1 Gemfile中增加
gem 'carrierwave-qiniu'
gem 'qiniu-rs'
2 增加文件 config文件下qiniu-rs.rb
Qiniu::RS.establish_connection! :access_key => 'key',
:secret_key => 'key'
3 avatar_upload.rb中
storage :file 改为 storage :qiniu
4 carrierwave.rb文件中增加
config.storage = :qiniu
config.qiniu_access_key = "key"
config.qiniu_secret_key = "key"
config.qiniu_bucket = " "
config.qiniu_bucket_domain = " "
config.qiniu_block_size = 4*1024*1024
config.qiniu_protocal = "http"
参考 https://github.com/huobazi/carrierwave-qiniu
接下来就是task 文件了
require 'rake' namespace :utils do desc "Deploy all picture in local to QiuNiuCloud" task :deploy_picture_to_qiniu => :environment do @coy = Company.all @tech = Technician.all @ve = Venue.all @sm = ServiceMenu.all @pic = Pic.all modified_by_shell upload_to_qiniu(@coy,1) upload_to_qiniu(@tech,1) upload_to_qiniu(@ve,1) upload_to_qiniu(@sm,1) upload_to_qiniu(@pic,2) end desc "update_gemfile" task :update_gemfile => :environment do url = Rails.root.to_s+"/Gemfile" context = "gem "qiniu-rs" \n gem "carrierwave-qiniu"" #\转义符号 `sed -i '4 i #{context}' #{url}` #ruby中用``执行shell脚本 end end def upload_to_qiniu(ava,a) case a when 1 if !ava.nil? ava.each do |t| if t.avatar.url.nil? puts "avatar is nil" else puts t.avatar.current_path if FileTest::exist?(t.avatar.current_path) t.avatar = File.open(t.avatar.current_path) t.save! puts "upload is success to qiniu" puts "qiniu address #{t.avatar.url}" else puts "file is not exist" end end end end when 2 if !ava.nil? ava.each do |t| if t.photo.url.nil? puts "photo is nil" else puts t.photo.current_path if FileTest::exist?(t.photo.current_path) t.photo = File.open(t.photo.current_path) t.save! puts "upload is success to qiniu" puts "qiniu address #{t.photo.url}" else puts "file is exist" end end end end end end def modified_by_shell url = Rails.root.to_s+"/app/uploaders/avatar_uploader.rb" `sed -i 's/storage :file/storage :qiniu/g' #{url}` url = Rails.root.to_s+"/app/uploaders/photo_uploader.rb" `sed -i 's/storage :file/storage :qiniu/g' #{url}` url = Rails.root.to_s+"/config/initializers/carrierwave.rb" con = IO.read(url) if con.include?("qiniu") puts "carrierwave.rb already update" else context = "config.storage = :qiniu\nconfig.qiniu_access_key = "93vlzlK9UlO6UhZaVlrZ4RyVanIv5f1meAX_ofK2"\nconfig.qiniu_secret_key = "7UGe9arh_jrxTQGa1WLba3D8xDZ-FbXOJSVYAJt7"\nconfig.qiniu_bucket = "xiadan"\nconfig.qiniu_bucket_domain = "xiaddan.qiniudn.com"\nconfig.qiniu_block_size = 4*1024*1024\nconfig.qiniu_protocal = "http"" `sed -i '12 i #{context}' #{url}` end url = Rails.root.to_s+"/config/qiniu-rs.rb" context = "Qiniu::RS.establish_connection! :access_key => '93vlzlK9UlO6UhZaVlrZ4RyVanIv5f1meAX_ofK2', :secret_key => '7UGe9arh_jrxTQGa1WLba3D8xDZ-FbXOJSVYAJt7'" if !FileTest::exist?(url) `touch #{url}` file = File.open("#{url}","w") file.puts context file.close else puts "qiniu-rs.rb file is exist" end end