Given an integer n, generate a square matrix filled with elements from 1 to n2 in spiral order.
For example,
Given n =
You should return the following matrix:Given n =
,[» Solve this problem
[ 1, 2, 3 ],
[ 8, 9, 4 ],
[ 7, 6, 5 ]
与Spriral Matrix(类似,区别在于一个用递归来剥皮,一个用递归来构造。Code可以复用。
红色部分为改动部分。可以看出来,与Spriral Matrix的code相比,改动非常小。
1: vector<vector<int> > generateMatrix(int n) {
2: vector<vector<int>> matrix(n);
3: for(int i =0; i< n; i++)
4: {
5: matrix[i].resize(n);
6: }
7: generate_order(matrix, 0, n, 0, n, 1);
8: return matrix;
9: }
10: void generate_order(
11: vector<vector<int> > &matrix,
12: int row_s, int row_len,
13: int col_s, int col_len,
14:int val
15: {
16: if(row_len<=0 || col_len <=0) return;
17: if(row_len ==1)
18: {
19: for(int i =col_s; i< col_s+col_len; i++)
20:matrix[row_s][i] = val++;
21: return;
22: }
23: if(col_len ==1)
24: {
25: for(int i =row_s; i<row_s + row_len; i++)
26:matrix[i][col_s] = val++;
27: return;
28: }
29: for(int i =col_s; i<col_s+col_len-1; i++) //up
30:matrix[row_s][i] = val++;
31: for(int i =row_s; i<row_s+row_len-1; i++) //right
32:matrix[i][col_s+col_len-1] = val++;
33: for(int i =col_s; i<col_s+col_len-1; i++) //bottom
34:matrix[row_s+row_len-1][2*col_s+ col_len-1 -i] = val++;
35: for(int i =row_s; i<row_s+row_len-1; i++) //left
36:matrix[2*row_s+row_len-1-i][col_s] = val++;
37: generate_order(matrix, row_s+1, row_len-2, col_s+1, col_len-2,val
38: }