There is a new alien language which uses the latin alphabet. However, the order among letters are unknown to you. You receive a list of non-empty words from the dictionary, where words are sorted lexicographically by the rules of this new language. Derive the order of letters in this language.
Example 1:
Output: "wertf"
Example 2:
Output: "zx"
Example 3:
Input: [ "z", "x", "z" ] Output:""
Explanation: The order is invalid, so return""
[奇葩corner case]:
相同的c2,只需要存一次(没有就新存 有就不存),反正如果存过 就必须退出了(返回一组即可 不用重复加)
"["za","zb","ca","cb"]" How is this test case handled.
It should give out an empty string as the order can not be decided from the words given. but instead it returns "azbc". 回答:we can only now z-> c and a-> b so 'azbc' is right but right result is not limited to this only one. you can test 'zcab', 'abzc' are will all right as it is topological sort
["z","z"]的度数 = 字符串长度1
//存每个点的入度 Map<char, Integer> degree = new HashMap<>(); //存c1到c2...的对应关系 Map<char, Set<char>> map = new HashMap<>();
[输入量]:空: 正常情况:特大:特小:程序里处理到的特殊情况:异常情况(不合法不合理的输入):
- 出现index[i + 1]时,需要提前备注把上线变为n - 1
- BFS的时候别忘了吧把取出的c1添加到结果中去. 而且必须现有c1的key才能扩展。
c1 c2都要先判断一下有没有,再存
[复杂度]:Time complexity: O(n^2 单词数*字母数) Space complexity: O(n)
[Follow Up]:
[代码风格] :
[是否头一次写此类driver funcion的代码] :
class Solution { public String alienOrder(String[] words) { //ini:HashMap<Char, Integer> degree, store all chars into hashmap, String res //存每个点的入度 Map<Character, Integer> degree = new HashMap<>(); //存c1到c2...的对应关系 Map<Character, Set<Character>> map = new HashMap<>(); String res = ""; for (String word : words) { for (char c : word.toCharArray()) degree.put(c, 0); } //compare and store, n - 1 for (int i = 0; i < words.length - 1; i++) { String cur = words[i]; String next = words[i + 1]; int smallerLen = Math.min(cur.length(), next.length()); for (int j = 0; j < smallerLen; j++) { char c1 = cur.charAt(j); char c2 = next.charAt(j); if (c1 != c2) { //new set Set<Character> set = new HashSet<>(); //contains c1 if (map.containsKey(c1)) set = map.get(c1); //not contain c2 if (!set.contains(c2)) { set.add(c2); map.put(c1, set); degree.put(c2, degree.get(c2) + 1); } break; } } } //bfs, get answer Queue<Character> q = new LinkedList<>(); for (char c : degree.keySet()) { if (degree.get(c) == 0) q.offer(c); } while (!q.isEmpty()) { char c1 = q.remove(); res += c1; if (map.containsKey(c1)) { for (char c2 : map.get(c1)) { degree.put(c2, degree.get(c2) - 1); if (degree.get(c2) == 0) q.offer(c2); } } } //cc at end if (res.length() != degree.size()) return ""; return res; } }