#pragma once #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cstring> using namespace std; struct CFG_J { string key;//索引 string value;//值 CFG_J *next;//下个结点 }; class Config { private: string file_name;//文件名字 CFG_J * head;//头指针 int cfg_line;//配置行数 int createHead();//创建一个链表头指针 int freeJoin();//释放链表的节点 int inputFile();//内存配置同步配置到文件 int joinHead(string key, string value);//将某个配置加入到链表中 public: Config(string file_name);//构造函数 ~Config();//析构函数 int getLines();//获取配置数量 int setCFG(string key, string value);//设置一个配置 string getCFG(string key);//从内存获取某个配置的值 int getCFG();//从文件获取所有的配置 加载入内存链表 void printCfg();//打印配置链表内容 };
#include "cfg.h" #include <fstream> //构造函数 Config::Config(string file_name) { //定义一个配置文件 this->file_name = file_name; //默认一共0个配置 this->cfg_line = 0; if (createHead() == 0) { //从文件读取全部配置 加入链表 getCFG(); //打印全部配置 //printCfg(); } } //析构函数 Config::~Config() { //释放链表的各个节点 freeJoin(); //释放头节点 if (this->head != NULL) { delete this->head; } } //获取配置的总数 int Config::getLines() { return this->cfg_line; } //设置某个配置项 int Config::setCFG(string key, string value) { int rt = 0; //插入链表 joinHead(key, value); //同步到文件 inputFile(); return rt; } //内存配置同步到文件 int Config::inputFile() { int rt = 1; if (this->head == NULL) { return rt; } //缓存字符串 string st; //定义文件类型 ofstream outfile; //打开文件方式>file_name , ios::out | ios::trunc); // 遍历向文件写入用户输入的数据 CFG_J * p = this->head->next; while (p != NULL) { //定义字符串 st = p->key + "=" + p->value; //写入字符串 outfile << st << endl; //移动指针 p = p->next; } //关闭文件 outfile.close(); return rt; } //获取某项特定配置 string Config::getCFG(string key) { //默认找不到 string rt = "CANNOT FIND THIS CONFIG."; if (this->head == NULL) { return rt; } //遍历抓取配置项 CFG_J *p = this->head->next; while (p != NULL) { if (p-> == 0) { //捕捉到则返回值 rt = p->value; break; } p = p->next; } return rt; } //从文件获取全部的配置 int Config::getCFG() { int rt = 0; //先清空链表 freeJoin(); //配置总数为0 this->cfg_line = 0; //定义缓存字符串变量 string st; string key, value; //定义文件变量 ifstream infile; string::size_type idx; char *p = NULL, *q = NULL; //打开文件>file_name); //遍历直到文件的最后 while (!infile.eof()) { //初始化缓存 st = ""; //取得一行配置 infile >> st; //找不到等号则继续 idx = st.find("="); if (idx == string::npos) { continue; } //截断字符串得到key和value字符串 key = st.substr(0, idx); value = st.substr(idx + 1,st.length()-idx); //插入链表 joinHead(key,value); } //关闭文件 infile.close(); return rt; } //将配置插入内存链表 int Config::joinHead(string key,string value) { int rt = 1; if (this->head == NULL) { rt = 2; return rt; } //定义移动指针 CFG_J * p = this->head; CFG_J * cur = p->next; while (cur != NULL) { //cout << cur->key << " " << key << " " << cur-> << endl; //找到值则直接改变 if (cur-> == 0) { cur->value = value; rt = 0; break; } p = cur; cur = p->next; } //找不到值则再最后插入 if (rt != 0) { CFG_J *q = new CFG_J(); q->key = key; q->value = value; q->next = NULL; p->next = q; //配置数自增 this->cfg_line ++; } return rt; } //释放全部节点(除了头指针) int Config::freeJoin() { int rt = 1; //定义移动指针 CFG_J * p = this->head->next; CFG_J * cur = p; if (p == NULL) { return rt; } //遍历释放内存 while (cur != NULL) { p = cur->next; delete cur; cur = p; } //初始化头指针 this->head->next = NULL; rt = 0; return rt; } //打印所有的配置 void Config::printCfg() { if (this->head == NULL) { return; } //定义移动指针 CFG_J * p = this->head->next; while (p != NULL) { cout << p->key << "=" << p->value << endl; //移动指针 p = p->next; } } //创建配置链表头指针 int Config::createHead() { int rt = 1; CFG_J *p = new CFG_J(); p->key = "headkey"; p->value = "headvalue"; p->next = NULL; this->head = p; rt = 0;//没有问题 return rt; }
#include <iostream> #include "cfg.h" using namespace std; #define FILE_PATH "cfg.txt" int main() { string key; string value; Config cfg(FILE_PATH); /*cout << "Writing to the file" << endl; cout << "Enter your key: "; cin >> key; cout << "Enter your value: "; cin >> value; cfg.setCFG(key,value);*/ cout << cfg.getLines() << endl; cout << "name=" << cfg.getCFG("name") << endl; cout << cfg.getCFG("cxx") << endl; system("pause"); }