--2011.4.8 去除注解 项目用
stand_mat = #()
nostand_mat = #()
map_preparation =#()
material_map_map =#()
fn clmedit_add =
oop_array = selection as array
meditMaterials[1] = oop_array[1].Material
fn or_or num =
if classof $.material == Multimaterial then
shu = meditMaterials[num].materialIDList. count
return shu
return false
fn check_unm =
unm = or_or 1
if unm == undefined then
return false
list_mat = meditMaterials[1].materialIDList
for i in 1 to unm do
if classof meditMaterials[1][list_mat[i]] == Standardmaterial then
append stand_mat list_mat[i]
append nostand_mat list_mat[i]
if nostand_mat.count >0 then
if AboutRollout != undefined then destroydialog AboutRollout
rollout AboutRollout "About"
label lbl5 "选择物体的多维材质中" pos:[10,10]
label lbl3 "有不是标准子材质的材质"
timer tmclose "" interval:2000 active:true
on AboutRollout rbuttonup press do destroydialog AboutRollout ------ 右键进行消除
on tmclose tick do destroydialog AboutRollout --时间按点到消除 给我提供了思路。
)createdialog AboutRollout 200 100 modal:true style:#(#style_border,#style_sysmenu,#style_sunkenedge)
setListenerSel #(0,-1)
for i in nostand_mat do
format "不是标准材质的有: meditMaterials[1][%]\n" i Listener()
fn cle_mat_id_face =
met_obj_face =#()
met_obj_face_id =#()
comparison = stand_mat
for i in comparison do
channel_num = 24
for n in 1 to channel_num do
the_prop = getSubTexmap MeditMaterials[1][i] n
if the_prop != undefined then
if findItem map_preparation i ==0 then
append map_preparation i
for each in comparison do
if findItem map_preparation each ==0 then
append met_obj_face_id each
return met_obj_face_id
fn cle_mat_id_face_add =
clear_array_mat = cle_mat_id_face ()
meditMaterials[1].materialIDList = map_preparation
select_one = $selection [1]
max modify mode
if classof select_one.baseobject== Editable_mesh then
convertTo select_one PolyMeshObject
if classof select_one.baseobject== Editable_Poly then
( --
dat_num = #{}
modPanel.setCurrentObject $.baseObject
subobjectLevel = 4
for i in clear_array_mat do
select_one.EditablePoly.selectByMaterial i
dat_num += polyop.getfaceselection $
polyop.setfaceselection select_one (dat_num )
nodeInvalRect select_one
fn mat_modifiers_mane prefix name_n suffix =
or_or 1
if or_or 1 ==false then return false
list_mat = meditMaterials[1].materialIDList
for i in list_mat do
if name_n=="" then
meditMaterials[1][i].name =prefix + meditMaterials[1][i].name +suffix
meditMaterials[1][i].name =prefix + name_n+i as string +suffix
fn multimaterial_mat nums prefix name_n suffix =
or_or 1
if or_or 1 ==false then return false
if classof meditMaterials[1][nums] ==Standardmaterial then
chenk = getnumsubtexmaps meditMaterials[1][nums]
for each in 1 to chenk do
the_prop = getSubTexmap MeditMaterials[1][nums] each
if the_prop!= undefined then
( --
if name_n== "" then
kl = (getSubTexmap MeditMaterials[1][nums] each ) .name
(getSubTexmap MeditMaterials[1][nums] each ) .name = prefix+ kl+suffix
(getSubTexmap MeditMaterials[1][nums] each ) .name= prefix+ name_n+ nums as string +suffix
)---end fn
fn multimaterial_mat_all prefix name_n suffix =
check_unm ()
mat_array = stand_mat
if mat_array.count == 0 then return false
for i in mat_array do
if classof meditMaterials[1][i] == Standardmaterial then
( --
