if [[ $# -eq 0 ]] ; then echo 'please tell me the device to resize as the first parameter, like /dev/sda' exit 1 fi if [[ $# -eq 1 ]] ; then echo 'please tell me the partition number to resize as the second parameter, like 1 in case you mean /dev/sda1 or 4, if you mean /dev/sda2' exit 1 fi DEVICE=$1 PARTNR=$2 APPLY=$3 fdisk -l $DEVICE$PARTNR >> /dev/null 2>&1 || (echo "could not find device $DEVICE$PARTNR - please check the name" && exit 1) CURRENTSIZEB=`fdisk -l $DEVICE$PARTNR | grep "Disk $DEVICE$PARTNR" | cut -d' ' -f5` CURRENTSIZE=`expr $CURRENTSIZEB / 1024 / 1024` # So get the disk-informations of our device in question printf %s\\n 'unit MB print list' | parted | grep "Disk /dev/sda we use printf %s\\n 'unit MB print list' to ensure the units are displayed as MB, since otherwise it will vary by disk size ( MB, G, T ) and there is no better way to do this with parted 3 or 4 yet # then use the 3rd column of the output (disk size) cut -d' ' -f3 (divided by space) # and finally cut off the unit 'MB' with blanc using tr -d MB MAXSIZEMB=`printf %s\\n 'unit MB print list' | parted | grep "Disk ${DEVICE}" | cut -d' ' -f3 | tr -d MB` echo "[ok] would/will resize to from ${CURRENTSIZE}MB to ${MAXSIZEMB}MB " if [[ "$APPLY" == "apply" ]] ; then echo "[ok] applying resize operation.." parted ${DEVICE} resizepart ${PARTNR} ${MAXSIZEMB} echo "[done]" else echo "[WARNING]!: Sandbox mode, i did not size!. Use 'apply' as the 3d parameter to apply the changes" fi
沙箱模式,用于预览可能发生的变化:./resize.sh /dev/sda 1
如果确认没问题,可以使用:./resize.sh /dev/sda 1 apply
扩展空间成功后,只是分区变大了,文件系统还是原来的大小,就是通过df命令看,还是32G,这时候,需要使用resize2fs指令:resize2fs /dev/sda1
执行完后,再用df -h查看,空间已经变大了。