with ListView1 do begin GroupView := True; GroupHeaderImages := ImageList1; with Groups.Add do begin Header := 'Group1'; Footer := 'This is group0''s footer'; GroupID := 0; State := [lgsNormal,lgsCollapsible]; HeaderAlign := taLeftJustify; FooterAlign := taLeftJustify; Subtitle := 'This is group0''s subtitle' ; TitleImage := ImageList1.Count - 1; end; with Groups.Add do begin Header := 'Group2'; Footer := 'This is group1''s footer'; GroupID := 1; State := [lgsNormal,lgsCollapsible]; HeaderAlign := taLeftJustify; FooterAlign := taLeftJustify; Subtitle := 'This is group1''s subtitle' ; TitleImage := ImageList1.Count - 2; end; LargeImages := ImageList1; for i := 0 to ImageList1.Count - 3 do begin with Items.Add do begin ImageIndex := i; GroupID := i div 4; Caption := Format('Group:%d ImageIndex: %d',[GroupID,i]) ; end; end; end; end;