chenk = getnumsubtexmaps meditMaterials[1][i]
for each in 1 to chenk do
the_prop = getSubTexmap MeditMaterials[1][i] each
if the_prop!= undefined then
( --
if name_n== "" then
kl = (getSubTexmap MeditMaterials[1][i] each ) .name
(getSubTexmap MeditMaterials[1][i] each ) .name = prefix+ kl+suffix
(getSubTexmap MeditMaterials[1][i] each ) .name= prefix+ name_n +each as string +suffix
)---end if the_prop!= undefined then
)---end for each
)---end if
)---end for
)---end fn
fn Fixed_point_color unm cloor_id =
check_unm ()
mat_array = stand_mat
if mat_array.count == 0 then return false
if classof meditMaterials[1][unm] == Standardmaterial then
meditMaterials[1][unm].diffuse =cloor_id
)---end if
-- )---end for
)---end fn
fn dingdianclor objID clort =
check_unm ()
mat_array = stand_mat
if classof meditMaterials[1][objID] == Standardmaterial then
select_one = $selection [1]
max modify mode
if classof select_one.baseobject== Editable_mesh then
-- 转多边行
convertTo select_one PolyMeshObject
dat_num = #()
if classof select_one.baseobject== Editable_Poly then
modPanel.setCurrentObject select_one.baseObject
subobjectLevel = 4
select_one.EditablePoly.selectByMaterial objID
--polyop.getfaceselection 这里用顶点选择、
select_one.EditablePoly.ConvertSelection #Face #Vertex
subobjectLevel = 1
dat_num = polyop.getVertSelection select_one
polyop.setVertColor select_one 0 dat_num clort
)----end if
)-----end fn
tietushouji_map_id =#()
fn Map_collection =
check_unm ()
mat_array = stand_mat
for i in mat_array do
( --
for each in 1 to 24 do --这里其实直接就可以写成24 算法就更快了。 我把 这里的chenk 改成24 了 2011.4.7
the_prop = getSubTexmap MeditMaterials[1][i] each
if the_prop!= undefined then
if findItem tietushouji_map_id i ==0 then
append tietushouji_map_id i
)---end if then_prop
)---end for each
)----end for
return tietushouji_map_id
)----end fn
bmp_zhuan_string =#()
fn map_map_compared =
map_array_com = Map_collection ()
if map_array_com.count ==0 then return false
for i in 1 to map_array_com.count do
linshi_add_array =""
try chenk = getnumsubtexmaps meditMaterials[1][(map_array_com[i])] catch()
for each in 1 to chenk do
the_prop = getSubTexmap MeditMaterials[1][(map_array_com[i])] each
if classof the_prop == Bitmaptexture then
str = the_prop.fileName ---分出来要最后一个。
oop = filterString str "\\" --分组
add_array = oop[(oop.count)]
append linshi_add_array add_array
bmp_zhuan_string[i] = linshi_add_array as string
)--end for
return bmp_zhuan_string
)----end fn
zhuan_string =#()
fn map_compared =
map_array_com = Map_collection ()
if map_array_com.count ==0 then return false
for i in 1 to map_array_com.count do
linshi_add_array =""
try chenk = getnumsubtexmaps meditMaterials[1][(map_array_com[i])] catch()
for each in 1 to chenk do
the_prop = getSubTexmap MeditMaterials[1][(map_array_com[i])] each
the_prop =the_prop as string
append linshi_add_array the_prop
zhuan_string[i] = linshi_add_array as string
)--end for
return zhuan_string
)----end fn
global add_mat_num =#()
add_mat_dao =#()
fn array_mat_compared hanshu =
art_map_ch = hanshu --map_compared()
if art_map_ch == false then return false
if ( art_map_ch.count==0 and art_map_ch.count==1 ) then return false
oop_oo =""
global gt_aryu =#()
global aty_1 =#()
for i in 1 to (art_map_ch.count-1) do
