 , username as 发帖者 , kindname as 板块
from(select rownum as num, postid ,title , content , posttime, username , kindname
from(select p.postid , p.title , p.content , p.posttime, u.username , k.kindname
from post p , users u ,kind k
where p.userid = u.userid and k.kindno = p.kindno
order by p.posttime asc))
where num >= 4 and num <= 6;
---关注前5帖 回帖数
select *
from (select p.postid as 序号 ,p.title as 标题 , to_char(p.posttime, 'yyyy-mm-dd HH24:mi') as 发帖时间 , u.username as 发帖者 ,count(r.postid) as 回复数
from post p , users u ,kind k , reply r
where p.userid = u.userid and k.kindno = p.kindno and r.postid(+) = p.postid
group by p.postid , p.title , p.posttime , u.username
order by count(r.postid) desc)
where rownum <=5;
--某一回复有问题 删除
--某一帖子有严重问题 删除
--有部分小问题 修改
delete reply where replyid = '0010';
delete reply where postid = '0004';
delete post where postid = '0004';
select password from users where userid = '0001';
update users set password = '1234567' where userid = '0001';
update users set info = '无个人信息' where userid = '0001';
- 视图可用来检索表中所选的列.
- 用视图创建简单的查询,可容易地检索需要频繁调看的结果.
- 视图可用来从多个表中检索数据.
- 用户或用户组可根据视图里指定的准则来访问数据
从单个表中导出数据. 简单视图可以进行性DML(增、删、改、查)操作
复杂视图 -- 只读
从多个表导出数据. 复杂视图DML易出错,一般 with read only
- 它从数据字典表里回复视图定义的材料.
- 它检查基表的访问权限.
- 它把在视图上的查询转换为在基表上的等价操作.
CREATE [FORCE|NOFORCE] VIEW view_name [(alias [, alias]…)]
WITH READ ONLY [CONSTRAINT constraint_name]]; -- 创建
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW view_name -- 修改
drop view view_name -- 删除
rename view_name to newview_name -- 重命名
create or replace view chinaUNStudents
as select stuNo, name, sex, age, address from student
where majorno in (select majorno from major
where facultyno in (select facultyno from faculty
where schoolcode = (select schoolcode from school
where schoolname = '中国大学')))
order by score desc;
-- 创建视图
-- select .. from 视图
select * from students;
drop view students;
rename students to chinaUNStudents;
select * from chinaUNStudents;
-- 简单视图 DML
update chinaUNStudents set sex = '女', age = 21 where stuno = 'S0001';
delete from chinaunstudents where stuno = 'S0002';
-- insert into chinaunstudents values('S6736', '周生生', '男', 20, '中国南京'); -- 看视图有无包含基表非空列
-- 外联部 数据 体育部数据 -- 为不同权限定义视图
create or replace view wlbView
as select * from student where unionno = '01'
with read only; -- 只读 无法DML
create or replace view spView
as select * from student where unionno = '03'
with read only;
select * from wlbview;
select * from spview;
-- delete from spview where stuNo = 'S9999';
-- 复杂视图
create or replace view unionStus
as select u.unionno, u.unionname, s.stuno, s.name
from student s, studentunion u
where s.unionno(+) = u.unionno
with read only;
select * from unionstus;
- 是以有序的方式创建唯一整数值的数据库对象。
- 可以用作表的主键或唯一键。
- 可以减少编写序列生成代码所需的应用代码的工作量
- alter 修改时 不能修改 起始值(start with num)
- 使用序列时,就算语句失败,序列取值语言仍然会执
CREATE SEQUENCE sequence_name
START WITH x -- 起始值
[CACHE | NOCACHE]; -- 缓存
create sequence stuSeq
start with 1
increment by 1;
create sequence postSeq
start with 100
increment by 2;
-- 获取序列值
select stuSeq.nextVal from dual; -- 下一个值
select stuSeq.currval from dual;
select postSeq.nextVal from dual;
-- 序列 解释SQL运行出错 也执行一次
insert into student values(lpad(stuSeq.nextVal, 5, '0'), '苦参碱', '', '', '', '', '',
'M0005', '', '', '', '', '');
insert into course values(lpad(stuSeq.nextVal, 3, '0'), 'JavaME', '');
-- 修改
alter sequence postSeq
--start with 300 - wrong
increment by 1;
--minvalue 200 <= 起始值
--maxValue 100 >= 当前值
-- 删除
drop sequence ps;
-- 重命名
rename postSeq to ps;
- 是数据库对象(表、视图和序列)的别名。
- 提供能在查询里被引用的对象的别名。
- 可以为表、视图、序列、过程或任何其他数据库对象创建同义词
create synonym sc for studentCourse;
-- public | [private - 不写] public - DBA
select * from studentCourse;
select * from sc;
drop synonym sc;
- 数据库中有类似于书的包含内容的有序列表的索引。
- 借助于指针提供对表行的快速访问。
- 是一个存储按序排列的数据的一个单独的表。
- 只包含键值字段和一个指向表中行的指针(而不是整个记录)
- 查询执行快。
- 实施数据的唯一性。
- 多表检索数据的过程快。
- 占用磁盘空间。
- 创建索引需要花费时间。
- 延长了数据修改的时间,因为要更新索引。
- 唯一索引
- 非唯一索引
ON Table_Name (column1, column2,);
-- table PK UK 自动加入unique索引
create index stuNameIndex
on student(name);
select name from student where name = '张三三';
- 取值范围很大的列。
- 有很多空值的列。
- 在WHERE子句或联接里使用的列。
- 预期查询返回的行数小于表的总行数的2%。
- drop index stuNameIndex;
2014年11月22日 20:06:16