方法1、在不改变表任何结构的情况下,最简单的做法就是在条件后面的字段名或者字段值作为binary()函数的参数即可,如下: select * from `user` where binary `email`='zhang_hao@163.com'; select * from `user` where binary(`email`)='zhang_hao@163.com'; 方法2、建表的时候在字段后面加上binary,或者用alter语句来改变字段类型,只需要加上binary就行 ALTER table `gl_user` modify column `name` varchar(255) binary NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '姓名';
use information_schema; select table_name,table_rows,data_length+index_length as data_size from tables where TABLE_SCHEMA = '数据库名' order by data_size desc,table_rows desc;
SELECT `un`.crid,cr.crname,sum(total) successtotalfee,sum(count) taketimes from ((SELECT crid,sum(total) total,count(1) count from ebh_takes where state=1 AND del=0 group by crid) UNION ALL (SELECT crid,sum(moneyaftertax) total,count(1) count from ebh_jsapplys where paystatus=1 group by crid)) as un left JOIN `ebh_classrooms` cr ON cr.crid=un.crid WHERE `un`.crid in(14339,14338,14337,10606) GROUP BY `un`.crid ORDER BY successtotalfee DESC LIMIT 0, 50
FIND_IN_SET(str,list) 分析逗号分隔的list列表,如果发现str,返回str在list中的位置 POSITION(substr IN str) 返回子串substr在字符串str中第一次出现的位置 等价于LOCATE LOCATE(substr,str) 返回子串substr在字符串str中第一次出现的位置
//participants : 'zhansan@163.com,lisi@qq.com,mazi@126.com'
//tidstr: '85,36,25'
SELECT * from cls_course where find_in_set('gu_yun@qq.com',participants);
SELECT * from ebh_activitys where LOCATE('85',tidstr)>0;
SELECT * from ebh_activitys where POSITION('85' IN tidstr)>0;
replace(field,search,new); 字符串查找替换 UPDATE webinars_course set course_url=replace(course_url,'training/','www/'); //将course_url字段中的training/ 字符串替换为www/
UPDATE user_menu SET order_by=REPLACE(order_by,'0',id); //将order_by字段的0值 全部替换为id字段值
-- 1、根据数字返回判断性别 SELECT u.uid,u.username,CASE u.sex WHEN 0 THEN '男' WHEN 1 THEN '女' ELSE '其他' END sex FROM eb_users u LIMIT 100000; -- 2、按性别和余额区间统计数量和平均值 SELECT count(0) count,if(sex=0,'男','女') sex,avg(balance),(case when balance<1000 then '1000以下' when balance BETWEEN 1000 and 5000 then '1000-5000' else '5000以上' end) as `level` from ebh_users where sex<2 GROUP BY `level`,sex; -- 3、根据条件取不同字段值,并新增字段(新增字段res_type,赋值为1),多字段组合模糊查询 SELECT id,IF(user_name<>'',user_name,account) as `name`,1 as `res_type` FROM `users` WHERE CONCAT(account,user_email) LIKE '%V_gu_liang%'
-- 1、变量设置(适用多条语句操作,有相同值得时候) SET @userId='123466665'; -- 将sql语句查询的结果赋值到变量 SET @userId=(SELECT USER_ID FROM `user` WHERE EMAIL='gu_liang@dahuatech.com'); DELETE FROM `user` WHERE USER_ID=@userId; DELETE FROM `customer` WHERE CUSTOMER_ID=@userId; DELETE FROM `t_customer` WHERE CUSTOMER_ID=@userId;