each =i+1 ---自增的比较项。
oop_oo=i as string
for m in each to art_map_ch.count do
-- 比较
if art_map_ch[i] == art_map_ch[m] then
( oop_oo+= "-"+ m as string
if (filterString oop_oo "-" ).count >1 then
add_mat_num[i] = oop_oo
)---end for
if add_mat_num.count <1 then return false
for i in 1 to add_mat_num.count do
if add_mat_num [i] == undefined then
add_mat_num [i] = "undefined"
append gt_aryu (add_mat_num [i] )
)---end if --deleteItem add_mat_num i
for i in add_mat_num do
if findItem gt_aryu i ==0 then append aty_1 i
add_mat_num = aty_1
if add_mat_num.count >1 then
map_ = add_mat_num.count-1
map__= add_mat_num.count
-- print (add_mat_num as string )
for m in 1 to map_ do
ecct= m+1
for each in ecct to map__ do
if( findString add_mat_num[m] add_mat_num[each] != undefined ) then
-- yytadd_mat_dao[m] = add_mat_num[each]
append yytadd_mat_dao add_mat_num[each]
for nu in add_mat_num do
if findItem yytadd_mat_dao nu ==0 then
append xin nu
) ----上面是新算法,还是用的递归。
add_mat_num = xin
return add_mat_num
)---rnd fn
fn gt_selctt =
kol =1
if $selection.count >1 then
if AboutRollout != undefined then destroydialog AboutRollout
rollout AboutRollout "About"
label lbl5 "选择数量大于1 将不执行," pos:[10,10]
label lbl3 "以此提醒。"
timer tmclose "" interval:1000 active:true
on AboutRollout rbuttonup press do destroydialog AboutRollout ------ 右键进行消除
on tmclose tick do destroydialog AboutRollout --时间按点到消除 给我提供了思路。
)createdialog AboutRollout 200 100 modal:true style:#(#style_border,#style_sysmenu,#style_sunkenedge)
return kol
)else ( return kol )
--并且是标准材质的id 。
-- )
try ( destroydialog gt_unnamedRollout) catch ()
rollout gt_unnamedRollout "多维材质工具" 184 height:414
local bm = bitmap 192 48 color:red
button name_but "移除空map通道并选面" pos:[6,3] 166 height:24 toolTip:"清除没有材质的面。"
--imgTag bmp1 "Bitmap" pos:[8,8] 192 height:48 bitmap:bm
edittext nameedt1 "前缀:" pos:[8,47] 160 height:16
edittext nameedt2 "名字:" pos:[8,71] 160 height:16
edittext nameedt3 "后缀:" pos:[8,93] 160 height:16
button matbtn2 "子材质命名" pos:[10,112] 72 height:24 toolTip:"对于多维子材质中标准材质的命名。"
button matbtn3 "子贴图命名" pos:[88,112] 80 height:24 toolTip:"对于多维子材质中标准材质的贴图的命名。"
dropdownList ddl1 "" pos:[16,140] 40 height:10
checkbutton metckb1 "收子材质id" pos:[88,140] 80 height:24 --checked:false
colorPicker cp1 "" pos:[11,185] 32 height:24
dropdownList metddl4 "" pos:[56,187] 56 height:10
checkbutton shoujibtn11 "颜色id" pos:[120,187] 48 height:24 toolTip:"点击按钮在对应\
button btn12 "子固有色" pos:[16,214] 64 height:24 toolTip:"第一步先选择id 指定相应的颜色,对固有色进行更改。"
button btn13 "子顶点色" pos:[104,214] 64 height:24 toolTip:"第一步先选择id 指定相应的颜色,对顶点颜色进行更改\
checkbox myCheckBox "图" pos:[8,385] 40 height:15
listbox lbx2 "子材质同贴图列表:" pos:[6,244] 168 height:6
button btn14 "收集顺序" pos:[8,353] 80 height:24
button btn15 "有map收集" pos:[96,353] 80 height:24
button btn16 "执行" pos:[96,385] 80 height:24 toolTip:" 执行\
label lab1 "号数:--" pos:[48,387] 42 height:13
GroupBox grp1 "命名:" pos:[4,28] 174 height:140
GroupBox grp2 "ID操作" pos:[3,168] 174 height:73
on lbx2 selected arg do ---这里是临时不上,非常方便。
lab1.text = arg as string +"号"
on name_but pressed do with undo on
gt_oo = gt_selctt()
if gt_oo ==2 then return false ---看来我要到处用到这两句了。
cle_mat_id_face_add ()
on matbtn2 pressed do with undo on
gt_oo = gt_selctt()
if gt_oo ==2 then return false ---看来我要到处用到这两句了。
mat_modifiers_mane nameedt1.text nameedt2.text nameedt3.text
-- stand_mat
on metckb1 changed state do
gt_oo = gt_selctt()
if gt_oo ==2 then return false ---看来我要到处用到这两句了。
if state==true then
lingshi =#()
if stand_mat.count<1 then return false
for i in 1 to stand_mat.count do
date_state =((stand_mat[i]) as string )
append lingshi date_state
gt_unnamedRollout.ddl1.items = lingshi
gt_unnamedRollout.ddl1.items =#()
)---end else
)---end on
on shoujibtn11 changed state do
gt_oo = gt_selctt()
if gt_oo ==2 then return false ---看来我要到处用到这两句了。
if state==true then
lingshi =#()
if stand_mat.count<1 then return false
for i in 1 to stand_mat.count do
date_state =((stand_mat[i]) as string )
append lingshi date_state
gt_unnamedRollout.metddl4.items = lingshi
gt_unnamedRollout.metddl4.items =#()
)---end else
)---end on
-- 下面就是多维材质的,单独指导与多选的操作。
on matbtn3 pressed do with undo on
gt_oo = gt_selctt()
if gt_oo ==2 then return false ---看来我要到处用到这两句了。
if metckb1.checked ==true and gt_unnamedRollout.ddl1.selected != undefined then
date_h =gt_unnamedRollout.ddl1.selected as integer
multimaterial_mat date_h nameedt1.text nameedt2.text nameedt3.text
)---end if
multimaterial_mat_all nameedt1.text nameedt2.text nameedt3.text
)---end else
)---end pressed
on btn12 pressed do with undo on
gt_oo = gt_selctt()
if gt_oo ==2 then return false ---看来我要到处用到这两句了。
if shoujibtn11.checked ==true and gt_unnamedRollout.metddl4.selected != undefined then
clor = gt_unnamedRollout.cp1.color
date_h =gt_unnamedRollout.metddl4.selected as integer
Fixed_point_color date_h clor
)---end if
)---end on
on btn13 pressed do with undo on
gt_oo = gt_selctt()
if gt_oo ==2 then return false ---看来我要到处用到这两句了。
-- cle_mat_id_face()
if shoujibtn11.checked ==true and gt_unnamedRollout.metddl4.selected != undefined then
clor = gt_unnamedRollout.cp1.color
date_h =gt_unnamedRollout.metddl4.selected as integer
dingdianclor date_h clor
)---end if
)---end on
on btn14 pressed do with undo on
gt_oo = gt_selctt()
if gt_oo ==2 then return false ---看来我要到处用到这两句了。
if gt_unnamedRollout.myCheckBox.checked ==false then
stand_mat = #()
nostand_mat = #()
map_preparation =#()
material_map_map =#()
tietushouji_map_id =#()
zhuan_string =#()
add_mat_num =#()
add_mat_dao =#()
date_gt = array_mat_compared (map_compared()) --其实在里面已经运行了 Map_collection() 上面不用也行 这样只会增加计算量
--其实最节约时间的不是这些算多少遍 而是我们要用什么样的算法。
if date_gt == false then
gt_unnamedRollout.lbx2.items = #()
gt_unnamedRollout.lbx2.items = date_gt
) else
stand_mat = #()
nostand_mat = #()
map_preparation =#()
material_map_map =#()
tietushouji_map_id =#()
zhuan_string =#()
add_mat_num =#()
add_mat_dao =#()
check_unm () -- 这个其实没有必要要。 应为在下面的函数中我已经有了相关的操作。2011.4.7
kkl = map_map_compared()
date_gt = array_mat_compared (kkl) --其实在里面已经运行了 Map_collection() 上面不用也行 这样只会增加计算量
--其实最节约时间的不是这些算多少遍 而是我们要用什么样的算法。
if date_gt == false then
gt_unnamedRollout.lbx2.items = #()
gt_unnamedRollout.lbx2.items = date_gt
)----end checks
)---end pressed
on btn15 pressed do with undo on
gt_oo = gt_selctt()
if gt_oo ==2 then return false ---看来我要到处用到这两句了。
stand_mat = #()
nostand_mat = #()
map_preparation =#()
material_map_map =#()
tietushouji_map_id =#()
zhuan_string =#()
add_mat_num =#()
check_unm ()
lingshi =#()
date_gt= Map_collection()
if date_gt.count<1 then return false
for i in 1 to date_gt.count do
date_state =((date_gt[i]) as string )
append lingshi date_state
gt_unnamedRollout.lbx2.items =lingshi
)---end on
on btn16 pressed do --with undo on 不知道为甚不能用undo
try (gt_oo = gt_selctt()
if gt_oo ==2 then return false ---看来我要到处用到这两句了。
)catch ()
-- if myCheckBox.checked ==false then
obj_id =#()--把字符串转成 数组数组。
if (gt_unnamedRollout.lbx2.selected != undefined )then
gt_date =gt_unnamedRollout.lbx2.selected
if (filterString gt_date "-" ).count >1 then
uiop =filterString gt_date "-"
for i in uiop do
ui = i as integer -- 转成整数
append obj_id ui
)---end for
messageBox "请用**收集顺序**" title:"盖天编写"
return false
stand_mat = #()
nostand_mat = #()
map_preparation =#()
material_map_map =#()
tietushouji_map_id =#()
zhuan_string =#()
add_mat_num =#()
list_matsrray =#()
global list_matsrrayone =#()
check_unm ()
lingshi =#()
date_gt= Map_collection()
gt_zhenzheng_date =#()
for i in obj_id do
append gt_zhenzheng_date date_gt [i]
gt_int_num = gt_zhenzheng_date[1]
select_one = selection as array
select_one =select_one[1]
max modify mode
-- 先判断 Editable_mesh 装ploy 是ploy在往下进行处理。
if classof select_one.baseobject== Editable_mesh then
-- 转多边行
macros.run "Modifier Stack" "Convert_to_Poly"
-- convertTo select_one PolyMeshObject
)else (print "no ploy")
if classof select_one.baseobject== Editable_Poly then
dat_num = #{}
modPanel.setCurrentObject $.baseObject
subobjectLevel = 4
for i in gt_zhenzheng_date do
select_one.EditablePoly.selectByMaterial i
dat_num += polyop.getfaceselection $
polyop.setfaceselection select_one (dat_num )
nodeInvalRect select_one
try (select_one.EditablePoly.setMaterialIndex gt_zhenzheng_date[1] 1 )catch ()
subobjectLevel = 0
)else (print "no execution ")
list_mat = meditMaterials[1].materialIDList
for i in 2 to gt_zhenzheng_date.count do
if findItem list_mat gt_zhenzheng_date[i] != 0 then
append list_matsrray gt_zhenzheng_date[i]
-- print list_matsrray
)----end for
print ( list_matsrray as string)
for m in list_mat do
if findItem list_matsrray m ==0 then
append list_matsrrayone m
)---end if
)---end for
paichuwannan =#()
for ru in list_mat do
if findItem list_matsrrayone ru ==0 then
append paichuwannan ru
for i in paichuwannan do
meditMaterials[1][i] =Standardmaterial ()
meditMaterials[1].materialIDList =list_matsrrayone
)else (print "")
) ----end pressed
on gt_unnamedRollout open do
for i in gt_unnamedRollout.controls do
i.enabled =false
Callbacks.AddScript #SelectionSetChanged "Fn_CallBack_duoweicazhi()" ID:#gt_mat_met
)---end on
on gt_unnamedRollout close do
callbacks.removescripts #selectionSetChanged ID:#gt_mat_met
)---end on
createDialog gt_unnamedRollout
callbacks.removescripts #selectionSetChanged ID:#gt_mat_met
fn Fn_CallBack_duoweicazhi =
TheSelection = Selection as array
if $== undefined then
for i in gt_unnamedRollout.controls do
i.enabled =false
if (classof TheSelection[1].Material) == Multimaterial then
for i in gt_unnamedRollout.controls do
i.enabled =true
for i in gt_unnamedRollout.controls do
i.enabled =false
) --end else
)---end else
Callbacks.AddScript #SelectionSetChanged "Fn_CallBack_duoweicazhi()" ID:#gt_mat_met